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@peppy peppy released this 27 Dec 17:43
· 14476 commits to master since this release

Thanks for following along! This is a tagged release (2022.1227.0). For more information check out the osu! changelog page and dev blog.

Mobile releases will come later after some fixes. The android APK is from the previous release so new users still have something to download.

Beatmap Listing

Turn on featured artist filter by default and add disclaimer when toggling for the first time (#21646 by @peppy)

Another step in the direction of promoting featured artist beatmaps and providing new users with better directed access to licenced content. I hope the overhead of clicking through the dialog will not be too bad once per session, but depending on feedback we can consider adding a "don't show again" or similar.

This is a personal requirement for pushing osu! out to a new audience (aka mobile). We've made huge progress with the featured artist project and I think making it the default visibility is the right next step.

Code Quality


Allow imports from stable on windows to not use extra disk space (#21628 by @peppy)

A common user request is to "make lazer share a beatmaps directory with stable". This finally realises that goal when both games are on the same drive, using "hard links". You can find more details about how this works at the explanatory wiki page.


  • Fix track changes not updating initial timeline zoom correctly (#21766 by @frenzibyte)



Retrofit lazer scoring data onto .osr files (#21553 by @smoogipoo)

This retrofits a minimal subset of scoring data that is required by lazer in order to properly show scores to the end of .osr files. This leaves the files backwards compatible with osu-stable should you choose to import a lazer replay into it, and also perhaps the path for us to potentially show lazer scores in stable?

Add argon "pro" skin (#21735 by @nekodex)

Adds a new argon "pro" skin variant that inherits from "argon".

Initially the only difference will be the new "pro" hitsounds, but this provides a home for potential "pro"-targeting skin modifications in the future.

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!)

Don't show "great" or higher judgements when using argon "pro" skin (#21774 by @peppy)

Done in the easiest-to-implement way for now. I would have liked to use MaxResult from the triggering Judgement but doing so would come with its own weirdness due to how drawable judgements are pooled. Eventually we will want to move this logic inside DrawableJudgement to allow for toggling as a setting, but that will come later.

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Always hide cursor in osu!catch gameplay (#21625 by @Mogiiii)

Gameplay (osu!mania)

  • Fix crashes on quick-retrying when holding note in mania (#21751 by @bdach)



Only show local results in multi-spectator results screen (#21618 by @smoogipoo)

Was previously showing local results as if it was a non-multiplayer display.


  • Fix clients not reconnecting after a connection error (#21586 by @smoogipoo)
  • Store maximum statistics to spectator state (#21587 by @smoogipoo)
  • Add score token to BeginPlaySession() (#21588 by @smoogipoo)
  • Ensure score submission completion before notifying spectator server when exiting play early (#21753 by @bdach)
  • Add score processed callback to spectator client (#21738 by @bdach)
  • Add solo statistics watcher component to deliver incremental global user statistics updates (#21762 by @bdach)
  • Use new lazer API endpoint (#21810 by @peppy)



Fix android crash when using non-Gregorian calendars (#21583 by @Susko3)

Fix iPad devices not rendering various circular elements (ppy/osu-framework#5610 by @frenzibyte)


Limit SFX panning range on results screen (#21661 by @nekodex)

At least one user reported that the panning effect was too intense, so it is now reduced to match other panning effects.

Add overall ranking display to solo results screen (#21778 by @bdach)


Smaller changes

  • Only show global rankings on solo results screen when progressing from gameplay (#21804 by @bdach)


Add button to settings to show lazer upgrade guide (#21777 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

  • Fix language dropdown in settings and language selector in first run dialog not syncing (#21746 by @peppy)
  • Fix restore default button having a minuscule hit area (#21737 by @bdach)



Only show song select for now at UI scale adjust first run screen (#21730 by @peppy)

Having both was a bit too much. Still not happy with this but it's a bit less sensory overload. I think while it's cool being able to show nested screens like this, it needs more thought to actually be a good experience.

Smaller changes

  • Fix buttons in setting overlay receiving input outside the visible corners (#21614 by @EVAST9919)
  • Fix changelog single build dates disappearing before being off screen (#21616 by @Joehuu)
  • Fix buttons receiving input outside the content (#21619 by @EVAST9919)
  • Fix welcome screen language buttons not working (#21718 by @bdach)
  • Fix file select popup getting stuck when switching first run screens while selecting (#21731 by @peppy)
  • Fix breadcrumb tab item click area not extending to background height (#21675 by @Joehuu)
  • Fix wiki overlay showing error message when load is cancelled (#21772 by @peppy)
  • Implement overall ranking display for solo results screen (#21776 by @bdach)
  • Link beatmap set title and artist to listing search (#21781 by @Joehuu)
  • Highlight "open" option on external link button context menu (#21807 by @Joehuu)
  • Add link to hard link explanation wiki page (#21811 by @peppy)


Full Changelog: 2022.1225.1...2022.1227.0