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Creating a MockNeat object

Andrei Ciobanu edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 6 revisions

Important Note: The library the documentation has moved to The information found on this wiki is quite outdated. Please check the new site.

MockNeat is the main class of the library and the source of all evil.

To obtain a MockNeat instance:

  • Re-use the default instance of a MockNeat class that internally uses a ThreadLocalRandom implementation from the Java library.
MockNeat mock = MockNeat.threadLocal();
  • Re-use the default instance of a MockNeat class that internally uses a SecureRandom implementation from the Java library.
MockNeat mock =;
  • Re-use the default instance of a MockNeat class that internally uses the old Random class from the Java library.
MockNeat mock = MockNeat.old();
  • Call the constructor:
Long seed = 123l;
MockNeat mock = new MockNeat(RandomType.SECURE, seed);

RandomType.SECURE is the only type that supports seeding.

If you try to create a MockNeat object of other type (eg.: RandomType.THREAD_LOCAL) an exception will be thrown:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.setSeed(
	at net.andreinc.mockneat.MockNeat.<init>(
	at net.andreinc.mockneat.examples.Secure.main(