1.20.1 (2024-11-22)
1.20.0 (2024-11-10)
1.19.1 (2024-11-10)
1.19.0 (2024-11-09)
1.18.4 (2024-11-09)
- Android: fix multiple padding related issues on Android (#5150, #5152, #5153, #5154) (#5151) (0009170)
1.18.3 (2024-11-09)
- iOS: Refactor onPress(Marker) to return nativeEvent.position for consistency with Android (#5196) (956783f), closes #4996
1.18.2 (2024-10-14)
1.18.1 (2024-10-12)
1.18.0 (2024-08-18)
- add anchor and centerOffset prop to GeoJson component to be passed to Marker (#5140) (266be79), closes #5139
1.17.3 (2024-07-27)
1.17.2 (2024-07-27)
1.17.1 (2024-07-21)
1.17.0 (2024-07-21)
1.16.0 (2024-07-20)
1.15.7 (2024-07-20)
1.15.6 (2024-05-30)
1.15.5 (2024-05-30)
1.15.4 (2024-05-25)
1.15.3 (2024-05-24)
- android: move package namespace from Manifest to gradle (d4916bb)
1.15.2 (2024-05-20)
1.15.1 (2024-05-05)
1.15.0 (2024-05-04)
1.14.0 (2024-04-14)
- android: map initialization as expected (b57d22f)
- android: map initialization as expected (8ba7608)
- android: map initialization as expected (7e1dd58)
- android: map initialization as expected (73640a6)
- android: map initialization as expected (6554793)
- add support for new React Native architecture (630b72e)
- add support for new React Native architecture (48665da)
- add support for new React Native architecture (794c64f)
- add support for new React Native architecture (1310985)
- add support for new React Native architecture (39fd4e6)
- Enable new arch for the example project (1a21f86)
1.13.2 (2024-04-13)
1.13.1 (2024-04-13)
1.13.0 (2024-04-01)
- google-init: Improve Google Maps Initialisation on Android (a1be51b)
1.12.0 (2024-03-29)
1.11.3 (2024-03-11)
1.11.2 (2024-03-11)
1.11.1 (2024-03-10)
1.11.0 (2024-03-10)
1.10.4 (2024-03-10)
1.10.3 (2024-02-18)
1.10.2 (2024-02-10)
- AIRMap: support iOS MapKit zoomConstraints for better zoom handling especially for 3d maps (#4905) (d83e1a9)
1.10.1 (2024-02-04)
1.10.0 (2024-01-21)
1.9.1 (2024-01-05)
1.9.0 (2024-01-02)
- googleMaps: add support for the new Google's cloud based maps / styling via googleMapId prop (77610e9)
1.8.4 (2023-12-15)
- AIRMap: fix location change timestamp (7e5fb71)
1.8.3 (2023-12-07)
- add missing subThoroughfare to Address type (435798b)
1.8.2 (2023-12-07)
- ios: update google-maps-ios-utils version to 4.2.2 (28f59c9)
1.8.1 (2023-12-06)
- example: fix typo in AndroidManifest.xml for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission (a4a0f0d)
1.8.0 (2023-10-09)
1.7.1 (2023-04-23)
1.7.0 (2023-04-23)
1.7.0-beta.1 (2023-04-21)
1.6.1-beta.1 (2023-04-21)
1.6.0 (2023-04-20)
- ios: crash on Apple Maps when loading large polylines (#4468) (e48e1af)
- ios: support for use_frameworks! :linkage => :static (b0c2d42)
- marker: remove spamming warning from MapMarker (#4644) (8825312), closes #4536
- types: missing PolygonPressEvent type export (#4410) (d3557a3)
1.6.0-beta.3 (2023-04-20)
1.6.0-beta.3 (2023-04-20)
1.6.0-beta.2 (2023-04-18)
1.6.0-beta.1 (2023-04-18)
1.5.1-beta.3 (2023-04-18)
- ios: support for use_frameworks! :linkage => :static (b0c2d42)
1.5.1-beta.2 (2023-04-16)
1.5.1-beta.1 (2023-04-16)
1.5.0 (2023-04-15)
- android: pin androidx.work version (73f21c7)
1.5.0-beta.1 (2023-04-15)
- android: pin androidx.work version (73f21c7)
1.4.0 (2023-01-25)
- ios: remove custom podspec xcconfig (7f6ef12)
- ios: support apple silicon macs without rosetta (da7ba81)
1.4.0-beta.1 (2022-10-10)
- android: pin androidx.work version (73f21c7)
1.3.2 (2022-09-26)
- android: initialCamera delay (b4c20b0), closes #4442
- ios: add header paths required for use_frameworks compilation (e98be83), closes /github.com/react-native-maps/react-native-maps/discussions/4389#discussioncomment-3658882
1.3.2-beta.2 (2022-09-21)
1.3.2-beta.1 (2022-09-18)
- ios: add header paths required for use_frameworks compilation (e98be83), closes /github.com/react-native-maps/react-native-maps/discussions/4389#discussioncomment-3658882
1.3.1 (2022-08-29)
1.3.0 (2022-08-22)
- android: onLayout not being called (#4404) (0596061), closes #4402
- ios-google: circle & polygon props not being applied (ecc1a9a), closes #3057
- make viewRef for native commands NonNullable (d35000e)
- MapMarker: migrate off dispatchViewManagerCommand (7b01625)
- MapView: migrate off dispatchViewManagerCommand (794727e)
- migrate off findNodeHandle (08ffc4a)
1.3.0-beta.3 (2022-08-18)
1.3.0-beta.2 (2022-08-12)
- ios-google: circle & polygon props not being applied (ecc1a9a), closes #3057
- make viewRef for native commands NonNullable (d35000e)
- migrate off findNodeHandle (08ffc4a)
1.3.0-beta.1 (2022-08-11)
- MapMarker: migrate off dispatchViewManagerCommand (7b01625)
- MapView: migrate off dispatchViewManagerCommand (794727e)
1.2.0 (2022-08-05)
- ci: changelog.md generation (c842a2b)
- android: code cleanup (#4352) (e56c787)
- geojson: support for tracksViewChanges in Geojson component (#4347) (d7046bb)
1.2.0-beta.2 (2022-08-05)
1.2.0-beta.1 (2022-07-24)
1.1.1-beta.1 (2022-07-22)
- ci: changelog.md generation (c842a2b)
1.1.0 (2022-07-20)
- mapview: re-add setNativeProps helper function (c6e34ea)
- android: bump play-services-base to 18.1.0 (f90a3f6)
- android: bump play-services-location to 20.0.0 (440f5b3)
- ios-google: enable metal renderer (#4336) (d8770fa), closes #4130
- mapview: remove componentDidUpdate logic (625e765)
- mapview: remove use of setNativeProps for customMapStyleString (7d9ebf8)
- mapview: stop intercepting onLayout (0554cdc)
- mapview: stop setting region and initialregion in onMapReady js side (13817ca)
1.0.3 (2022-07-19)
1.0.2 (2022-07-15)
1.0.1 (2022-07-15)
1.0.0 (2022-07-07)
- android: longLogTag debug error (fa452ec), closes #4233
- android: wrong coordinates on press polyline (1868b42)
- ios: camera being set repeatedly in didPrepareMap (46b52d4), closes /github.com/react-native-maps/react-native-maps/pull/4241#issuecomment-1142160942
- ios: icon flash glitch from #3657 and #3418 (#4229) (b734a5a)
- ios: initialRegion on Google Maps (d6e0ce7), closes #4244
- ios: onMapReady not always called with google provider (e035c8d), closes #4066
- ios: wrong coordinates on pressing polyline (#4304) (27cc80a)
- mapkit: onRegionChangeComplete called before region change completed (7ea9658), closes #4265
- missing context provider (b43c62e)
- types: export types that were present before v1 (#4267) (fd798c9)
- types: showsBuilding prop on MapView (#4283) (593768f)
- android: remove internet & location permissions from AndroidManifest (849b1bc)
- android: support files from AssetManager in LocalTile (f885d4b), closes #4153
- ios-google: bump maps sdk to 7.0.0 (32eb294)
- ios-google: move initial region logic to layoutSubviews (d8f20cd)
- ios-google: stop setting the camera if layoutSubviews wasn't triggered (5b6b3bc)
- ios: bump google maps sdk to 6.2.1 (b1df2e2)
- ios: remove deprecated snapshot method (c0bb8f3)
- ios: stop requesting location permissions in showsUserLocation (1d0e381), closes #4166
- migrate to typescript (adc7670)
- remove deprecated mapview methods (d053fd2)
- require react-native >= 0.64.3 (8b852c1)
- use package.json as source of truth for podspecs (d48fab5)
- ios: polyline onPress returns tapLocation instead of the first point in the polyline
- ios-google: Using Google Maps on iOS now requires iOS >= 13.0 and XCode >= 13
- android: polyline onPress returns tapLocation instead of the first point in the polyline
- ios: Requesting location permissions manually is now needed for showsUserLocation.
- android: internet & location permissions removed from AndroidManifest
- ios: legacy iOS snapshot method removed
- removed animateTo{Navigation,Coordinate,Bearing,ViewingAngle}.
- types are now being emitted automatically and some might have changed.
- react-native-maps now requires react-native >= 0.64.3.
- Components are no longer exported as members of MapView. Import the components you need, e.g.
import MapView, {Marker} from 'react-native-maps';
0.30.2 (2022-05-17)
0.31.1 (2022-04-30)
- ios: pod install failing with deployment target 11.0 (f7c8903)
0.31.0 (2022-04-24)
- android: add null checks for map in MapView (585d89e), closes #4074
- android: android 12 crash (7ccc65d)
- android: initialRegion delay (609571f), closes #4060
- android: opacity is ignored on first render of overlay (#4141) (9a7621c)
- android: remove use of lambda expression (4592499), closes #4160
- remove upper react version limit (70e34a1), closes #4167
- android: add support for new google maps renderer (#4055) (bb08557)
- ios: bump google maps pods (73e6ef6), closes #4157
- migrate to deprecated-react-native-prop-types (5bc1cc6)
- Common: #4011 Feature fix AnimatedRegion getAnimatedValue Issue
- Common: #3789 URLTile tile caching
- Common: #3938 Add URLTile & WMSTile opacity property
- Common: #3996 Allow wider version range for react-native-web peer dependency
- Common: #3977 Upgrade example app to React Native 0.65.1
- Common: #3972 Fix default color and stroke width properties for Geojson component
- Common: #3965 GeoJSON Marker Title Prop & A bit Refactor
- Common: #3744 Updates AnimatedRegion component
- Common: #3966 Fix polygon on press wrong coordinates
- iOS: #3997 Allow markers to be un-tappable on ios gmaps
- iOS: #3944 Add heading to onUserLocationChange
- iOS: #3956 Add missing export for AIRMapMarker isPreselected view property
- iOS: #3973 Version bump googleMaps and Google-Maps-iOS-Utils
- Android: #3945 Bump minSDKVersion to 21
- Common: #3996 Allow wider version range for react-native-web peer dependency
- Common: #3920 GeoJSON onPress Crash Fix and Marker Customization Options
- Common: #3930 Updated peer deps to maintain compatibility with expo init
- Android: Revert #3797 Allow a previously dashed line to be made solid
- Common: #3855 Fix crashes related to getAddressFromCoordinates for android and iOS
- Common: #3871 Allow React 17 peer dependency
- Common: #3779 Polyline tappable feature on GeoJson
- Common: #3784 Implemented scrollDuringRotateOrZoom control for Google Maps
- Common: #3739 Use Default Geocoder to convert Coordinates by getting address
- Common: #3728 Add
for GeoJSON - Common: #3737 Added support for overlay rotations in Google Maps API
- iOS: #3754 Fix indoor events on iOS for multiple MapViews
- iOS: #3762 Add support for disabling userLocation callout
- iOS: #3746 Fix in WMSTile: typings & component removal on iOS
- iOS: #3764 Provide a way to override mapkit style
- Android: #3726 Use double on
to fix zoom precision. - Android: #3308 Fix fitToCoordinates with preset mapPadding
- Android: #3797 Allow a previously dashed line to be made solid
- Docs: #3768 Clean up old installation instructions
- Docs: #3771 Better docs for custom markers
- Docs: #3716 Update Mapview docs
- Docs: #3793 Update Polygon docs
- Common: #3996 Allow wider version range for react-native-web peer dependency
- Common: #3705 Update example project
- Common: #3424 Bugfix for the "require cycles" warning
- Common: #3452 Ability to pass a Marker image as Geojson prop
- Common: #3516 Polyline props to obtain dashed/dotted lines in Geojson component
- Common: #3358 onRegionChange sends a boolean indicating if the move was from the user (true) or an animation (false)
- Common: #3658 Geojson stroke color, stroke width, fill color, and marker color properties preserved
- Common: #3695 AnimateCamera duration bugfixed
- iOS: #3383 Added tintColor prop for setting the color of the map
- Android: #3414 Play services version updated
- Android: #3345 Protect against null Location in FusedLocationSource
- Android: #3351 Revert "android google map callout support
- iOS: #3115 Expose isAccessibilityElement as a prop
- iOS: #3119 Add
prop - iOS: #3134 Add
prop - iOS: #3120 Keep current mapType when taking snapshot
- iOS: #2889 Implement onUserLocationChange
- iOS: #3136 Use RCTImageLoaderProtocol for RN v0.61.0
- iOS: #3125 Replace deprecated bridge.imageLoader calls with moduleForClass API
- iOS: #3309 Fixes for polygon custom styles not being applied when provider is Google maps
- iOS: #3104 Only handle cacheEnable when app is active
- Android: #2993 Improved user location
- Common: #3163 Opacity prop for MapOverlay on Android and iOS (Google Maps)
- Common: #3131 AnimatedRegion.addListener() property setting
- iOS: #2999 Update GoogleMaps pod to 3.2.0
- iOS: #2395 Allow using onPanDrag while scrollEnabled=true
- iOS: #3051 Add flat property binding on Marker for iOS
- Android: #3007 Add Overlay onPress event
- Android: #3001 Add @ReactModule annotation to help turbo modules processor
- Common: #3045 Add heading to the onUserLocationChange listener
- Common: #2937 Add onDoublePress callback
- Common: #2960 Heatmaps for Android and iOS
- Common: #2959 Added GeoJSON support by default
- Common: #2975 Convert to new react native config format (RN 0.60)
- Common: #2973 Fix select annotation when show/hide callout view
- Android: #2941 Fix build gradle to allow jettifier to run correctly
- Android: #2741 Use a shared image icon for markers when they share the same image URI
- Android: #2557 Fix bug when changing subview of Marker to icon
- Android: #2392 Add support for loading base64 encoded image
- iOS: #2423 Handle annotations without images on iOS map snapshot
- iOS: #2881 Update podspec to use GoogleMaps 3.1.0
- iOS: #2253 TestID's for e2e automation
- iOS: #2826 Follow up for #2253
- iOS: #2397 Add compass location offsets for iOS maps
- Common: #2568 Support for WMS Layer support
- Common: #2017 Update the Google Maps custom map style if changed after initialization
- Common: #2903 Fix react snapshot undefined warning
- iOS: #2818 Google Maps - Weak refs to gesture targets to address memory leak
- iOS: #2815 Google Maps - Free instance variable in getActionForTarget to address memory leak
- Common: #2740 Fix deprecated UIManager usage when accessing component names
- Common: #2393 add typings for pointForCoordinate & coordinateForPoint
- Common: #2732 Implement ability to flip y coordinate for Google Map tiles.
- Android: #2765 Allow setting of play-services version through ext
- Android: #2702 Enable RN projects to define the Android AppCompat Library version
- Android: #2720 Fix Android dependencies and build errors
- Android: #2682 Implement 'tappable' prop on polyline for Android
- Android: #2417 Support for lineCap and lineDash pattern
- Android: #2727 fix build: only apply mvn push gradle plugin if POM_ARTIFACT_ID is set
- iOS: #2446 fix iOS GoogleMaps camera always animate
- iOS: #2746 onPanDrag support for iOS
- iOS: #2581 Custom callout improvements 🎉
- iOS: #2794 Fix CalloutSubview on Apple maps
- iOS: #2716 Fix Memory Leaks
- Docs: #2675 #2685 #2707 #2704
- Example: #2792 Upgrade Example to react-native to 0.59.3
- TypeScript: #2705 Add Marker icon property introduced in #2650 to index.d.ts
- Common: #2651 Use
method from Image - Common: #2576 Fix import error for
- Common: #2615 Added helper method for calculating bounding box from region
- Common: #2607 Fix camera type definition error
- Common: #2563 Added camera system and deprecate
methods - Common: #2571 Added
- Common/iOS: #2650 Added
prop forMapMarker
- iOS: #2414 Fix path for yoga in Podfile
- iOS: #2627 Added
prop forMapUrlTile
- iOS: #2608 Fix
- Android: #2653 Defaults to the map services version instead of play services
- Android: #2587 Allow specifying a different version for base and maps on android
- Android: #2598 Fix crash for cannot getActiveLevelIndex
- Docs: #2639 Added note about recursive framework search paths
- Docs: #2631 Added notes for Google Play Services
- Common: #2548 Moved
from dependencies to devDependencies - Android: #2555 Fixed #2507
- Android: #2545 Fixed “The specified child already has a parent”
- Docs: #2541 Improve installation docs
- Docs: #2550 Specify how to use Google Maps
- Docs: #2559 Clarify cacheEnabled is apple maps only
- Common: #2049 Added
method toMapView
- Common: #2207, #2232 Added
property toonUserLocationChange
event callback - Common: #2479, #2524 Added
function - Common: #2448 Added custom indoor picker level
- Common: #2238 Support the
scheme for images - Common: #2136, #2184 Modifications/Enhancements to MapView.UrlTile
- Common: #2039 Fix for
- Common: #2217 Using
to validate all color props more accurately - iOS: #2396 Added installation for iOS via
react-native link
- iOS: #2243 Added support of
polyline props to iOS Google Maps - iOS: #2149 Added
for Google Maps on iOS - iOS: #2231 Prefix DummyView class
- iOS: #2229 Use global imports for new Pods dependencies in AIRGoogleMap
- iOS: #2248 Make tiles display at the same physical size regardless of pixel density on iOS devices
- iOS: #2306 Prefix or eliminate globals in AIRMapMarker
- iOS: #2351 Added support for
with Google Maps on iOS - iOS: #2501 Fixed issue that app crashes after trigger Marker
- iOS: #2359 Fixed zIndex didn't work on map moving on iOS 11
- iOS: #2185 Fixed Xcode warnings for format, pointer type, unused var
- iOS: #2341 Fixed warnings about
- Android: #2224 Respect
prop on Android - Android: #2390 Consider pixel density in coordinate<->point conversion
- Android: #2477, #2487 Implemented
on Android - Android: #2478 Let
be called on children (mainly fixesImage
issues) - Android: #2375 Fixed
of Polyline - Android: #2320 Fixed custom marker updates on Android
- Android: #2197 Fixed overlay removal bug
- Android: #2317 Fixed disabling the toolbar and my location button
- Android: #2472 Fixed compilation error due to minSDK in manifest
- Android: #2172 Fixed crash for Android API level below 18 on isFromMockProvider
- Internal: #2462 Fixed packager script path in
- Internal: #2480 Fix peer dependencies
- TypeScript: #2165 Typings improvements & fixes
- Docs: #2541 Vastly improved installation guideline
- Docs: #2171 Add 'none' option to docs for
- Docs: #2174 Add opacity to
API docs - Docs: #2181, #2219 Add note about mandatory
- Docs: #2381, #2358, #2363, #2429, #2425 Documentation improvements
- Common: #2030 Broadened peer-dependency support
- Common: #2035, #2113, & #2141 Typescript improvements and fixes
- Common: #2011 Add suport for KML file (Only Markers)
- Common: #2053 Fix 'module undefined' for React Native >= 0.54
- Common: #2131 Fix initialRegion for React Native >= 0.54
- Common: #2115 Upgrade React Native peer dependency to 0.54
- Common: #2032 Add onMyLocationChange event
- Common: #2039 Fixed problem with pointForCoordinate and coordinateForPoint methods
- Common: #2050 Add support for onPoiClick
- iOS: #2022 Add support for Map.Overlay
- iOS: #2068 Prevent marker press from calling MapView onPress
- iOS: #2057 Fixed polygon and polyline not re-rendering when changing tile URL (AirMaps)
- iOS: #2101 Fixed re-render not updating MapView.Circle component in UI when radius or center coordinates change (AirMaps)
- Android: #2111 Allow vector drawables to be used as markers
- Android: #2132 Add mock-provider boolean on each location update
- Android: #2047 Check for presence of project-wide (ext) Gradle configuration properties
, andandroidMapsUtilsVersion
. This provides a better mechanism for aligning the requirements of the module with that of the host project. - Android: #2096 Updated gradle configuration for gradle 3.0.0+
- Common: hotfix PROVIDER_GOOGLE
- iOS: #2019 Exposing the maximumZ property to AIRMapUrlTile
- Common: #1889 Fix for 'Animated.Region undefined constructor' in recent react-native version.
- iOS: #1853 Fixed onMapReady no longer getting called on iOS
- Android: #1906 Manage Zoom Controls visibility on the map
- iOS: #1911 Add gradient/multi-color polyline support for iOS (MapKit)
- Android: #1918 Ground Overlay Support
- Common: #1851 New methods to convert between LatLng and Point
- iOS: #1846 Fix callouts appearing behind markers
- iOS: #1969 Added tracksInfoWindowChanges property to iOS Google Maps
- iOS: #1960 Fixed gradient polyline not always fully drawn + stability issues
- iOS: #1953 Fix onMapReady not getting called after first time, initialRegion lat/lng delta not setting properly, setRegion method getting called even when map is not ready and prevent onRegionChange/ onRegionChangeComplete event until initialRegion or region is set.
- Android: #1781 Polygon holes support
- Android: #1976 Add native animation for Markers on Android
- Common: #1715 Fixed region/initialRegion null overrides of this.props
- Common: #1876 Added support for locally stored tile overlay
- iOS: #1854 Update GoogleMaps dependency to 2.5.0
- Android: #1839 [AirGoogleMapManager] Use RCTDirectEventBlock for onMarkerPress
- Android: #1835 [AirMapView] Null check map instance on view methods
- Android: #1828 [AirMapManager] Update MapBuilder for getCommandsMap to support all entires
- Android/iOS: #1587 Add support to set map boundaries
- Android/iOS: #1750 Add mapPadding property
- Common: #1792 Make all components use ViewPropTypes || View.propTypes
- iOS: #1774 Added missing parameters to google map screenshot
- iOS: #1824 Add new iOS
map-type - iOS: #1705 Enable control of Google Maps Marker tracksViewChanges property.
- Android: #1710 Added support for new Android camera movement APIs
- iOS: #1741 Fixed iOS google MapView.onMarkerPress not receiving the marker identifier
- iOS: #1816 Fix The name of the given podspec ‘yoga' doesn't match the expected one ‘Yoga'
- iOS: #1797 Fixed onMapReady event on iOS to resemble onMapReady on Android
- Common: #1817 Allow fitToCoordinates to be called without options parameter
- Common: #1687 Fixed TypeScript definitions
- iOS: #1527 Added [iOS / Google Maps] support for showsIndoorLevelPicker
- iOS/Android: #1544 Adds support to animateToBearing and animateToViewingAngle ( IOS + Android )
- JS: #1503 Remove caret from "react": "^16.0.0-alpha.12
- Android: #1521 Fix rare android crashes when map size is 0
- Common: #1601 Added Typescript Definitions
- Android: #1612 Remove legalNotice from android AirMapModule
- Android: #1643 [MapMarker] fix android release crash on custom marker
- Android: #1563 Add missing native method for setting initial region
- iOS: #1187 Reverted due to build issues
- Android: #1428 Add ability to load marker image from drawable
- iOS: #1187 Improve marker performance
- iOS/Android: #1458 Add Google Maps legalNotice constant
- JS: #1546 Fix initial region native prop
- Android: #1481 Handle Android RN 0.47 breaking change
- iOS: #1357 add MKTileOverlayRenderer
- iOS: #1369 Add onMapReady callback
- Android/iOS/JS: #1360 Add minZoom and maxZoom properties for android and ios
- JS: #1479 Fix timing function used in AnimatedRegion.spring
- iOS: #1362 Updates for React 0.43-0.45 and React 16.
- JS: #1323 Updates for React 0.43-0.45 and React 16.
- Android/iOS/JS: #1440 Updates for React 0.43-0.45 and React 16.
- iOS: #1115 Fix animateToCoordinate and animateToRegion
- Android: #1403 Fix an NPE
- iOS: #1351 Fix file references
- iOS: #1341 Fix compile error in rn version >= 0.40
- iOS: #1194 Add onPress support for Google Maps Polyline
- iOS: #1326 Add Marker rotation for Google Maps on iOS
- Android: #1311 Fix overlay issue
- Common #1313 Fix Android sourceDir for react-native-link
- iOS: #1195 Rename project file to fix iOS build error
- Android: Update Google Play Services to version
Restructure project #1164
Add showsIndoorLevelPicker -> setIndoorLevelPickerEnabled to MapView #1019 #1188
iOS - Added onPress support for Polygons on Google Maps #1024
Add customized user location annotation text #1049
iOS - Google Maps - Add
support #1157
Fix getResources() null crash in mapview #1188
Rename MapKit category to avoid conflicts with the one in RN #1172
Upgrade GMS dependencies to 10.2.0 #1169
fix multiple-instance memory leak #1130
fix onSelected event for markers with custom view #1079
Crash in our App fix #1096
Use local RCTConvert+MapKit instead of the one in React Native #1138
Add id identifier to marker-press event on Android #1008 (@stan229)
setNativeProps, marker opacity, nested components #940 (@unboundfire)
Update the android buildToolsVersion to 25.0.0 #1152 (@markusguenther)
for RN gradle dependency #1151 (@gpeal) -
fix null activity crash #1150 (@lelandrichardson)
Updated Google play services and gradle build plugin #1023 (@chris-at-translate)
Sets the map value for the AirMapUrlTile so that it can be updated properly #992 (@jschloer)
onPress and onCalloutPress doesn't trigger on markers in iOS #954 (@RajkumarPunchh)
- Update iOS header imports and JS SyntheticEvent import for RN 0.40 #923 (@ide)
- Fix issue where callouts sometimes overlap or don't appear #936 (@RajkumarPunchh)
- Fix "Animating with MapViews" example – fixes #763 #888 (@javiercr)
- [iOS] Fix "Option 2" method of building Google Maps #900 (@vjeranc)
- [Android] Fix exception when animating region during initialization #901 (@mlanter)
- Updated documentation #902, #904, #910 (@anami, @dboydor, @ali-alamine)
- [Android] Added support for taking snapshots on Android #625 (@IjzerenHein)
- [iOS] Allow legalLabelInsets to be changed and animated #873 (@scarlac)
- Added rotation attribute documentation #871 (@Arman92)
- Update mapview.md documentation #866 (@dccarmo)
This release only corrects the version in package.json.
NOTE: This version was not published because package.json was not properly updated
- [android] If we've disabled scrolling within the map, then don't capture the touch events #664 (@mikelambert)
- [android] Use latest Google Play Services #731 (@mlanter)
- [android] update google play services #805 (@lrivera)
- [iOS] Support iOS SDK < 10 ( XCode < 8 ) #708 (@rops)
- [iOS] Added showsUserLocation property support for Google Maps #721 (@julien-rodrigues)
- [iOS] Added Google Maps Circle, Polygon, Polyline, MapType Support #722 (@unboundfire)
- [iOS] Fix Anchor point on Google Maps iOS #734 (@btoueg)
- [Google Maps iOS] Marker init with image props. #738 (@btoueg)
- [iOS] Fix dynamic imageSrc removal #737 (@btoueg)
- [iOS] implement fitToSuppliedMarkers and fitToCoordinates for google #750 (@gilbox)
- [iOS][android] Add onPress for polygons and polylines on iOS and Android #760 (@frankrowe)
- [iOS] Fix flicker of map pins on state change #728 (@mlanter)
- [iOS] Set region only when view has width&height #785 (@gilbox)
- [iOS] Implements animateToRegion for Google #779 (@btoueg)
- [iOS] Google Maps Custom Tile Support #770 (@unboundfire)
- [android] Map Styling for android #808 (@ali-alamine using @azt3k code)
- [iOS] IOS Google Map styling #817 (@ali-alamine using @azt3k code)
- [iOS] Add support for polygon holes for Apple Maps and Google Maps on iOS #801 (@therealgilles)
- [iOS] Fixes #470. Support legalLabelInsets on Apple Maps #840 (@scarlac)
NOTE: 0.10.4
was released after this version, and it's possible
does not include everything in 0.10.4
. (see #851)
- Update example app for RN 0.35, fix Gmaps bug for 0.35 #695 (@spikebrehm)
- Upgraded to RN 0.35 #680 (@eugenehp)
- Update installation.md #696 (@securingsincity)
- [android] Fixes crash during Activity onPause() #694 (@felipecsl)
- Included MapUrlTile usage in README.md #687 (@ochanje210)
- [android] Add parameter to disable the moving on marker press #676 (@mlanter)
- Add support for setting zIndex on markers #675 (@mlanter)
- [iOS] implement fitToSuppliedMarkers and fitToCoordinates for google maps #750 (@gilbox)
- [android] If we've disabled scrolling within the map, then don't capture the touch events #664 (@mikelambert)
- [iOS] Fix Anchor point on Google Maps iOS #734 (@btoueg)
- [iOS] Added showsUserLocation property support for Google Maps #721 (@julien-rodrigues)
- [iOS][android] Add support for setting zIndex on markers #675 (@mlanter)
- [android] Add parameter to disable the moving on marker press #676 (@mlanter)
- NOTE: v0.10.3 was not published
- [android] Fixes crash during Activity onPause() (fixes #414) #694 (@felipecsl)
This release fixes issue #656
- [android] fix gradle build setup for explorer, bump to gradle 2.2.0 #666 (@gilbox)
- [android] fix getAirMapName to fix ref-based commands #665 (@gilbox)
- Upgrade to
As of this release, this repository has moved from
to airbnb/react-native-maps
- [iOS] Support Google Maps on iOS #548 (@gilbox)
- Added support for AnimatedRegion without modifying the AnimatedImplementation.js of react-native #608 (@IjzerenHein)
- [iOS] Remove pod stuff. Fix AirMaps.xcodeproj related to missing pod stuff #620 (@gilbox)
- [iOS] Fix import of AIRMapSnapshot #622 (@spikebrehm)
- [iOS] Fix nullability issue #614 (@simonmitchell)
- [iOS] Added support for drawing polylines on snapshots on iOS #615 (@IjzerenHein)
- Add
method #545 (@naoufal) - [Android] Fix list of examples on Android #597 (@spikebrehm)
- [Android] Fix overlapping map issue #589 (@fdnhkj)
- Add tile overlay support #595 (@cascadian, @spikebrehm)
- [Android] Support Android LiteMode #546 (@rops)
- s/lelandrichardson/airbnb/ #573 (@spikebrehm)
- [Android] Don't fit to elements if no positions added #567 (@ryankask)
- [iOS] Add class prefix to EmptyCalloutBackgroundView #563 (@terribleben)
- [Android] Minor code cleanup #564 (@felipecsl)
- Documentation updates #566, #591, #601, #602, #624 (@felipecsl, @Alastairm, @Keksike, @bbodenmiller)
We realized immediately after publishing 0.8.1 that the NPM package contained
some test code in the example2/
directory that contained a copy of the
package, causing this packager error:
Failed to build DependencyGraph: @providesModule naming collision:
Duplicate module name: String.prototype.es6
Paths: /Users/<path to project>/node_modules/react-native-maps/example2/node_modules/react-native/packager/react-packager/src/Resolver/polyfills/String.prototype.es6.js collides with /Users/<path to project>/node_modules/react-native/packager/react-packager/src/Resolver/polyfills/String.prototype.es6.js
This error is caused by a @providesModule declaration with the same name across two different files.
0.8.2 is identical to 0.8.1, except with the offending code removed from the NPM package.
- [Android] Use latest available (wildcard version) of RN to build Android (PR #547)
- [Android] Use
to callMapsInitialier.initialize()
(PR #449) - [Android] Fix file path for
(PR #526) - [Android] Fix path to React Native in
(PR #527) - [Android] Bump Google Play Services dependency to
(PR #533) - [iOS] Fix a few warnings (PR #534)
- [JS] Fix ESLint violations (PR #515)
- Upgrade to
, and update Android code to match (#502)
[android] Add
prop (#382) -
method (#386) -
[ios] Update AirMapMarker to use loadImageWithURLRequest (#389)
Improvements to watch and copy script (#445)
[ios] Added check on marker class in predicate (#485)
where appropriate (#500) and (#493) -
Add ESLint and fix a number of linting violations (#501)
Remove unused
for compat with RN 0.32 (#511)
- Fix iOS CocoaPods Issue (#308)
Fixing scrolling map inside a scrollView (#343)
Fix shouldUsePinView (#344)
Not calling setLoadingIndicatorColor when null (#337)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: “std::terminate()”
- [Android] Updated package to
(PR #225) - [Android] Lint fixes (PR #232)
- Initial release