Takes a folder of SVG images and creates an SVG sprite along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass or LESS) out of them. It is a Grunt plugin that wraps around the svg-sprite Node.js module.
This plugin requires Grunt.
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-svg-sprite --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named svgsprite
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
svgsprite: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
Of course, the top level options
object is optional and you may define as many targets as you want. Your targets should look like this:
your_target: {
src : ['path/to/svg/image/dir'],
dest : 'path/to/main/output/dir'
As svg-sprite accepts exactly one input directory for each run, only the first element of the src
resource list will be used. That said, you may also provide a simple string as src
your_target: {
src : 'path/to/svg/image/dir',
dest : 'path/to/main/output/dir'
You may provide both task and target specific options
your_target: {
src : 'path/to/svg/dir',
dest : 'path/to/css/dir',
// Target specific options
options : {
dims : true,
keep : true
The options are passed to svg-sprite as configuration values. A complete reference is available here.
Option | Description |
render | Rendering configuration (output formats like CSS, Sass, LESS, HTML with inline SVG, etc.; details see here) |
spritedir | Sprite subdirectory name ["svg" ] |
sprite | Sprite file name ["sprite" ] |
prefix | CSS selector prefix ["svg" ] |
common | Common CSS selector for all images [empty] |
maxwidth | Maximum single image width [1000 ] |
maxheight | Maximum single image height [1000 ] |
padding | Transparent padding around the single images (in pixel) [0 ] |
layout | Image arrangement within the sprite ("vertical" , "horizontal" or "diagonal" ) ["vertical" ] |
pseudo | Character sequence for denoting CSS pseudo classes ["~" ] |
dims | Render image dimensions as separate CSS rules [false ] |
keep | Keep intermediate SVG files (inside the sprite subdirectory) [false ] |
recursive | Recursive scan of the input directory for SVG files [false ] |
verbose | Output verbose progress information (0-3) [0 ] |
cleanwith | Module to be used for SVG cleaning. Currently "scour" or "svgo" ["svgo" ] |
cleanconfig | Configuration options for the cleaning module [{} ] |
In this very basic example, the default options are used to create an SVG sprite along with a suitable CSS file (the render.css
option defaults to TRUE
svgsprite: {
spriteCSS: {
src: ['path/to/svg/dir'],
dest: 'path/to/css/dir'
These files are created at path/to/css/dir
|-- sprite.css
`-- svg
`-- sprite.svg
In this slightly more verbose example, custom options are used to disable CSS output and create Sass resources instead. Also, the images will be downscaled to 50 x 50 pixel (if necessary) and padded by 10 pixels before creating the SVG sprite. Finally, CSS rules specifying the image dimensions will be added and the optimized, intermediate SVG images used for creating the sprite won't be discarded.
svgsprite : {
spriteSass : {
src : ['path/to/svg/dir'],
dest : 'path/to/css/dir',
options : {
render : {
css : false,
scss : {
dest : 'sass/_sprite'
maxwidth : 50,
maxheight : 50,
padding : 10,
keep : true,
dims : true
These files are created at path/to/css/dir
(when run with the example SVG images coming with grunt-svg-sprite):
|-- sass
| `-- _sprite.scss
`-- svg
|-- sprite.svg
|-- weather-clear-night.svg
|-- weather-clear.svg
|-- weather-few-clouds-night.svg
|-- weather-few-clouds.svg
|-- weather-overcast.svg
|-- weather-severe-alert.svg
|-- weather-showers-scattered.svg
|-- weather-showers.svg
|-- weather-snow.svg
|-- weather-storm.svg
`-- weather-storm~hover.svg
The output rendering of grunt-svg-sprite is based on Mustache templates, which enables full customization of the generated results. You can even introduce completely new output formats. For details please see the svg-sprite documentation.
Also, you may use grunt-svg-sprite to create an inline SVG sprite that can be embedded directly into your HTML documents. Please see the svg-sprite documentation for details.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- Compatibility release
- Added a Stylus output template
- Compatibility release
- Documentation corrections
- Compatibility release
- Fixed bug with SVGO plugin configuration (#13)
- Added new HTML output format for rendering an inline SVG HTML implementation (#12)
- Added new SVG output format for rendering an inline SVG sprite (#12)
- Documentation corrections
- Compatibility release
- Fixed tests after fixing the padding bug in svg-sprite
- Compatibility release
- Compatibility release
- Compatibility release
- Compatibility release
- Added support for omitting the sprite subdirectory (svg-sprite issue #5)
- Added support for Mustache template based rendering (svg-sprite issue #6)
- Breaking change: Dropped
configuration options and addedrender
instead (see the svg-sprite documentation for a description of the available options)
- Added support for LESS output (#6)
- Updated dependency to bugfixed svg-sprite (#3)
- Updated dependency to bugfixed svg-sprite (#2)
- Changed devDependencies
- Initial release
##Legal Copyright © 2014 Joschi Kuphal joschi@kuphal.net / @jkphl
grunt-svg-sprite is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
The contained example SVG icons are part of the Tango Icon Library and belong to the Public Domain.