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Refactor Build's related stuff #2066

1 commit merged into from Apr 18, 2019
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299 changes: 240 additions & 59 deletions src/
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@@ -1,65 +1,49 @@
open! Stdune
open Import

module Repr = struct
type ('a, 'b) t =
| Arr : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Targets : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Compose : ('a, 'b) t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
| First : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'c) t
| Second : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c * 'a, 'c * 'b) t
| Split : ('a, 'b) t * ('c, 'd) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'd) t
| Fanout : ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c) t
| Paths_for_rule : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Paths_glob : File_selector.t -> ('a, Path.Set.t) t
(* The reference gets decided in Build_interpret.deps *)
| If_file_exists : Path.t * ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state ref -> ('a, 'b) t
| Contents : Path.t -> ('a, string) t
| Lines_of : Path.t -> ('a, string list) t
| Dyn_paths : ('a, Path.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Dyn_deps : ('a, Dep.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Record_lib_deps : Lib_deps_info.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Fail : fail -> (_, _) t
| Memo : 'a memo -> (unit, 'a) t
| Catch : ('a, 'b) t * (exn -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Lazy_no_targets : ('a, 'b) t Lazy.t -> ('a, 'b) t
| Deps : Dep.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t

and 'a memo =
{ name : string
; t : (unit, 'a) t
; mutable state : 'a memo_state

and 'a memo_state =
| Unevaluated
| Evaluating
| Evaluated of 'a * Dep.Set.t

and ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state =
| Undecided of ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
| Decided of bool * ('a, 'b) t

and glob_state =
| G_unevaluated of Loc.t * Path.t * Path.t Predicate.t
| G_evaluated of Path.Set.t

let get_if_file_exists_exn state =
match !state with
| Decided (_, t) -> t
| Undecided _ ->
Exn.code_error "Build.get_if_file_exists_exn: got undecided" []

let get_glob_result_exn state =
match !state with
| G_evaluated l -> l
| G_unevaluated (loc, path, _) ->
Exn.code_error "Build.get_glob_result_exn: got unevaluated"
[ "loc", Loc.to_sexp loc
; "path", Path.to_sexp path ]
include Repr
let repr t = t
type ('a, 'b) t =
| Arr : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Targets : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Compose : ('a, 'b) t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
| First : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'c) t
| Second : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c * 'a, 'c * 'b) t
| Split : ('a, 'b) t * ('c, 'd) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'd) t
| Fanout : ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c) t
| Paths_for_rule : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Paths_glob : File_selector.t -> ('a, Path.Set.t) t
(* The reference gets decided in Build_interpret.deps *)
| If_file_exists : Path.t * ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state ref -> ('a, 'b) t
| Contents : Path.t -> ('a, string) t
| Lines_of : Path.t -> ('a, string list) t
| Dyn_paths : ('a, Path.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Dyn_deps : ('a, Dep.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Record_lib_deps : Lib_deps_info.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Fail : fail -> (_, _) t
| Memo : 'a memo -> (unit, 'a) t
| Catch : ('a, 'b) t * (exn -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Lazy_no_targets : ('a, 'b) t Lazy.t -> ('a, 'b) t
| Deps : Dep.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t

and 'a memo =
{ name : string
; t : (unit, 'a) t
; mutable state : 'a memo_state

and 'a memo_state =
| Unevaluated
| Evaluating
| Evaluated of 'a * Dep.Set.t

and ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state =
| Undecided of ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
| Decided of bool * ('a, 'b) t

let get_if_file_exists_exn state =
match !state with
| Decided (_, t) -> t
| Undecided _ ->
Exn.code_error "Build.get_if_file_exists_exn: got undecided" []

let arr f = Arr f
let return x = Arr (fun _ -> x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,3 +252,200 @@ let merge_files_dyn ~target =
>>^ (fun (sources, extras) ->
Action.Merge_files_into (sources, extras, target))
>>> action_dyn ~targets:[target] ()

(* Analysis *)

let no_targets_allowed () =
Exn.code_error "No targets allowed under a [Build.lazy_no_targets] \
or [Build.if_file_exists]" []
[@@inline never]

let static_deps t ~all_targets =
let rec loop : type a b. (a, b) t -> Static_deps.t -> bool -> Static_deps.t
= fun t acc targets_allowed ->
match t with
| Arr _ -> acc
| Targets _ -> if not targets_allowed then no_targets_allowed (); acc
| Compose (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc targets_allowed) targets_allowed
| First t -> loop t acc targets_allowed
| Second t -> loop t acc targets_allowed
| Split (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc targets_allowed) targets_allowed
| Fanout (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc targets_allowed) targets_allowed
| Deps deps ->
Static_deps.add_action_deps acc deps
| Paths_for_rule fns ->
Static_deps.add_rule_paths acc fns
| Paths_glob g ->
Static_deps.add_action_dep acc (Dep.glob g)
| If_file_exists (p, state) -> begin
match !state with
| Decided (_, t) -> loop t acc false
| Undecided (then_, else_) ->
let dir = Path.parent_exn p in
let targets = all_targets ~dir in
if Path.Set.mem targets p then begin
state := Decided (true, then_);
loop then_ acc false
end else begin
state := Decided (false, else_);
loop else_ acc false
| Dyn_paths t -> loop t acc targets_allowed
| Dyn_deps t -> loop t acc targets_allowed
| Contents p -> Static_deps.add_rule_path acc p
| Lines_of p -> Static_deps.add_rule_path acc p
| Record_lib_deps _ -> acc
| Fail _ -> acc
| Memo m -> loop m.t acc targets_allowed
| Catch (t, _) -> loop t acc targets_allowed
| Lazy_no_targets t -> loop (Lazy.force t) acc false
loop t Static_deps.empty true

let lib_deps =
let rec loop : type a b. (a, b) t -> Lib_deps_info.t -> Lib_deps_info.t
= fun t acc ->
match t with
| Arr _ -> acc
| Targets _ -> acc
| Compose (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| First t -> loop t acc
| Second t -> loop t acc
| Split (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| Fanout (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| Paths_for_rule _ -> acc
| Paths_glob _ -> acc
| Deps _ -> acc
| Dyn_paths t -> loop t acc
| Dyn_deps t -> loop t acc
| Contents _ -> acc
| Lines_of _ -> acc
| Record_lib_deps deps -> Lib_deps_info.merge deps acc
| Fail _ -> acc
| If_file_exists (_, state) ->
loop (get_if_file_exists_exn state) acc
| Memo m -> loop m.t acc
| Catch (t, _) -> loop t acc
| Lazy_no_targets t -> loop (Lazy.force t) acc
fun t -> loop t Lib_name.Map.empty

let targets =
let rec loop : type a b. (a, b) t -> Path.Set.t -> Path.Set.t = fun t acc ->
match t with
| Arr _ -> acc
| Targets targets -> Path.Set.union targets acc
| Compose (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| First t -> loop t acc
| Second t -> loop t acc
| Split (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| Fanout (a, b) -> loop a (loop b acc)
| Paths_for_rule _ -> acc
| Paths_glob _ -> acc
| Deps _ -> acc
| Dyn_paths t -> loop t acc
| Dyn_deps t -> loop t acc
| Contents _ -> acc
| Lines_of _ -> acc
| Record_lib_deps _ -> acc
| Fail _ -> acc
| If_file_exists (_, state) -> begin
match !state with
| Decided (v, _) ->
Exn.code_error "Build_interpret.targets got decided if_file_exists"
["exists", Sexp.Encoder.bool v]
| Undecided (a, b) ->
let a = loop a Path.Set.empty in
let b = loop b Path.Set.empty in
if Path.Set.is_empty a && Path.Set.is_empty b then
else begin
Exn.code_error "Build_interpret.targets: cannot have targets \
under a [if_file_exists]"
[ "targets-a", Path.Set.to_sexp a
; "targets-b", Path.Set.to_sexp b
| Memo m -> loop m.t acc
| Catch (t, _) -> loop t acc
| Lazy_no_targets _ -> acc
fun t -> loop t Path.Set.empty

(* Execution *)

let exec ~(eval_pred : Dep.eval_pred) (t : ('a, 'b) t) (x : 'a)
: 'b * Dep.Set.t =
let rec exec
: type a b. Dep.Set.t ref -> (a, b) t -> a -> b = fun dyn_deps t x ->
match t with
| Arr f -> f x
| Targets _ -> x
| Compose (a, b) ->
exec dyn_deps a x |> exec dyn_deps b
| First t ->
let x, y = x in
(exec dyn_deps t x, y)
| Second t ->
let x, y = x in
(x, exec dyn_deps t y)
| Split (a, b) ->
let x, y = x in
let x = exec dyn_deps a x in
let y = exec dyn_deps b y in
(x, y)
| Fanout (a, b) ->
let a = exec dyn_deps a x in
let b = exec dyn_deps b x in
(a, b)
| Deps _ -> x
| Paths_for_rule _ -> x
| Paths_glob g -> eval_pred g
| Contents p -> Io.read_file p
| Lines_of p -> Io.lines_of_file p
| Dyn_paths t ->
let fns = exec dyn_deps t x in
dyn_deps := Dep.Set.add_paths !dyn_deps fns;
| Dyn_deps t ->
let fns = exec dyn_deps t x in
dyn_deps := Dep.Set.union !dyn_deps fns;
| Record_lib_deps _ -> x
| Fail { fail } -> fail ()
| If_file_exists (_, state) ->
exec dyn_deps (get_if_file_exists_exn state) x
| Catch (t, on_error) -> begin
exec dyn_deps t x
with exn ->
on_error exn
| Lazy_no_targets t ->
exec dyn_deps (Lazy.force t) x
| Memo m ->
begin match m.state with
| Evaluated (x, deps) ->
dyn_deps := Dep.Set.union !dyn_deps deps;
| Evaluating ->
die "Dependency cycle evaluating memoized build arrow %s"
| Unevaluated ->
m.state <- Evaluating;
let dyn_deps' = ref Dep.Set.empty in
match exec dyn_deps' m.t x with
| x ->
m.state <- Evaluated (x, !dyn_deps');
dyn_deps := Dep.Set.union !dyn_deps !dyn_deps';
| exception exn ->
m.state <- Unevaluated;
reraise exn
let dyn_deps = ref Dep.Set.empty in
let result = exec dyn_deps t x in
(result, !dyn_deps)

66 changes: 19 additions & 47 deletions src/build.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -175,56 +175,28 @@ val progn : ('a, Action.t) t list -> ('a, Action.t) t

val record_lib_deps : Lib_deps_info.t -> ('a, 'a) t

(** {1 Analysis} *)

(** Must be called first before [lib_deps] and [targets] as it updates
some of the internal references in the build arrow. *)
val static_deps
: (_, _) t
-> all_targets:(dir:Path.t -> Path.Set.t)
-> Static_deps.t

module Repr : sig
type ('a, 'b) t =
| Arr : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Targets : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Compose : ('a, 'b) t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
| First : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'c) t
| Second : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c * 'a, 'c * 'b) t
| Split : ('a, 'b) t * ('c, 'd) t -> ('a * 'c, 'b * 'd) t
| Fanout : ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c) t
| Paths_for_rule : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Paths_glob : File_selector.t -> ('a, Path.Set.t) t
| If_file_exists : Path.t * ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state ref -> ('a, 'b) t
| Contents : Path.t -> ('a, string) t
| Lines_of : Path.t -> ('a, string list) t
| Dyn_paths : ('a, Path.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Dyn_deps : ('a, Dep.Set.t) t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Record_lib_deps : Lib_deps_info.t -> ('a, 'a) t
| Fail : fail -> (_, _) t
| Memo : 'a memo -> (unit, 'a) t
| Catch : ('a, 'b) t * (exn -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
| Lazy_no_targets : ('a, 'b) t Lazy.t -> ('a, 'b) t
| Deps : Dep.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t

and 'a memo =
{ name : string
; t : (unit, 'a) t
; mutable state : 'a memo_state

and 'a memo_state =
| Unevaluated
| Evaluating
| Evaluated of 'a * Dep.Set.t (* dynamic dependencies *)

and ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state =
| Undecided of ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
| Decided of bool * ('a, 'b) t

and glob_state =
| G_unevaluated of Loc.t * Path.t * Path.t Predicate.t
| G_evaluated of Path.Set.t

val get_if_file_exists_exn : ('a, 'b) if_file_exists_state ref -> ('a, 'b) t
val get_glob_result_exn : glob_state ref -> Path.Set.t
val lib_deps
: (_, _) t
-> Lib_deps_info.t

val targets
: (_, _) t
-> Path.Set.t

(** {1 Execution} *)

val repr : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) Repr.t
(** Executes a build arrow. Returns the result and the set of dynamic
dependencies discovered during execution. *)
val exec : eval_pred:Dep.eval_pred -> ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b * Dep.Set.t

val paths_for_rule : Path.Set.t -> ('a, 'a) t
Expand Down