CLI based web scraper written in Go, that scrapes for any new deals.
Gif made using vhs
Make sure you are running go version 1.20.x
git clone
cd skroutz-prosfores-scraper-go
Pro Tip: Place the binary in the ~/.local/bin
directory. This enables you to run the command from the terminal regardless of your location!
skroutz [Options]
-h, --help Output usage information
-f, [String] Set filtering options: [Recommended], [price_asc], [price_desc], [newest]
-p, [Number] Set the number of pages to scrape (default: 5)
-n, [Number] Set the number of products to print when filtering_option=Recommended (default: 5)
-w, [Number] Set the number of workers (default: 10)
Command-Line flags (change category, add filters, prices ascending/descending etc.)f155812 -
Use a different TUI Library -
Use goroutines (Concurrency)
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.