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Sprint 8 - Flounder

Closed Mar 16, 2020 100% complete

Publish 2 retrospective posts: (1) Year in Review, (2) OONI Highlights: 2017-2019
Final edits/review of OTF Fellow report
Create draft IFF Internet Measurement Village agenda (no longer needed)
Write & submit February 2020 funder report
Iran report on wikipedia blocking
Addressed OTF Community Lab feedback

improve probe-engine’s .aar for An…

Publish 2 retrospective posts: (1) Year in Review, (2) OONI Highlights: 2017-2019
Final edits/review of OTF Fellow report
Create draft IFF Internet Measurement Village agenda (no longer needed)
Write & submit February 2020 funder report
Iran report on wikipedia blocking
Addressed OTF Community Lab feedback

improve probe-engine’s .aar for Android (work to improve the integration of the Android library into the probe-engine library): ooni/probe-engine#348
(more precisely: fix the code so that results are saved)
improve the implementation of the SNI experiment: ooni/probe-engine#309
replace NDT with ndt7: ooni/probe#969

Probe desktop issues (including clean way to stop tests run on desktop) => Terminating tests on probe-desktop (designing a progress bar for that)

Incident affecting API slowdown & frequent 500 errors (led to a number of PRs and investigations): #371
Work on the maxmind DB to implement our own metadb with ASNs (resolving the licensing issue)
Experimenting with clickhouse (database that we’re evaluating how suitable it may be for our batch analysis needs)
Prototype for packaging probe-cli
Progress on keeping fast-path row in the measurement table

Working towards probe-desktop release (testing & tying up loose ends)
Research related to push notifications
Progress on improving how our website handles images => Activities related to website improvements (in preparation for website launch)

Release mobile 2.3 (removes code for push notifications & fixes WhatsApp bugs) & release of mobile 2.3.1.
Improve test running screen when downloading URLs: ooni/probe#1020
More golang integration and experiments

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.