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02 25 check in

f6zhang edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 2 revisions
Report Name Report Date Participant What did you get done since last report? What's plan to get done before the next report? Any blockers?
Daily Standup 25-Feb Steven Steiner Worked on the demo branch for the video, and did the demo video with Nicole. Going to review repo issues, and get testing started. No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Richard Duong No Answer Hoping to make test for toggle and local storage over the weekend No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Michael Donaldson Have not done anything since last report, have been busy with other classes Plan on finishing assignments for other classes, but for future reports, will get more progress done on side bar and other issues that need work done, as well as getting more ADRs done No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Nicole Trappe Went through the status of our halfway point in Sprint #2. Went over major areas of improvement (coding standards, lambda functions, this, testing, doing checkins, updating Issues). Discussed some of the features we'll be adding in the next week of this sprint. Did the Team Video with Steven and set up a PR to integrate dark mode timer with Main so others can work off of that. TESTING! Also update icons for setting & info (and add text). Change colors of labels for short/long break. Add CSS for toggle switch. No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Bryant Shao Not much concrete stuff, but spent time thinking out UI tests/getting rid of trivial test ideas Clean up Cypress branch and continue writing UI tests Waiting on Steven to clean up Cypress branch
Daily Standup 25-Feb Zilu Zhu got volume slider working, added more documentation, updated code to work with the methods given No Answer No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Felix Zhang Gamification part. I am working on implementing a game during the break. Finish gamification part. As well as working on implementing the button effects and fade/transition. Also work on Testing. Waiting for main to be merged to have basic features to work on.
Daily Standup 25-Feb Brandon Liu Worked on some functionality of the sidebar Probably not much, I have to complete some stuff for other classes, so most work will be done over the weekend No Answer
Daily Standup 25-Feb Vy Truong Incorporate the feedback from PR review to the code base. Share with the Settings team the code for the lightbox background Add responsive feature to the components. Continuously update Issue and backlog. Time management!
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