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Meeting weekly 2012 09 11

nikomatsakis edited this page Sep 12, 2012 · 1 revision


  • Minor syntactic cleanup (nmatsakis)
    • Purge <-, <->
    • Purge fn() expressions?
    • Require that foo in (foo as @T) be an @ value
    • Rename DVec to GrowVec?
  • Monomorphic instance explosion :)
  • Tweak impl syntax before 0.4?
  • Remove 'unchecked'?
  • (tjc) Second thoughts on (maybe not needed)

Minor syntactic

  • <- and <->?
    • each have other, more flexible equivalents, deprecate and remove.
    • OK.
  • Drop the @fn(x: T) { ... } form in favor of |x| {...}?
    • graydon: I've found myself having trouble pulling out subexpressions into closures
    • OK
  • Require foo in foo as @T be an @ value?
    • @foo as @T
    • Double check whether @T is doubly indirect
    • OK
  • GrowVec?
    • Nobody loves it
    • VecBuf
    • StrBuf
    • What else do we need them for?
      • Anything else?
      • Freezable structures don't require it
    • Ask bblum about dlist

Monomorphic Instance Explosion

  • graydon: we are creating a lot of duplicate code
  • graydon: has anyone worked on C++ compilers? (no)
  • graydon: reason we do such much duplicate usually bottoms out in using the size of a type
  • graydon: feels like we are reproducing a lot of code in order to get step size to be a constant
  • nmatsakis: are you sure that's the case? and we're not using glue or something like that?
  • graydon: yes, often that is true, but ... in type_use, purpose is to compute a bit map that specifies how much a polymorphic fn depends on its type parameters:
    • bit one: if fn depends on the representation in any way (size, alignment, take/drop glue)
    • bit two: if fn depends on the type descriptor itself
  • graydon: but those are almost exactly the same
  • graydon: but lots of code only depends on the size/alignment and not the glue
  • graydon: maybe the answer is just to refactor
  • graydon: I am not sure if it properly recycles, and not sure
  • tjc: have you tried measuring to figure out how big a problem this is?
  • graydon: I'm trying to figure out how best to do that
  • graydon: hard to measure the effect without just fixing the code

Tweak impl syntax

  • brson: We've discussed it a few times. The impl syntax is not entirely satisfactory.
  • brson: Change impl foo: trait to impl trait for foo
  • dherman: before it was kind of overwhelming with all the keywords and options
  • brson: but without named impls it's much simpler
  • nmatsakis: I'm basically +1, I seem to misread the current syntax
  • dherman: I like 'type: trait'
  • graydon: it's precisely the same as the constraint list, I'm happy with it as it is
  • brson: ok, I'm not convinced there's a consensus to make the change

Remove unchecked

  • brson: is there any disagreement to removing unchecked?
  • graydon: there's this longer term background talk about a more general effect system
  • graydon: we could also currently label blocks with pure
  • nmatsakis: this gets into what precisely borrowck should or should not permit in unsafe blocks, and I don't know what the answer to that is
  • graydon: also, our lint modes already cover this concept of turning on/off checks
  • graydon: perhaps the block form of unsafe should just be a lint mode #[allow(unsafe)]
  • nmatsakis: chattier, but clear
  • brson: you could turn off safety at the crate level
  • graydon: yes though you still have the pure/unsafe qualifiers on functions
  • nmatsakis: I'm not opposed to #[allow(unsafe)], particularly as it allows us to scale up to mutliple kinds of unsafe, which can help to an swer the question of "what should borrowck allow in an unsafe block?"
  • graydon: I do want to go in this direction. I'm imitating Ada's system.
  • graydon: I want to build this in from the beginning so that people can subset the language and so forth
  • nmatsakis: seems related to this effect inference/discussion
  • dherman: depends on how sound you want to be
  • brson: this will make control over unsafety rather coarse, unless we expand where you can put attributes
  • graydon: yeah it'll be at the function granularity unless we make blocks annotatable
  • brson: kind of the opposite of what I prefer
  • brson: graydon, are you think this is a change we could accomplish for 0.4?
  • graydon: no
  • brson: what about removing unchecked?
  • graydon: how about switching unchecked to pure?
  • nmatsakis: wasn't the goal to consolidate unsafe/unchecked?
  • brson: yes though the motivator was removing keywords
  • graydon: it is unsafe, that's true, mid-term if you just want to consolidate the two that'd be ok
  • graydon: another nice thing about using the lint modes is that you can write #[forbid(unsafe)], though we can do that in other ways

Issue #3413: second thoughts by tjc

  • tjc: I made this RFC to make return or tail exprs implicitly move
  • tjc: but I went ahead and made the moves explicit in libcore/libstd and I felt like maybe it's not necessary
  • brson: I feel good about being explicit until we decide it's too painful
  • graydon: I don't have a firm opinion, this is an optimization in C++ (return value optimization)
  • tjc: we can still have a lint more to warn where you could be moving but you are not
  • graydon: I feel like when we turn that on we will want <- again
  • nmatsakis: bear in mind rvalues are always moves.
  • graydon: ah, true. probably doesn't happen all that often
  • nmatsakis: I agree with brson let's err on the side of explicit


  • brson: I keep putting off updating docs's not fun
  • brson: but we have tons of useful bugs and the docs are fairly out of date
  • brson: I haven't actually looked but I suspect they are bad
  • brson: we need some effort on that, I will do some, but...
  • graydon: I am happy to help
  • nmatsakis: I would be happy to do but do not have time till after the release
  • dherman: doc sprint, even a single day, can be really helpful
  • nmatsakis: how do people feel about having multiple tutorials?
  • brson: pcwalton has started breaking it up, though I don't think it's fully integrated
  • nmatsakis: I'd like to bring in my region tutorial
  • dherman: multiple tutorials are good, easier entry point, and also helps you to leave things out (I can always write another thing)

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