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jupyter-image for OceanhackWeek

Repository for building OceanhackWeek 2023 JupyterHub environments (Docker Images) with GitHub Actions CI

Docker images publicly available here. jupyter-image is the 2021 image, while python and r are for their matching profiles on the hub.

This repository contains configuration for the standard environment used during the OceanhackWeek 2023. When you log into the OceanhackWeek JupyterHub you are running a virtual machine with Ubuntu 22.04, a variety of command line tools like vim and git, a conda Python/R environment with compatibly package versions, and JupyterLab extensions such as ipywidgets and ipyleaflet. By packaging everything up with Docker we help ensure that code written during the hackweek is reproducible and can be run on different physical hardware today and in the future.

Development commands

There are a handful of helpful make commands for building and testing images.

  • py-build - Build Python Docker container (should regenerate lockfile if environment.yml was changed).
  • py-lab - Launch JupyterLab for Python image. Watch the terminal output for a link with the access token.
  • r-lock - Generate a new R lockfile.
  • r-build - Build R Docker container (should regenerate lockfile if environment.yml was changed).
  • r-lab - Launch JupyterLab for R image. Watch the terminal output for a link with the access token. Once in JupyterLab, you should be able to launch RStudio.

Testing user-generated environments

Our environments are now using pixi to build and manage Conda environments, and pixi-kernel to allow for user installed environments.

The base (default) environment is built up of multiple features, each one corresponding to a specific tutorial. It's fine to overlap dependencies between tutorials, as that makes sure we don't remove them inadvertantly.

To add dependencies for a tutorial, pixi add -f year-presenter deps..., for example: pixi add -f 24-Callum numpy cartopy pandas gsw matplotlib seaborn cmocean cmcrameri tqdm seaborn argopy ipyleaflet searvey shapely cftime ioos_qc cf_xarray.

Then for a new tutorial, the feature needs to be added to the features list for the environment in pixi.toml.

default = {features = ["24-Callum"]}

Then run pixi install and pixi will figure out all the transitive dependencies for multiple deployment environments (Mac and Linux, Windows can be added easily) and try to lock the most common environment for all of them.

If packages are being added to an existing feature that is already part of the default feature, then pixi install should not need to be run as the lock file will be updated during pixi add.


Both images use nb_conda_kernels which allows our users to create their own Conda environments.

This makes it so that we don't have to package everything into the images to start with.

To test that environments can be created, launch JupyterLab in one of the images.

  • conda create -n <env-name> <requirements>, and make sure one of the requirements is a Jupyter kernel, like ipykernel.
  • Try conda activate <env-name> and seeing if it's different than the base environment.
  • The JupyerLab new notebook/console creation screen should now show options for <env-name>. This can sometimes take a few minutes before nb_conda_kernels sees it.