Changes in 0.12.0
- Bugfix - Update LDAP filters: #399
- Change - Environment updates for the username userid split: #420
- Enhancement - Update storage documentation: #384
- Enhancement - Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200724135750-b46288b375d6: #399
- Enhancement - Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200728071211-c948977dd3a0: #407
Bugfix - Update LDAP filters: #399
With the separation of use and find filters we can now use a filter that taken into account a users
uuid as well as his username. This is necessary to make sharing work with the new account service
which assigns accounts an immutable account id that is different from the username.
Furthermore, the separate find filters now allows searching users by their displayname or
email as well."(&(objectclass=posixAccount)(|(ownclouduuid={{.OpaqueId}})(cn={{.OpaqueId}})))" findfilter = "(&(objectclass=posixAccount)(|(cn={{query}}*)(displayname={{query}}*)(mail={{query}}*)))"
Change - Environment updates for the username userid split: #420
We updated the owncloud storage driver in reva to properly look up users by userid or username
using the userprovider instead of taking the path segment as is. This requires the user service
address as well as changing the default layout to the userid instead of the username. The latter
is not considered a stable and persistent identifier. -
Enhancement - Update storage documentation: #384
We added details to the documentation about storage requirements known from ownCloud 10, the
local storage driver and the ownCloud storage driver. -
Enhancement - Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200724135750-b46288b375d6: #399
- Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200724135750-b46288b375d6 - Split LDAP user filters
(reva/#996) - meshdirectory: Add invite forward API to provider links (reva/#1000) - OCM:
Pass the link to the meshdirectory service in token mail (reva/#1002) - Update
github.com/go-ldap/ldap to v3 (reva/#1004)
cs3org/reva#1004 - Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200724135750-b46288b375d6 - Split LDAP user filters
Enhancement - Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200728071211-c948977dd3a0: #407
- Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200728071211-c948977dd3a0 - Use proper logging for ldap auth
requests (reva/#1008) - Update github.com/eventials/go-tus to
v0.0.0-20200718001131-45c7ec8f5d59 (reva/#1007) - Check if SMTP credentials are nil
- Update reva to v0.1.1-0.20200728071211-c948977dd3a0 - Use proper logging for ldap auth