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AJ Jordan edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 5 revisions

Call for meeting 2016/02/19 20:00 UTC


  • code development
  • Other pending PR/bugfix proposals
  • New release(s)? Roadmap
  • Community governance and sustainability
  • Funding
  • Node adoption (sponsoring, administering)
  • Adoption of non-node related websites (e.g. OpenFarmGame,
  • Governance (non-profit status/application)
  • Code of Conduct (issue 1142)

Next meeting

The next Community Meeting will be, hopefully, on Friday 2016/03/18 at 20:00 UTC


The meeting took place in IRC channel in Freenode. Here is the log:

[21:06] <strugee> #############################################################

[21:06] <strugee> BEGIN LOG

[21:06] <strugee> #############################################################

[21:06] <strugee> meetings are fun! ok

[21:07] <strugee> can we do attendance?

[21:07] <strugee> for the log?

[21:07] <evanpro_> Here!

[21:07] <strugee> and as always if anyone wants their nick redacted /msg me or something

[21:07] <Nemno> o/

[21:07] <strugee> paroneayea's here too

[21:07] <strugee> is that it?

[21:08] <strugee> guess so

[21:08] <strugee> ok! here's the agenda:

[21:08] <strugee>

[21:09] <strugee> #TOPIC code development

[21:09] <strugee> Other pending PR/bugfix proposals

[21:10] <paroneayea> o/

[21:10] <strugee> so in terms of the code last night I went through the open PRs and pinged their authors asking them to rebase on top of current master

[21:10] <strugee> that way we can see if Travis passes and if so merge all that stuff in

[21:10] <strugee> if authors don't reply within a week or two I'll go through and just do it myself

[21:10] <evanpro_> Cool

[21:11] <evanpro_> So, there are some pretty big ones in there

[21:11] <strugee> yes.

[21:11] <evanpro_> There's one to get GNU gettext into the server

[21:11] <evanpro_> Which I think is huge, and probably doesn't work

[21:11] <strugee> some of them definitely need discussion

[21:11] <evanpro_> But I'm not sure

[21:11] <evanpro_> Since you'd need to have the language context connected to the request

[21:11] <evanpro_> Otherwise it's setting a global

[21:12] <strugee> definitely

[21:12] <evanpro_> Honestly I'm not sure how it's supposed to work

[21:12] <strugee> some of the smaller ones like are obviously mergeable so I'll take care of those

[21:12] <strugee> the bigger ones will need discussion with the author and also with you

[21:12] <evanpro_> Sweet

[21:12] <evanpro_> I'm generally in agreement with most of them

[21:13] <strugee> e.g. I'm not sure if we would even want to merge

[21:13] -*- strugee shrugs

[21:13] <strugee> anyway

[21:13] <strugee> oh, and larjona can't make it today but she provided an update earlier

[21:13] <evanpro_> Maybe just @evanp ones that you think need my attention and give me 24h to respond

[21:13] <evanpro_> And if I don't make your own call

[21:13] <strugee> evanpro_: will do

[21:14] <strugee> here's larjona's bit:

[21:14] <strugee> [05:27:31] <larjona> I'll try to be here, but I'm not sure I can. My status update:

[21:14] <strugee> [05:27:57] <larjona> * I requested logging the channel to (on Monday, I think). No answer yet.

[21:14] <strugee> [05:29:35] <larjona> * I created a spreadsheet for the e14n server with the list of the servers (pump nodes plus the ones hosting services like spamicity, openfarmgame, and the columns for CPU, RAM, Disk, Database, etc, number of accounts, and other details. I just sent it to Evan, so no data yet. Sorry to do this so late.

[21:14] <strugee> [05:29:52] <larjona> * I sent email to Evan (right now) reminder of today's meeting

[21:14] <strugee> [05:32:13] <larjona> * High probability that I go to this event in Barcelona 12-13 March: introducing (and, and mediagoblin) in the context of "decentralized FLOSS that can help CBPP / P2P communities with two aims: (1) to discuss and draft together a set of guidelines and best practices to build software platforms in the field; (2) to raise awareness among policy experts

[21:14] <pumabot>

[21:14] <strugee> about the need for

[21:14] <strugee> [05:32:13] <larjona> decentralization and for innovations in that direction."

[21:14] <strugee> [05:32:13] <pumabot>

[21:14] <strugee> [05:33:00] <larjona> well, more in the context of "(2)" of that ^

[21:14] <strugee> [05:36:39] <larjona> * Evan added me to so it seems I can push to the repository. I didn't do anything since then. I hope this weekend to put some time to see if I can also put tags to bugs, etc, and do some bug triaging. I'll comment in the pull requests or bugs I can (where I feel I have enough skills to complete understand the issue) and close duplicate bugs, if I can.

[21:14] <strugee> [05:36:55] <larjona> That's all from my side, I think.

[21:14] <strugee> evanpro_: also I fixed the bot since the last meeting

[21:15] <strugee> so now it doesn't say "stay positive" all the time

[21:15] <evanpro_> ha ha

[21:15] <evanpro_> I forget what made it say that

[21:15] <evanpro_> Something small IIRC

[21:15] <evanpro_> OK, so, on the subject of that spreadsheet

[21:15] <strugee> it was supposed to be "negative" words but the heuristics were dismal

[21:16] <strugee> anyway, spreadsheet!

[21:16] <evanpro_> Oh, yeah

[21:16] <evanpro_> So I started working on that, I can get the rest done in the next few days

[21:16] <strugee> awesome! thanks

[21:17] <evanpro_> I'm going to put in a little more information, like domain registrar and expiry date

[21:17] <paroneayea> <johnsu01> I won't be able to make the meeting, but one thing to contribute, FSF is coming into some new hardware resources and so would likely be able to provide hosting for a volunteer-administered pump node

[21:17] <paroneayea> thought it might be a good time to raise that

[21:17] <strugee> paroneayea++

[21:17] <pumabot> paroneayea has 1 point

[21:18] <evanpro_> Nice!

[21:18] <evanpro_> I wonder if they could handle

[21:18] <strugee> #TOPIC Node adoption (sponsoring, administering)

[21:18] <strugee> ^^^ since we're talking about this anyway :)

[21:18] <paroneayea> evanpro_: maybe something for you to email johnsu01 about?

[21:19] <evanpro_> Yeah that sounds great

[21:19] <paroneayea> coolio

[21:19] <strugee> evanpro_: other stuff like and OpenFarmGame are on that spreadsheet as well, right?

[21:19] <evanpro_> The big thing that sucks about the .ca servers is that there are domain-control requirements

[21:19] <evanpro_> strugee: yes

[21:19] <strugee> I'm assuming you'd be open to those being community-maintained as well?

[21:20] <evanpro_> Everything on that list

[21:20] <strugee> evanpro_: fantastic!

[21:20] <strugee> ok

[21:20] <Nemno> do/can we have a flattr option for donation?

[21:20] <strugee> anything else for community node adoption?

[21:20] <strugee> if not we can move on to funding

[21:21] <evanpro_> I need to write up an agreement for adoption

[21:21] <strugee> since Nemno asked :)

[21:21] <evanpro_> The big thing is that I'd like have people agree to keep the terms of service and privacy agreement for at least N years

[21:22] <evanpro_> And during that time, if they choose not to keep the server running, they give me a chance to get it back

[21:22] <strugee> seems reasonable

[21:22] <evanpro_> Since the point of adoption is to keep the servers running, not to shut them down

[21:23] <paroneayea> (oh, I have a topic at end of agenda btw)

[21:23] <paroneayea> (remind me before we close out!)

[21:23] <strugee> paroneayea: will do

[21:23] <paroneayea> (very short)

[21:23] <strugee> evanpro_: sounds good

[21:23] <strugee> funding?

[21:24] <Nemno> do we need some legal structure? foundation or something with a bank-account so the domainname is registered to the foundation?

[21:24] <strugee> #TOPIC Funding

[21:24] <paroneayea> should probably not set up its own foundation

[21:24] <strugee> Conservancy is supposed to do that for us, right?

[21:25] <paroneayea> well, I think evanpro_ was going to apply

[21:25] <paroneayea> evanpro_: any updates?

[21:25] <evanpro_> Yeah, I sent in the application and got back an email

[21:25] <evanpro_> Lemme check it

[21:26] <evanpro_> So there are a lot of questions to answer

[21:26] <evanpro_> Is there a good place for me to put up the questionnaire so we can answer collaboratively?

[21:27] <strugee> evanpro_: does the GitHub Wiki work?

[21:27] <paroneayea> evanpro_: maybe

[21:27] <evanpro_> Maybe I send it to Larjona and we can edit it on her Sandstorm?

[21:27] <paroneayea> larjona's sandstorm would also work

[21:27] <strugee> doesn't matter, really

[21:27] <evanpro_> let's do the wiki

[21:27] <evanpro_> I'll add it right now

[21:29] <evanpro_>

[21:30] <strugee> \o/

[21:30] <evanpro_> Let's use that? Can we shoot for having it complete by next meeting?

[21:30] <strugee> thank evanpro_!

[21:30] <strugee> s/thank/thanks/

[21:30] <evanpro_> OK, I need to leave in a few minutes

[21:30] <strugee> evanpro_: ok

[21:30] <evanpro_> Sorry, I'm at a family wedding this weekend, so everything is kind of crazy

[21:31] <evanpro_> Can we talk about the CoC?

[21:31] <strugee> yeah I was just going to say that

[21:31] <evanpro_> So, here are my thoughts

[21:31] <evanpro_> One thing that happens when we adopt a Code of Conduct is that we attract a lot of attention from trolls

[21:32] <evanpro_> This is, unfortunately, the reason we should adopt a Code of Conduct

[21:32] <strugee> yes.

[21:33] <strugee> in, by "this" I assume you mean Contributor Covenant?

[21:33] <evanpro_> Oh, no

[21:33] <strugee> which, then?

[21:33] <evanpro_> I meant the Open Code of Conduct that you linked to at the beginning of the thread

[21:34] <strugee> oh, I should have said

[21:34] <strugee> #TOPIC Code of Conduct (issue 1142)

[21:34] <strugee> ok, I'll send a PR for Open Code of Conduct.

[21:34] <evanpro_> I know this is kind of crazy, but should we do a vote?

[21:34] <paroneayea> evanpro_: out of curiosity, any reason you like the OCoC better than the contributor covenant?

[21:34] <paroneayea> I kind of like the contributor covenant a bit better but I think either is good

[21:34] <evanpro_> Guys, I gotta go

[21:35] <paroneayea> okay

[21:35] <strugee> evanpro_: see ya! thanks for being here

[21:35] <paroneayea> so I don't think we should have a vote

[21:35] <paroneayea> esp since evan is leaving, and then it would probably be held till next time

[21:35] <paroneayea> the general people who are active right now want a CoC so we should have one.

[21:35] <paroneayea> the complaints have come from outside mostly anyway.

[21:36] <strugee> evanpro_: before you leave, what should I use for the contact email? admin@e14n? my email? I don't mind doing that but I'm not sure if it'd be the best

[21:36] --> evanpro joined

[21:37] <evanpro> sorry, kids were screaming

[21:37] <evanpro> so what was the choice? what's the other one? I didn't see it

[21:37] <strugee> evanpro:

[21:37] <paroneayea> evanpro: contributor covenant; guix adopted it an I realy like it

[21:37] <evanpro> all I saw was the code of meritocracy which I'm pretty much 100% against

[21:38] <paroneayea> yes, 100% against code of meritocracy

[21:38] <strugee> agreed

[21:38] <paroneayea> evanpro: is a real CoC

[21:38] <paroneayea>

[21:38] <paroneayea> I like how clean and clear it is

[21:38] <evanpro> OK gimme 3

[21:39] <evanpro> strugee what's your preference?

[21:39] <-- evanpro_ left (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)

[21:39] <strugee> evanpro: Contributor Covenant probably, but it doesn't really matter

[21:39] <strugee> just as long as we have one

[21:39] <evanpro> oh great

[21:39] <evanpro> that means I don't need to learn the diff

[21:39] <evanpro> I back you guys

[21:40] <strugee> awesome

[21:40] <strugee> I'll push it to GitHub

[21:40] <strugee> what should the email contact be?

[21:41] <evanpro> strugee, Mr chair, I propose that we adopt the contributor covenant, with PR by strugee, for our code of conduct

[21:41] <strugee> \o/

[21:41] <evanpro> plus ones?

[21:41] <evanpro> +1

Next meeting

The next Community Meeting will be, hopefully, on Friday 2016/03/18 at 20:00 UTC

[21:41] <paroneayea> +1

[21:41] <strugee> +1

[21:41] <Nemno> +1

[21:41] <strugee> I know Sazius +1'd this too

[21:42] <evanpro> email address =

[21:42] <strugee> evanpro: does that address work?

[21:42] <evanpro> or is there a better one?

[21:42] <evanpro> I'll set it up

[21:43] <strugee> ok, great. thanks, evanpro!

[21:43] <paroneayea> larjona also said she'd agree with probably any code of conduct, it was hard for her to see the differences between them

[21:43] <paroneayea> so I think we're solid here

[21:43] <strugee> sounds good!

[21:43] <strugee> evanpro: we should let you go, thanks so much for being here!

[21:43] <evanpro> so, seems like it's unanimous to me

[21:43] <evanpro> thanks so much

[21:43] <paroneayea> yes thank you evanpro !

[21:44] <evanpro> until next time

[21:44] <paroneayea> evanpro: waiaiiit

[21:44] <paroneayea> one thing

[21:44] <paroneayea> did you see:

[21:44] <paroneayea>

[21:44] <paroneayea> mediagoblin <-> federation!

[21:45] <evanpro> oh my gee amazinggggggggg

[21:45] <paroneayea> the dream is coming true!

[21:45] <paroneayea> yeah

[21:45] <paroneayea> all tsyesika's hard work

[21:45] <paroneayea> payin' off

[21:45] <evanpro> bravo

[21:45] <paroneayea> \o/

[21:45] <evanpro> let's discuss on Tuesday at w3c

[21:45] <paroneayea> evanpro: yes

[21:45] <paroneayea> ok, now lata evanpro :)

[21:46] <strugee> ok, I think that's actually almost it for the agenda!

[21:46] <strugee> there's just new releases/roadmap to talk about

[21:47] <strugee> but we'd need evanpro for that, right? so let's just save it for the next meeting

[21:47] <paroneayea> yeah sounds good

[21:47] <paroneayea> great meeting!

[21:47] <strugee> yeah!

[21:47] <paroneayea> and thank you for chairing strugee

[21:47] <strugee> thanks paroneayea, evanpro, Nemno for being here!

[21:47] <paroneayea> strugee++

[21:47] <pumabot> strugee has 3 points

[21:47] <strugee> paroneayea: any time!

[21:47] <paroneayea> :)

[21:47] <strugee> can you take us out with some ASCII art?

[21:47] <Nemno> strugee++

[21:47] <pumabot> strugee has 4 points

[21:51] --> evanpro_ joined

[21:51] -*- strugee copies and pastes larjona's art from the last meeting instead

[21:51] <strugee> )

[21:51] <strugee> (

[21:51] <strugee> ncf )

[21:51] <strugee> _.-(-.

[21:51] <strugee> (@`---'/.

[21:51] <strugee> (' ._.')

[21:51] <-- evanpro left (Read error: No route to host)

[21:51] <strugee> `-..___..-'

[21:51] <strugee> thanks, all! see you next time

[21:52] <strugee> #############################################################

[21:52] <strugee> END LOG

[21:52] <strugee> #############################################################

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