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Meeting weekly 2012 11 06

brson edited this page Nov 6, 2012 · 3 revisions


brian, tim, graydon, patrick, niko


  • floating point literal inference


  • G: Been fighting buildbot all week.
  • G: If people could actually start watching buildbot as well that would be nice but it might be too early for that
  • B: What kind of failures are we seeing?
  • G: It's configured to test a little bit more than Rustbot was.
  • G: It is running both a full and quick incoming cycle.
  • G: Quick is single target, no valgrind, check-lite
  • G: Full does an all targets, all tests, valgrind build that kicks in from time to time
  • B: Console is green for everything but windows, which seems pretty good
  • G: "dist" target got broken but...
  • B: least we have dist testing now.
  • G: Though not on a regular cycle
  • G: Unfortunately buildbot seems to corrupt its workspace more often


  • G: One option is MIT-APL dual license

Floating point literal inference

  • P: Floating point inference. It's come up several times. Not having it is annoying. Etc. Particularly for * graphics programming.
  • G: Integer inference important for literal arguments. Very common.
  • P: Litany of graphics examples.
  • P, G, B, N: Missed discussion. Will implement float inference.

Constants in patterns

  • P: Constants in patterns. We detect when it happens and make it an error. Why don't we 'do the right thing'.
  • N: Consts can't be shadowed, act like nullary variants?
  • P: That is the situation today. Consts have all caps convention so shadowing isn't a big deal.
  • All: agreement

Moves based on type

  • P: I'm going to experiment with implementing moves based on types rather than move/copy keywords*

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