Traffic sign automatic recognition and intelligent speed assist.
Tsaraisa was run with "./ -s -g -c lbpCascade.xml -M" on demo screenshot.
- Detect traffic signs.
- Recognize speed limits in signs.
- (optional) Compare GPS-speed to speed limit.
- (optional) Run user command when overspeeding.
- Uses threading to update GPS-info automatically.
- Gets speed from GPS-daemon using python bindings.
Frame handling
- Reads frame from webcam.
- Converts frame to grayscale with cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).
- (optional) Morphological Open/close.
- (optional) Equalizes histograms with cv2.equalizeHist().
- Downscale frame with multiplier n.
Traffic sign detection
- Uses LBP- or HAAR-cascade to detect speed signs.
- LBP-cascade was trained with 2000 positive and 1000 negative images.
- Negative image is image of road without speed limit sign.
- Positive image is image of road with speed limit sign.
- LBP- and HAAR-detection allows great differences in lightning.
- LBP- and HAAR-detection works great on low performance machines.
Recognizing speed limits
- Uses Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Library feature matching.
- Creates "keypoints" of detected sign and compares them to all known speed limits (files in data-folder).
- Keypoint match distances need to be inside a threshold.
- Match with biggest proper keypoint amount will be returned.
- It is fast and pretty accurate with different lightning conditions.
Speed assist
- When new speed limit is detected it is added as current speed limit.
- After every frame script compares current speed to current speed limit.
- Script runs specified command when overspeeding (e.g. "beep").
Required software
- OpenCV >=3.0.0
- Python >=2.7.3
- LibAV >=0.8.10
- (optional) gpsd && python-gps
- (optional) V4L2 1.0.1
Required hardware
- Webcam or some other video-source.
- (optional) GPS Module BU-353
usage: [-h] [-d SOURCE] [-g] [-o COMMAND] [-c CASCADE] [-k MINKP]
[-m MATCHES] [-e] [-M] [-T] [-s]
Traffic sign recognition and intelligent speed assist.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d SOURCE, --device SOURCE
Index of used video device. Default: 0 (/dev/video0).
-g, --gps Enable over speeding detection.
-o COMMAND, --overspeed COMMAND
Command used in overspeed warning. Default: echo
-c CASCADE, --cascade CASCADE
Cascade used in speed sign detection. Default:
-k MINKP, --keypoints MINKP
Min amount of keypoints required in limit recognition.
Default: 5.
Multiplier for downscaling frame before detecting
signs. Default: 1.
Threshold multiplier for accepting FLANN matches.
Default: 0.8.
-F CHECKS, --flannchecks CHECKS
How many checks will be done in FLANN matching.
Default: 50.
-t TREES, --flanntrees TREES
How many trees will be used in FLANN matching.
Default: 5.
-m MATCHES, --matches MATCHES
How many consecutive keypoint matches are needed
before setting new limit. Default: 2.
-e, --disable-eq Disable histogram equalization.
-M, --morphopenclose Enable morphological open/close used in removing noise
from image.
-T, --trackbars Enable debug trackbars.
-s, --showvid Show output video with detections.
- Very low false positives with LBP- and HAAR-cascades.
- Plenty of false positives with FLANN-recognition.
Better cascade
- Get proper negative images (atleast 2000).
- Get proper positive images (atleast 2000).
- Positives and negatives on every weather condition.
- Multiple versions from every sign image.
- Dirty, broken, old, partial, overexposured...
- NOTE: Training LBP-cascade requires usually hours, HAAR-cascade days.
- NOTE: To create a cascade that detects all speed limits, remove speed limit numbers from positive images (I just left the middle of sign transparent).
Better keypoint samples
- Use better algorithm.
- Get CAD-pictures of speed limits from Finnish Transport Agency.
- Convert to C++ (1-10% increase in performance).
- Use hardware that supports CUDA, TBB, and/or NEON acceleration (Compile OpenCV with selected acceleration method enabled.).
Known problems
- Different webcams require finding correct command line arguments.
- When using low resolutions, sign detection range is very low.
- Cascades were trained fastly so not as good as could be.
See LICENCE file.
Copyright 2014 Jarmo Puttonen