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quantized int8 inference

nihuini edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 1 revision

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convert caffe model to ncnn quantized int8 model

the offline way, reduce model binary size down to 25%

sample model binary size
squeezenet.bin 4.7M
squeezenet-int8.bin 1.2M
mobilenet_ssd_voc.bin 22.1M
mobilenet_ssd_voc-int8.bin 5.6M
./caffe2ncnn resnet.prototxt resnet.caffemodel resnet-int8.param resnet-int8.bin 256 resnet.table

the runtime way, no model binary reduction

./caffe2ncnn resnet.prototxt resnet.caffemodel resnet-fp32-int8.param resnet-fp32-int8.bin 0 resnet.table

use ncnn int8 inference

the ncnn library would use int8 inference automatically, nothing changed in your code

ncnn::Net resnet;

turn off int8 inference, the runtime model only

ncnn::Net resnet;
resnet.use_int8_inference = 0;// set the switch before loading, force int8 inference off

mixed precision inference

before converting your model files, delete the layer weight scale line in table file, and that layer will do the float32 inference

conv1_param_0 156.639840536