Releases: phobos2077/fo2_ecco
v0.9.7 (BETA)
- added recipes for crafting .50 cal, 40mm HE ammo, Fuel MK2
- adjusted recipes involving Doctor skill to always use sum with another skill
- fixed inconsistent craft button visibility (hiding or visible on top of other windows)
- fixed displayed exp point gain amount for crafting with Swift Learner perk
- halfed flamethrower fuel weight & price, but Flamer consumption increased to 2 per burst
- replaced barter price formula with vanilla-inspired one, for simplicity
- added item price multipliers per item category, when selling to NPC's (higher buy/sell ratio for weapons & armor, lower for ammo & misc)
- added value scaling of limited-use items based on uses left
- added probability for new monster parts not to drop
- tweaked barter formula parameters for better balance across item categories and skill levels
- tweaked laser vs plasma rifle stats for more clear distinction (closer to vanilla)
- tweaked some late game melee weapon stats for balance
- tweaked late game armor prices for balance
- tweaked Marcus's armor stats for consistency with other armor types
- nerfed NPC weapon destruction percentage and added chance to drop Junk instead
- nerfed Bear Trap durability
- removed undocumented change of enemy start points from original RP, resulting in point-blank encounters
- tweaked and expanded vanilla start points to take advantage of certain map features
- tweaked Redding Bounty Hunt quest for more variety and better balance
- tweaked floaters and centaurs to have more clear distinction in stats
- added restoring of Sneak state when switching between maps
- fixed higher than intended number of NPC's in some random encounters
- fixed incorrect start points in one coastal map and restored another (vanilla bugs)
- added option for additional car trunk capacity upgrade by using Repair skill
- added more MFC to stores for car refueling, as well as more healing kits and certain types of ammo
- added bonus damage for fire-based traps with Pyromaniac perk
- slightly adjusted Hakunin dream timers for more consistent intervals
- fixed incorrect car charging amount when using Cells on trunk
- tweaked AI weapon selection logic to avoid some illogical choices
- added more options for disabling some mod features
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v29 from installer:
- Install latest version of Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
UPDATING (from 0.9.4-0.9.6 only):
- Make backup of mods\mods_order.txt.
- Install EcCo using attached installer into the game root folder.
- Open mods\mods_order.txt and make sure all your additional mods are added to the list.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mod by Goat_Boy and THAT mod by BlackElectric1 (valid for TH v3.6 and THAT 0.4.0 only):
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install both mods, but don't install any of the patches currently listed on their Nexus.
- Install Talking Heads and THAT compatibility patch (optional file), follow instructions in Readme inside.
- No additional patches for EcCo necessary, it comes with built-in support for those 2 mods.
v0.9.6 (BETA)
Combat & AI:
- increased called (aimed) shot frequency of all enemies
- added weapon drop effects to certain levels of critical hits
- reduced minimum INT requirements for AI called shots to include many Gun-weilding NPC's in FO2
- tweaked damage and burst cones of some guns to better fit their tiers
- fixed bugged death animations for molotovs and 40mm IC grenades
- replaced default FirstAid/Doctor/Repair skill usage with fully-featured scripted implementation
- added a fixed number of uses to first aid kits, doctor bags, etc. instead of a 10% chance to remove
- added critical healing success: restores much more HP than normal
- added critical failure: reduces remaining uses of a kit/bag
- added ignoring daily limits when using kits/bags
- added ability to use Super Tool Kit and Multitool to repair party robots better
- buffed skill level influence on critical success and failure chances
- buffed restored HP amount for all 3 skills
- nerfed rest heal interval to 6 hours (from 3)
- nerfed world travel heal interval to 24 hours (was 1 real-time second; requires future sfall update)
- nerfed Stimpak scaling from 0.9.5 and removed Super Stimpak from scaling
- reduced all barter prices by ~40% (makes money more valuable)
- reduced buy/sell price gap by ~10-15% (heavily depends on skill)
- reduced party money in existing saves by 20%
- reduced prices of some subdermal implants, weapon upgrades and a few late-game large monetary transactions
- reduced prices of learning stuff from a Klamath Trapper
- reduced drugs in dead NPC's by further 40%
- improved requirements/rewards ratio for new creature parts fetch quests
- tweaked a few item prices
- changed metal armor recipes to require buying schematics
- added schematic for improving Flamer
- fixed craft button disappearing when using external HRP
- fixed bug with disassemble that allowed for infinite item exploit
- added Demolition Expert to reduce arming AP cost by half
- fixed inconsistent AP cost between different methods of arming traps
- added more options for disabling some mod features
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v29 from installer:
- Install latest version of Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
UPDATING (from 0.9.4-0.9.5 only):
- Make backup of mods\mods_order.txt.
- Install EcCo using attached installer into the game root folder.
- Open mods\mods_order.txt and make sure all your additional mods are added to the list.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mod by Goat_Boy and THAT mod by BlackElectric1 (valid for TH v3.6 and THAT 0.4.0 only):
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install both mods, but don't install any of the patches currently listed on their Nexus.
- Install Talking Heads and THAT compatibility patch (optional file), follow instructions in Readme inside.
- No additional patches for EcCo necessary, it comes with built-in support for those 2 mods.
v0.9.5 (BETA)
- redesigned crafting button and item description window
- added feature to use crafting tools/components from all party members (including car trunk) in proximity, instead of just the dude
- added recipes to craft throwing knives, boomerangs and a new gun
- added experience gain when crafting a new item for the first time
- added more rocks to several locations and random countainers
- added new way to acquire recipes: by buying schematic from a trader and using it
- rewritten to load schematics from data\config\pbs_craft.ini and text from text<lang>\pbs_craft.msg
- fixed multiple issues with ammo crafting, now individual bullets are properly displayed and accounted for
- fixed several UI issues
- added scaling of Stimpak efficiency with First Aid skill
- replaced Free Move system with buffed Bonus Move perk (available at lvl 3, 3 AP/rank) and simple condition to grant Melee NPC's 1 rank of this perk
- unlocked gory death animations for Unarmed, Melee & Throwing even without Bloody Mess perk, similar to other weapons
- applied Melee Damage value to Throwing attacks, just like it does to Melee and Unarmed (Normal damage type only)
- applied bonus damage of a current primary Punch attack to any "punch"-type weapons for the player
- added new Boomerang returning mechanic
- added knockback effect to select shotguns
- added alternative Throwing skill requirement for Pyromaniac perk
- knockback distances slightly decreased and maximum distance is lowered to "halfway across the screen"
- added new early/mid game weapons: fire-based Big Gun, Laser weapon
- added new late game Spear
- added new art for Home-Made Grenade
- replaced Throwing Axe with Hatchet with new art and similar role
- improved Scoped weapon aiming
- various minor weapon stat tweaks, mostly Melee & Throwing
- nerfed Car speed and fuel efficiency upgrades slightly
- added script that ensures all gun-wielding NPC's have some extra ammo
- increased variety of a few encounters with new weapons
- buffed Cautious Nature distance bonus (requires future sfall update)
- increased MFC pack size to 24
- nerfed container loot and HP of guards at Salvatore base
- rebalanced ammo AC modifiers and Power Armors AC slightly to make sure skill investments are relevant (closer to vanilla)
- improved text messages when enemy weapon is lost and when sneak attack is performed
- limited effect stacking of new drugs + Hercules carry weight bonus reduced
- various internal improvements
- added options to disable a few experimental mod changes
- RU localization
- revert to InnoSetup 5 to restore WinXP support
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v29 from installer:
- Install latest version of Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
UPDATING (from 0.9.4 only):
- Make backup of mods\mods_order.txt.
- Install EcCo using attached installer into the game root folder.
- Open mods\mods_order.txt and make sure all your additional mods are added to the list.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mod by Goat_Boy and THAT mod by BlackElectric1 (valid for TH v3.6 and THAT 0.4.0 only):
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install both mods, but don't install any of the patches currently listed on their Nexus.
- Install Talking Heads and THAT compatibility patch (optional file), follow instructions in Readme inside.
- No additional patches for EcCo necessary, it comes with built-in support for those 2 mods.
v0.9.4 (BETA)
- Added compatibility with RPU v29 and latest maps_updated.
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v29 from installer:
- Install latest version of Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mod by Goat_Boy and THAT mod by BlackElectric1 (valid for TH v3.6 and THAT 0.4.0 only):
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install both mods, but don't install any of the patches currently listed on their Nexus.
- Install Talking Heads and THAT compatibility patch (optional file), follow instructions in Readme inside.
- No additional patches for EcCo necessary, it comes with built-in support for those 2 mods.
v0.9.3 (BETA)
Stealing & looting:
- Steal rolls calculation changed to make stealing harder but encourage investing into the skill
- if Steal roll fails but Catch roll also fails - fails steal without getting caught instead of just succeeding, as in vanilla
- Stealing now correctly uses number of items stolen when calculating difficulty
- Stealing money and other weightless items now adds to difficulty based on cost
- added karma reduction based on total value of goods being stolen
- buffed various doors and lockers throughout the game to have higher requirements for lockpicking, prying and disarming
- changed some doors to be destroyed based on total damage dealt instead of number of explosions (allows to burst-open some doors with powerful guns)
- certain "watcher" NPC's line of sight will now use the same logic as line-of-fire checks and will "see through" other NPC's to detect PC doing nefarious actions
- Redding: rewritten DrJohn thief-watching behavior to be more robust and interrupt his dialog with RatRay properly
- Redding: added thief catching logic to Sheriff Marion and some miners
- Redding: locked some doors and containers
- New Reno: more robust watching logic and buffed stats for certain doors at Bishop's casino
- NCR: increased difficulty of stealing from lockers in Guard Captian building
Crafting & drugs:
- all drug crafting (except basic First Aid) now requires Doctor Skill
- added Doctor Skill book to the game (using one of Abbey's books)
- added more crafting components to some stores and to maps
- reduced prices for learning certain crafting recipes
- tweaked many crafting recipes for better reward/investment ratio
- non-craftable food effects reduced back to vanilla levels
- craftable food now heals comparable amount to Healing Powder but most of it is only applied after 30 minutes to avoid competing with Stimpaks
- craftable food now also increases EN/PE and reduces small amount of radiation/poison
- buffed some underused perks: Demolition Expert, Pyromaniac, Survivalist, MrFixit, Medic, Ghost, Ranger, Harmless, Salesman
- added ambient radiation to certain maps to have more use for radiation mechanic and Rad-Away
- tweaked some random encounter NPC's weapons for better tier balance and variety
- lowered some town-based price multipliers
- reduced NPC's AG-based free move points to match that of PC
- Abbey: replaced certain OP critter with a more appropriate one
- Abbey: reduced some XP rewards for trivial tasks
- replaced some weapons that are too powerful from early game locations
- made 40mm ammo more available in earlier areas
- replaced random-based destruction of 50% of NPC weapons with deterministic formula
- nerfed Grease Gun rate of fire to not overshadow other SMGs too much
- nerfed Shotguns AC mod and damage of Buck/Slug ammo to not overshadow Incendiary ammo and other weapons
- nerfed Sulik's melee damage to not completely trivialize certain combat encounters
- nerfed Vic's Repair skill to give some incentive for player to invest into that skill at mid game
- nerfed thrust attacks
- traps can now be assembled and armed during combat for 4 AP
- Bear Traps: prevent knockback for caught critters and "free" them if knocked down
- fixed "waiting" party members triggering traps
- fixed party members getting angry at dude if caught in trap explosion triggered by other NPC
- disabled "magical" revealing of player if NPC triggers the trap
- buffed some pre-placed mines (Redding, Raiders)
- tweaked NPC best weapon selection logic to have a better understanding of actual weapon effectiveness
- disabled NPC's dropping weapons on the ground on death to avoid some frustrating situations
- fixed unspent AP carrying over to the next combat
- fixed car charging amount not taking reduced Cell capacities into account
- fixed infinite reward for Stark's NCR recon quest (Lujo's)
- fixed turning in Happy Harry to Stark (Lujo's)
- improved compatibility with THAT mod and fixed "generic" replies when THAT is not installed
- merged several fixes from RPU v27
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v26 from installer:
- Install latest version of Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
Updating from 0.9.0-0.9.2 (ONLY!):
- (if you have 0.9.0 or 0.9.1) remove all player-installed traps you may have from the ground (forgotten traps might bug out after the update), then make a new save.
- Just run the installer on top of the previous installation.
- If you previously installed any extra mods, open file "mods\mods_order.txt" and add directory/file names of those mods to the list. Don't add mods after
unless specifically instructed to do so.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mods by Goat_Boy and BlackElectric1:
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install Talking heads and patches, following instructions in each archive: (Main File, Maps Updated Patch)
v0.9.2 hf-1 (BETA)
v0.9.2 hf1:
- Added missing configs to mod's archive.
- new Bear Trap with mechanic for holding critter down for several turns
- remade internal mechanics for simpler scripts and more robust triggering (esp. out of combat)
- replaced linear skill-based damage curve for Spike Traps with critical hit chance (with cripple effects), based on modified vanilla critical roll formula - for ALL traps
- externalized all config to ini file (data/config folder) to allow traps to be easily ported to any game/mod
- slightly buffed explosives damage
- tweaked Modoc Brahmin quest to add delay before dogs attack (allows to prepare traps)
- replaced most of the EcCo maps changes with a new "map tweaker" script
- add varius crafting components and remove excessive loot in and around Den & Modoc
- slightly tweaked Tubby & friends to pose more of a threat
- increased frequency for some AI types to use bursts
- slight reduction to town demand multipliers
- removed all changes to Trapper script (Random Encounter) to allow buying and selling pelts with a profit
- various balance tweaks to crafting recipes
- add crafting components and a few new items to random encounter containers
- Vegeir: replaced Assault Rifle reward with Hunting Rifle
- fixed empty Jo's shop inventory
- changed crafting hotkey back to Ctrl+C (to avoid conflict with party_orders mod)
- better Fix Boy button art
- fixed Geckos and Rats being attracted to food from across the map
- inventory AP cost is also applied when using certain items (such as explosives)
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v26 from installer:
- Install Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
- Download and install EcCo hotfix by unpacking into the same folder where you installed the mod.
Updating from 0.9.0-0.9.1 (ONLY!):
- Remove all player-installed traps you may have from the ground (forgotten traps might bug out after the update), then make a new save.
- Just run the installer on top of the previous installation.
- If you previously installed any extra mods, open file "mods\mods_order.txt" and add directory/file names of those mods to the list. Don't add mods after
unless specifically instructed to do so.
Talking Heads / THAT
If you want to use Talking Heads mods by Goat_Boy and BlackElectric1:
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download and install Talking heads and patches, following instructions in each archive: (Main File, Maps Updated Patch, Maps Updated Patch - THAT)
- Open
file and make sure to add the following two lines afterrpu_map_update.dat
but beforerpu_y_ecco.dat
Companion Expansion
If you want to use Companion Expansion mod by Goat_Boy:
- Install/update EcCo as described above.
- Download Companion Mod (Main File, version 0.30.0 ONLY!)
- Extract (only!)
to your<game_path>/mods/
folder. - Download and extract
from this page to your game folder. - Open
file and make surex_rpu_companion_expansion_ecco_patch.dat
is below bothx_rpu_companion_expansion.dat
v0.9.1 (BETA)
- fixed several broken global scripts
- fixed several bugs with crafting UI
- fix missing map tweaks in Redding
- better exp for kill reduction (based on total exp per kill type)
- portion of throwing crit chance bonus now depends on Luck
- small adjustments to starting stats (skills & AC)
- tweaked starting recipes and added a few items to Arroyo and Klamath to take advantage of crafting and traps early
- remaining uses of a Spike Trap now shown in description
- added full built-in support for Talking Heads and THAT mod
- remove/decreased some unnecessary town demands
- various small fixes and balance tweaks after playtest (Arroyo, Klamath)
- updated sfall to latest dev version
- Install Fallout 2.
- Install RPU v26 from installer:
- Install Maps Updated:
- Install EcCo using the attached installer into game root folder.
Updating from 0.9.0 (only!):
- Just run the installer on top of the previous installation.
- If you previously installed any extra mods, open file "mods\mods_order.txt" and add directory/file names of those mods to the list.
v0.9.0 (BETA)
This version represents all currently planned changes implemented, but not yet properly play-tested. Some of these changes are highly experimental. Most of the mechanics changes can be turned off or tweaked via included ini files. A pre-release build of sfall 4.* is included in this release, as it has changes required for some new features. It will be removed from later versions when sfall gets a release.
- rebalanced barter - buy prices aligned with vanilla prices, sell prices higher at low skill and differ less between merchants
- party members with high barter now give simple discount to prices, instead of overriding player skill
- added more items to town demands
- reduced base price of some high-tier weapons and armor
- massively increased base price of pelts, hides and other animal parts to make trapping and hunting more viable
- reduced price to learn gecko skinning and leather crafting
Combat Mechanics:
- new script-based damage formula (based on vanilla, with few important improvements)
- throwing skill-based damage bonus replaced with a big critical chance multiplier
- added armor penetration based on attack types for melee weapons (thrust vs swing)
- up to 2 unspent AP carry over to the next round (optional)
- bonus move points now awarded to player and NPCs with high AG, adjusted AG of some critters to take advantage (optional)
- added option to have opening inventory cost no AP, but every action cost 2 AP in combat (replaces "drug free uses")
- added script to differentiate bullet distribution (spray) in bursts between weapons
- EMP grenades now stun PA users for 1 turn instead of damaging them
- added kill EXP points reduction based on number of kills per kill type
Combat Balance:
- armor and ammo stats revamped for new formula: AP ammo will now do better against late game armor
- nerfed burst criticals: only a fraction of bullets will retain critical effects (optional)
- rebalanced shotgun shell types to make both crafted types useful
- removed duplet mode from regular shotgun (reserved for Sawed-off variant), but kept the high damage
- new guns: 14mm SMG and .44 lever-action (in shops and on some enemies)
- new ammo types: 7.62mm AP, 12ga Incendiary Shells (replaces "Buckshot" from 0.6.2)
- .223 Pistol is now unique (can only be bought from one person and is back to it's full power)
- Zip Gun, Pipe Rifle, 9mm SMG are distributed in early game
- added Weapon Penetrate to XL70E3
- removed HK G11E & Pulse Pistol from random encounters
- small adjustments to ammo&weapon stats based on data analysis
- revamped bursts: lower burst sizes for most weapons, but damage and spray settings tweaked to compensate
- reverted flamers to use both fuel types and rebalanced them
- rebalanced armor AC and added script to auto-correct for changed armor protos in existing saved games
- slight buff to Dogmeat agility and melee damage
- buffed AG, melee dmg and skills of some melee-oriented human NPCs
- rebalanced melee and throwing weapons, thrust attack costs 1 AP more
- replaced art of most new items with higher quality rendered original sprites
- crafting system: new UI art, button on main panel, full keyboard navigation, close window button, various bug fixes and improvements
- rebalanced many crafting schematics and added Metal Armor to craft
- added back Russian translation
- replaced all human NPC armor changes with a script (and fixed several issues of wrong armor being applied)
- rewritten most global scripts: fixed some issues and improved compatibility
- all mod configs moved to "mods/ecco" folder
Install RPU v26 on a clean game installation (installer version is recommended): -
Download this archive and extract its contents into the folder where you installed RPU in step 1, overwriting any files. These are updated maps by Pixote for v27, required for EcCo. -
Download the ecco_*.zip archive from artifacts below and extract into the game folder, overwriting files
Edit ddraw.ini, find keys listed below, uncomment them if they are commented (with a semicolon) and change values as follows:
- Start Fallout 2 and enjoy your game!
- rebuilt the mod from the ground up on the new RPU
- restored single-shot mode for M60 to fix firing sound issue
- added a few text corrections from Dravean