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Easy start

Ori edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 15 revisions

Before you begin

make sure you have the following installations:


Docker engine with Docker privileges for normal user (instructions). You can check your Docker installation by running:

docker version
docker images

tmux and git

nothing special here:

apt-get install tmux git

get the latest Nvidia driver

It is recommended to install the latest Nvidia driver so run the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-latest

clone & build

git clone
cd DroneSimLab

You have two options with or without Unreal Engine 4 editor:
to install with Unreal Engine 4 editor you will need a GitHub account connected to epic games account (instructions).

after setting up the account just type:


to skip the Unreal Engine 4 installation (you can always install it later):

./ --skip_ue4_editor

The build process takes time, it build docker images....

checking the installation

run: docker images you should see in the REPOSITORY column the following images:
ros_image_kinetic, unreal_engine_4 (if you didn't skip the unreal engine installation) , python3_dev, ros_image_indigo, sitl_image.
the output shuld be something like this:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ros_image_kinetic   latest              2cc0c7d453e3        21 hours ago        11.42 GB
ubuntu              xenial-20170417.1   f7b3f317ec73        3 weeks ago         117.3 MB
unreal_engine_4     latest              aa5eeb18b2e8        5 weeks ago         25.84 GB
python3_dev         latest              97d55c627868        7 weeks ago         2.94 GB
ros_image_indigo    latest              31032a80e485        8 weeks ago         4.714 GB
sitl_image          latest              1f2c3de0b765        3 months ago        2.024 GB
ubuntu              xenial              f49eec89601e        3 months ago        129.5 MB
ubuntu              16.04               4ca3a192ff2a        5 months ago        128.2 MB
ubuntu              14.04               aae2b63c4946        5 months ago        188 MB

to run the demo:

cd demos/px4_gazebo

the first run also takes time, the PX4 SITL script is building the environment.

killing the demo

press ctrl-b d to exit the tmux environment



known issues:

please take a look at the open issues that might affect the first run of the script.