Releases: openMF/android-client
Releases · openMF/android-client
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
- Fix: failed to fetch clientTemplate on create new client screen by @itsPronay in #2315
- fix: notes not showing in noteScreen by @itsPronay in #2316
- fix: Login was successful even it is not authenticated by @itsPronay in #2322
- fix: Fixed Login Issue & API by @niyajali in #2323
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.3.3-beta.0.1
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
- Fix: failed to fetch clientTemplate on create new client screen by @itsPronay in #2315
- fix: notes not showing in noteScreen by @itsPronay in #2316
- fix: Login was successful even it is not authenticated by @itsPronay in #2322
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.3.3-beta.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
- Fix: failed to fetch clientTemplate on create new client screen by @itsPronay in #2315
- fix: notes not showing in noteScreen by @itsPronay in #2316
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.3.2-beta.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
- Fix: failed to fetch clientTemplate on create new client screen by @itsPronay in #2315
- fix: notes not showing in noteScreen by @itsPronay in #2316
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.2.5-beta.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.2.4-beta.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: Update default branch name by @niyajali in #2298
- docs: add zoom link for daily standups in by @biplab1 in #2304
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2-beta.0.1...2025.2.3-beta.0.0
What's Changed
- fix: Play Store Release CI/CD by @niyajali in #2296
- feat: Add lint baseline file by @niyajali in #2297
Full Changelog: 2025.1.1...2025.2.2-beta.0.1
What's Changed
- fix: client sync due money ammount by @therajanmaurya in #551
- fix: edittext overflow in dialog box by @harshitagupta30 in #537
- release: Mifos android-client build 1.0.1 by @therajanmaurya in #558
- fix:Connection Settings on login screen doesn't feel clickable by @singhalok641 in #552
- style: Unnessasary semi-colons present in certain Java files by @AbhilashG97 in #572
- Fix converting date to medium format. by @k4wel in #456
- fix: LoadMore not working at one case. (#300) by @k4wel in #559
- style: Incorrect error message is displayed in the Centers activity by @AbhilashG97 in #575
- Handling EditText hint text and items in option menu by @karsai1993 in #580
- feat: fetch & show notes for client and group, fixes #543 by @rahulbabbar1 in #557
- style: Incorrect input type in Amount field of the Charge Dialog Fragment by @AbhilashG97 in #620
- style: The Due Date field in the Charge Dialog Fragment displays both keyboard and calender to enter the date by @AbhilashG97 in #619
- Fix: Toast Message not correct #596 by @aj019 in #603
- style: Questions in the survey are not being properly displayed. by @AbhilashG97 in #600
- fix: Error message and error icon overlap making the error message illegible by @AbhilashG97 in #576
- fix: App crashes on leaving the "Amount Disbursed" field in the Disburse Loan Dialog fragment empty by @AbhilashG97 in #665
- fix-659: App crashes on RTL locales by @k4wel in #660
- Fix: Failed to load Charges text and icon not visible when no charges available #643 by @aj019 in #644
- Fix: Toast message on Group creation not correct #608 by @aj019 in #634
- style: EditText in the Charge Dialog Fragment has no defined limit which results in overflow by @AbhilashG97 in #617
- fix: Empty toast message is displayed when user clicks on "Submit" button in the Create Group Fragment in the absence of Internet connection. by @AbhilashG97 in #689
- Feat: Add date option while activating savings by @tarun0 in #690
- Fix 693: repaid every field by @mayank-kgp in #700
- fix 678: Unable to create client by @tarun0 in #687
- Fix: Add 'Loan term frequency type' option by @tarun0 in #696
- style: Payload name and payload count overlap for transactions in the offline dashboard fragment by @AbhilashG97 in #683
- fix: Empty Snackbar is displyed on tapping "Submit" button in the Disburse Loan Dialog fragment in the absence of Internet connection by @AbhilashG97 in #681
- Fix #670: deleted unnecessary iml file by @tarun0 in #671
- fix: App Crashs while navigating through the survey by @AbhilashG97 in #673
- adding toast message showing press back again to exit issue #616 fixe… by @pranavgupta1234 in #677
- fix: Empty toast message is displayed when the user taps the 'Save' button while there is no internet connection in the savings account approval fragment. by @AbhilashG97 in #676
- fix: Snackbar with no text is displayed when the user loses Internet connectivity in the Add Savings Account Fragment by @AbhilashG97 in #669
- fix: Loan gets approved in spite of "Approved Amount" and "Transaction Amount" field being blank by @AbhilashG97 in #668
- fix: Amount field in Savings Account Transaction Fragment accepts zero (0) as amount by @AbhilashG97 in #664
- Fix #645 :Added Scrollbar to Load Account Approval Fragment's Xml by @meghalagrawal in #647
- fix: App crashes if 'Never Ask again' is selected while asking for permission by @tarun0 in #707
- Offline support for center creation by @mayank-kgp in #712
- Add Capture and Upload Sign feature by @tarun0 in #706
- Enabled multidex and updated Support Library version by @tarun0 in #719
- feat: Add Individual CollectionSheet by @tarun0 in #713
- Sync for Centers by @mayank-kgp in #717
- Integrated NDK and Pass Code Feature by @mayank-kgp in #709
- fix: crash on android N by @mayank-kgp in #735
- feat: passcode feature by @mayank-kgp in #728
- Apk Size Increased drastically after using JNI by @mayank-kgp in #736
- fix: LoanTermFrequencyType overriding enabled by @tarun0 in #738
- feat: sync for centers by @mayank-kgp in #724
- fix: update client profile image, when user come client details activity by @therajanmaurya in #749
- chore: update JNI libraries by @mayank-kgp in #750
- feat:materialise login feature by @nikit19 in #761
- Fix: group sync failed for some groups by @mayank-kgp in #755
- Sync for Surveys by @mayank-kgp in #721
- Feat: Add Collectionsheet features by @tarun0 in #730
- Fix: client sync failed for some clients by @mayank-kgp in #756
- Fix: resolved identifier issues by @mayank-kgp in #769
- Fix: crashing on sdk level below 18 by @mayank-kgp in #757
- Fix: allow client name less than 4 characters by @mayank-kgp in #763
- style: Added French Translation by @Daniel-Genkin in #784
- Fix:Failure of log-out button by @AkshGautam in #790
- Fix:Empty Signature Uploads by @AkshGautam in #794
- Fix Issue #838 : Fixed typos is Issue Template by @ivary43 in #840
- fix: NPE on generating Individual collectionsheet by @tarun0 in #733
- Removed redundant GET calls from Client charges and Loan account charges screen by @tarun0 in #767
- feat: Ideal Group Loan Template by @tarun0 in #465
- fix: Update identifiers list on adding or removing items by @tarun0 in #743
- Fix #920 Datepicker buttons visible by @nb2998 in #922
- fix: changes list width to entire screen by @mohak1712 in #930
- Fix #917:Extra Blue Bar in group listings in centers by @AkshGautam in #921
- fix:Added icons for collection and individual collection sheet by @ivary43 in #938
- Feat: Added Client Runreport feature by @tarun0 in #742
- fix #985:Enhanced create entity fragment by @AkshGautam in #986
- fix #974:Inconsistent check boxes by @AkshGautam in #975
- Fix #957 Non empty charges list in offline mode by @nb2998 in #958
- fix #955:Inconsistent client Payload behaviour by @AkshGautam in #984
- Fix: Added translations to Chinese (zh-hans) by @huangyz0918 in #972
- fix : keyboard next click in upload dialog by @mohak1712 in #970
- Fix #993:Updating gradle dependancies by @AkshGautam in #994
- feat : added sweet-error for handling UI errors by @AkshGautam in #992
- refractor: Add Mifos Passcode library by @dilpreet2028 in #989
- Chore: Update Build tools and gradle depedencies compile to implement… by @therajanmaurya in #995
- Fix #937:Hiding keyboard on button p...
What's New?
- fix client sync offline
- fix document item UI
What's New?
- Create center new groups & centers
- Create clients & groups from parent entity
- Improved navigation & advanced search
- Open, approve, disburse new loan & savings accounts
- Attach documents to loan & savings accounts.
- Offline Data Collection & Synchronization
- Synchronize clients and groups for offline
- Enter repayments, deposits, and withdrawals while offline
- Create new clients, loans & savings accounts while offline
- Pinpoint client GPS location
- Track route of field officer