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Andrei Ciobanu edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 6 revisions

Important Note: The library the documentation has moved to The information found on this wiki is quite outdated. Please check the new site.


The MockUnitInt interface extends MockUnit<Integer>.

public interface `MockUnitInt` extends MockUnit<Integer>

This means that it "inherits" all the methods from MockUnit<Integer>

The easiest way to obtain a MockUnitInt is to call the ints() method from MockNeat or to call the mapToInt() method.

Methods that are particular to MockUnitInt:

Method Description
arrayPrimitive() Generates a MockUnit<int[]> from a MockUnitInt.
array() Generates a MockUnit<Integer[]> from a MockUnitInt.
intStream() Generates a MockUnit<IntStream> from a MockUnitInt.


The method is used to generate a MockUnit<Integer[]> from a MockUnitInt.

Compared to the array() method from MockUnit<T> there's no reason to specify the type of the array. We know it's Integer[].

Example for creating an array of 100 random Integers, with values between [1000, 2000):

Integer[] array = mock.ints()
                      .range(1000, 2000)


This method is used to generate a MockUnit<int[]> from a MockUnitInt.

Example for creating a primitive array of 100 random integers, with values between [1000, 2000):

int[] array = mock.ints()
                  .range(1000, 200)


Can be used to obtain a more specific IntStream instead of a Stream<Integer>, which normally can be obtain with the stream() from MockUnit<Integer>.