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Future goals

Joko edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 11 revisions

LAMBS Danger FSM - design and release plans

Here is a list of short and long term goals as they relate to the mod. Things marked WISHLIST are currently outside the scope of my own abilities.

Long term wishes and plans

1. Add and expand custom behavior for RECON, BANDIT and INSURGENT troops.

  • Recon troops, always prefer hiding or escaping as a 'group action'
  • Bandits, rush towards enemy in a drugged out stupor as a 'group action'
  • Insurgents, may hide or collect weapons or vests based on distance to nearest enemy and house.

2. Add custom dangerFormation for vehicle crew and pilots

  • Customised formations behaviour suitable for appropriate vehicles
  • Counter measures or 'dodging' or 'jinking' suitable for class of vehicles
  • Custom out-of vehicle combat behaviour-- hiding in bushes or running away

3. Explore adding FSM improvements to driving AI for ground crew [WISHLIST]

  • As a subset of the custom formation.fsm
  • Change how vehicles keep in formation (this may come at the cost of ground crew being able to take cover!)
  • Extra checks for crashing for these vehicles?

4. Animations for panic state [WISHLIST]

  • Four variants
  • Standing (hands protecting head)
  • Standing severe (crouched down -- hands protecting head)
  • Prone (weapon set aside; hands protecting head)
  • Prone severe (hands protecting head -- longer lasting)