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MWY3510 edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 1 revision

#Introduction OSL support in PRMan for Blender

Pixar's Renderman supports using the OSL shading language to create many unique and powerful shading nodes. As such PRMan for Blender allows the user to use OSL to create pattern type nodes for use in Renderman shading networks.

Using OSL nodes

To use OSL nodes in PRMan for Blender do the following.

  1. Add a new material to the object of your choice.
  2. Make a PxrOSL node in the Node view.
  3. Locate your OSL file that you want to use.
  4. If the OSL file is in Blender's text editor use the internal option. Otherwise use the external location option and browse to it.
  5. Press the refresh node button. This will compile your OSL script and determine what inputs and outputs you need.
  6. Use the node in your shading graph.


OSL support in Renderman does not include closures. Blender may compile your script and give you a closure type node but it will not work!! You have been warned.
If you run into a problem and your node does not compile, look in Blender's console for detailed error information.
Anything related to your script will be prefixed with OSL INFO:.

Please report any errors to the bug tracker.

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