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FarNet is the Far Manager platform for .NET modules and scripting in PowerShell, F#, JavaScript.
Far Manager is a file manager for Microsoft Windows. In addition to file system tools it provides the console command line, file viewer, and text editor with syntax highlighting.
Far Manager is also the platform for numerous plugins. Plugins may be created using its C and Pascal API or using wrappers for other languages.
FarNet is such a wrapper. It provides the object oriented .NET API and the runtime infrastructure for FarNet modules.
Major modules:
- PowerShellFar implements the PowerShell Core host and turns Far Manager into the unique console based integrated scripting environment.
- FSharpFar provides the complete F# scripting tool set portable with Far Manager. F# scripts may run in Far Manager and use FarNet API or without Far Manager by the included fsx.exe tool.
- JavaScriptFar runs JavaScript scripts in .NET with FarNet API for Far Manager. The module is built with Microsoft ClearScript and Google V8 JavaScript engine.
Programming framework and modules
- FarNet - Far Manager .NET API and platform for modules
- PowerShellFar - PowerShell Core host, scripts, modules (1)
- FSharpFar - F# interactive, scripting, and editor services (2)
- JavaScriptFar - scripting in JavaScript with V8 engine
Utility modules
- GitKit - Uses LibGit2Sharp for git panels and operations
- JsonKit - JSON file browser and helpers
RedisKit - Uses
for Redis panels and operations - EditorKit - Uses EditorConfig files for editor configuration
- FolderChart - Folder item sizes in a chart with some interaction
- RightControl - Makes editor actions to work like in other editors
- RightWords - Spell-checker in editors and editor controls
- Vessel - Smart history of files and folders
- CopyColor - Copy text with syntax highlighting to clipboard
- Drawer - Editor color drawers
Common libraries
- FarNet.ScottPlot - ScottPlot for .NET modules and scripts in PowerShell, JavaScript, F#
- FarNet.Redis - StackExchange.Redis PowerShell module and FarNet library
- FarNet.SQLite - System.Data.SQLite package for FarNet and PowerShell
(1) PowerShell modules
- FarDescription - Descriptions of files and directories
- FarLite - LiteDB browser
- FarMongo - MongoDB browser
- FarNet.Redis - StackExchange.Redis PowerShell module and FarNet library
- FarNet.SQLite - System.Data.SQLite package for FarNet and PowerShell
- FarNet.Stateless - Stateless library interactive helpers
- (Deprecated) FarGit - Old script module replaced by GitKit
(2) FSharpFar libraries
- FarNet.FSharp.Charting - FarNet friendly FSharp.Charting extension
- FarNet.FSharp.Data - FSharp.Data package for FarNet.FSharpFar
- FarNet.FSharp.PowerShell - F# friendly PowerShell extension
- FarNet.FSharp.Unquote - Unquote package for FarNet.FSharpFar
Scripting in Python
- IronPythonFar - prototype module for Python
HelpDown - tools for composing Far Manager help in markdown
- HtmlToFarHelp - Converts HTML files to Far Manager HLF files
For building FarNet on your own
- CopyColor
- Drawer
- EditorKit
- FarLite
- FarMongo
- FolderChart
- FSharpFar
- GitKit
- JavaScriptFar
- JsonKit
- PowerShellFar
- RedisKit
- RightControl
- RightWords
- Vessel
F# Libraries