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fix galois_group problem. (#4396)
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The previous last fix changed the order in which the factors
were processed - this broke unfortunately that part in the end
that adds the multiplicity back in.

The current version is not perfect (unneccessary computations are done)
but fixes the problem
fieker authored Dec 11, 2024
1 parent d6230ef commit 50b081e
Showing 2 changed files with 53 additions and 12 deletions.
50 changes: 40 additions & 10 deletions src/NumberTheory/GaloisGrp/GaloisGrp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2667,6 +2667,10 @@ function Hecke.absolute_minpoly(a::Oscar.NfNSGenElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingEle

function blow_up(G::PermGroup, C::GaloisCtx, lf::Vector, con::PermGroupElem=one(G))
#TODO: currently con is useless here, the cluster detection and the reduce
# tree is re-arranging the factors in lf randomly
# one would need to trace the re-arranged lf as well
# Since we don't, we have to compute roots and evaluate

if all(x->x[2] == 1, lf)
return G, C
@@ -2678,28 +2682,53 @@ function blow_up(G::PermGroup, C::GaloisCtx, lf::Vector, con::PermGroupElem=one(

icon = inv(con)

gs = map(Vector{Int}, gens(G))
rr = roots(C, 2; raw = true)
renum = Int[]
for (g, k) = lf
l = findall(iszero, map(g, rr))
append!(renum, l)
re = inv(symmetric_group(degree(G))(renum))

gs = map(Vector{Int}, gens(G))

# G is a sub group of prod G_i <= prod sym(n_i) the galois groups
# of the factors
# con describes the current ordering of the roots in so G^con <= prod G_i
#for the factors with multiplicity > 1, we need to append more factors
H = [G]
mps = [gens(G)]
n = degree(G)
for (g,k) = lf
if k == 1
st += degree(g)
S = symmetric_group(degree(g))
#need proj G -> G_i, so need a subset of the points (st+1:st+deg(g))
# moved by re, then mapped to 1:deg(g)
h = [S([(i+st)^(gg^re)-st for i=1:degree(g)]) for gg = gens(G)]
for j=2:k
for i=1:degree(g)
mp[n+i] = (st+i)^con
for h = gs
for i=1:degree(g)
push!(h, h[(st+i)^con]^icon-st+n)
S = symmetric_group(degree(g))
push!(H, S)
push!(mps, h)
for i = 1:degree(g)
mp[n+i] = (st+i)^icon
n += degree(g)
st += degree(g)

D, emb, pro = inner_direct_product(H; morphisms = true)
h = hom(G, D, [prod(emb[i](mps[i][j]) for i=1:length(H)) for j=1:ngens(G)])

C.rt_num = mp
S = symmetric_group(n)
GG, _ = sub(S, map(S, gs))
GG, _ = image(h)

h = hom(G, GG, gens(G), gens(GG))
@assert is_injective(h) && is_surjective(h)
C.G = GG
return GG, C

@@ -2825,6 +2854,7 @@ function galois_group(f::PolyRingElem{<:FieldElem}; prime=0, pStart::Int = 2*deg
@vprint :GaloisGroup 1 "found $(length(cl)) connected components\n"

res = Vector{Tuple{typeof(C[1]), PermGroupElem}}()
llf = Int[]
function setup(C::Vector{<:GaloisCtx})
G, emb, pro = inner_direct_product([x.G for x = C], morphisms = true)
g = prod(x.f for x = C)
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions test/NumberTheory/galthy.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
@test degree(L) == order(G)
@test length(roots(L, k.pol)) == 5

R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x)
R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached = false)
pol = x^6 - 366*x^4 - 878*x^3 + 4329*x^2 + 14874*x + 10471
g, C = galois_group(pol)
@test order(g) == 18
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
G, C = galois_group((1//13)*x^2+2)
@test order(G) == 2

K, a = number_field(x^4-2)
K, a = number_field(x^4-2; cached = false)
G, C = galois_group(K)
Gc, Cc = galois_group(K, algorithm = :Complex)
Gs, Cs = galois_group(K, algorithm = :Symbolic)
@@ -46,6 +46,17 @@
G, C = galois_group((2*x+1)^2)
@test order(G) == 1
@test degree(G) == 2

#from errors:
G, C = galois_group((x^4 + 1)^3 * x^2 * (x^2 - 4*x + 1)^5)
@test order(G) == 8
@test degree(G) == 24
k = fixed_field(C, sub(G, [one(G)])[1])
@test degree(k) == 8

G, C = galois_group((x^3-2)^2*(x^3-5)^2*(x^2-6))
@test order(G) == 36
@test degree(G) == 14

import Oscar.GaloisGrp: primitive_by_shape, an_sn_by_shape, cycle_structures

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