No due date
11% complete
For the next major release of pyrato the following changes are planned:
Restructuring and grouping into the following sub-modules
- analytic
- edc
- rap (room acoustic parameters)
- parametric (Sabine's eq., Eyring's eq. ...)
- dsp
See #43 for the implementation of the new structure
Additional features:
For the next major release of pyrato the following changes are planned:
Restructuring and grouping into the following sub-modules
- analytic
- edc
- rap (room acoustic parameters)
- parametric (Sabine's eq., Eyring's eq. ...)
- dsp
See #43 for the implementation of the new structure
Additional features:
Functions to be moved to pyfar
- impulse response max
Deprecated and to be removed
- impulse response start
- preprocess_rir should be private
- adapt channel handling naming to match pyfar
- reverberation_time