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Quadratic time internal base conversions #90716

tim-one opened this issue Jan 28, 2022 · 84 comments

Quadratic time internal base conversions #90716

tim-one opened this issue Jan 28, 2022 · 84 comments
3.13 bugs and security fixes interpreter-core (Objects, Python, Grammar, and Parser dirs) performance Performance or resource usage type-feature A feature request or enhancement


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tim-one commented Jan 28, 2022

BPO 46558
Nosy @tim-one, @cfbolz, @sweeneyde
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields:

    assignee = None
    closed_at = <Date 2022-01-28.03:12:39.839>
    created_at = <Date 2022-01-28.02:31:44.271>
    labels = ['interpreter-core', 'performance']
    title = 'Quadratic time internal base conversions'
    updated_at = <Date 2022-01-31.06:11:48.110>
    user = '' fields:

    activity = <Date 2022-01-31.06:11:48.110>
    actor = 'tim.peters'
    assignee = 'none'
    closed = True
    closed_date = <Date 2022-01-28.03:12:39.839>
    closer = 'tim.peters'
    components = ['Interpreter Core']
    creation = <Date 2022-01-28.02:31:44.271>
    creator = 'tim.peters'
    dependencies = []
    files = ['50593', '50595']
    hgrepos = []
    issue_num = 46558
    keywords = []
    message_count = 9.0
    messages = ['411962', '411966', '411969', '411971', '412120', '412122', '412172', '412191', '412192']
    nosy_count = 3.0
    nosy_names = ['tim.peters', 'Carl.Friedrich.Bolz', 'Dennis Sweeney']
    pr_nums = []
    priority = 'normal'
    resolution = 'wont fix'
    stage = 'resolved'
    status = 'closed'
    superseder = None
    type = 'performance'
    url = ''
    versions = []

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    tim-one commented Jan 28, 2022

    Our internal base conversion algorithms between power-of-2 and non-power-of-2 bases are quadratic time, and that's been annoying forever ;-) This applies to int<->str and int<->decimal.Decimal conversions. Sometimes the conversion is implicit, like when comparing an int to a Decimal.

    For example:

    >> a = 1 << 1000000000 # yup! a billion and one bits
    >> s = str(a)

    I gave up after waiting for over 8 hours, and the computation apparently can't be interrupted.

    In contrast, using the function in the attached gets the result in under a minute:

    >>> a = 1 << 1000000000
    >>> s = todecstr(a)
    >>> len(s)

    That builds an equal decimal.Decimal in a "clever" recursive way, and then just applies str to _that_.

    That's actually a best case for the function, which gets major benefit from the mountains of trailing 0 bits. A worst case is all 1-bits, but that still finishes in under 5 minutes:

    >>> a = 1 << 1000000000
    >>> s2 = todecstr(a - 1)
    >>> len(s2)
    >>> s[-10:], s2[-10:]
    ('1787109376', '1787109375')

    A similar kind of function could certainly be written to convert from Decimal to int much faster, but it would probably be less effective. These things avoid explicit division entirely, but fat multiplies are key, and Decimal implements a fancier * algorithm than Karatsuba.

    Not for the faint of heart ;-)

    @tim-one tim-one added interpreter-core (Objects, Python, Grammar, and Parser dirs) performance Performance or resource usage labels Jan 28, 2022
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    Is this similar to ?

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    tim-one commented Jan 28, 2022

    Dennis, partly, although that was more aimed at speeding division, while the approach here doesn't use division at all.

    However, thinking about it, the implementation I attached doesn't actually for many cases (it doesn't build as much of the power tree in advance as may be needed). Which I missed because all the test cases I tried had mountains of trailing 0 or 1 bits, not mixtures.

    So I'm closing this anyway, at least until I can dream up an approach that always works. Thanks!

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    tim-one commented Jan 28, 2022

    Changed the code so that inner() only references one of the O(log log n) powers of 2 we actually precomputed (it could get lost before if lo was non-zero but within n had at least one leading zero bit - now we pass the conceptual width instead of computing it on the fly).

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    tim-one commented Jan 30, 2022

    The test case here is a = (1 << 100000000) - 1, a solid string of 100 million 1 bits. The goal is to convert to a decimal string.


    native: str(a)

    numeral: the Python numeral() function from bpo-3451's after adapting to use the Python divmod_fast() from the same report's

    todecstr: from the Python file attached to this report.

    gmp: str() applied to gmpy2.mpz(a).


    native: don't know; gave up after waiting over 2 1/2 hours.
    numeral: about 5 1/2 minutes.
    todecstr: under 30 seconds. (*)
    gmp: under 6 seconds.

    So there's room for improvement ;-)

    But here's the thing: I've lost count of how many times someone has whipped up a pure-Python implementation of a bigint algorithm that leaves CPython in the dust. And they're generally pretty easy in Python.

    But then they die there, because converting to C is soul-crushing, losing the beauty and elegance and compactness to mountains of low-level details of memory-management, refcounting, and checking for errors after every tiny operation.

    So a new question in this endless dilemma: _why_ do we need to convert to C? Why not leave the extreme cases to far-easier to write and maintain Python code? When we're cutting runtime from hours down to minutes, we're focusing on entirely the wrong end to not settle for 2 minutes because it may be theoretically possible to cut that to 1 minute by resorting to C.

    (*) I hope this algorithm tickles you by defying expectations ;-) It essentially stands numeral() on its head by splitting the input by a power of 2 instead of by a power of 10. As a result no divisions are used. But instead of shifting decimal digits into place, it has to multiply the high-end pieces by powers of 2. That seems insane on the face of it, but hard to argue with the clock ;-) The "tricks" here are that the O(log log n) powers of 2 needed can be computed efficiently in advance of any splitting, and that all the heavy arithmetic is done in the decimal module, which implements fancier-than-Karatsuba multiplication and whose values can be converted to decimal strings very quickly.

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    tim-one commented Jan 30, 2022

    Addendum: the "native" time (for built in str(a)) in the msg above turned out to be over 3 hours and 50 minutes.

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    cfbolz mannequin commented Jan 30, 2022

    Somebody pointed me to V8's implementation of str(bigint) today:

    They say that they can compute str(factorial(1_000_000)) (which is 5.5 million decimal digits) in 1.5s:

    As far as I understand the code (I suck at C++) they recursively split the bigint into halves using % 10^n at each recursion step, but pre-compute and cache the divisors' inverses.

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    tim-one commented Jan 31, 2022

    The factorial of a million is much smaller than the case I was looking at. Here are rough timings on my box, for computing the decimal string from the bigint (and, yes, they all return the same string):

    native: 475 seconds (about 8 minutes)
    numeral: 22.3 seconds
    todecstr: 4.10 seconds
    gmp: 0.74 seconds

    "They recursively split the bigint into halves using % 10^n at each recursion step". That's the standard trick for "output" conversions. Beyond that, there are different ways to try to use "fat" multiplications instead of division. The recursive splitting all on its own can help, but dramatic speedups need dramatically faster multiplication.

    todecstr treats it as an "input" conversion instead, using the decimal module to work mostly in base 10. That, by itself, reduces the role of division (to none at all in the Python code), and decimal has a more advanced multiplication algorithm than CPython's bigints have.

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    tim-one commented Jan 31, 2022

    todecstr treats it as an "input" conversion instead, ...

    Worth pointing this out since it doesn't seem widely known: "input" base conversions are _generally_ faster than "output" ones. Working in the destination base (or a power of it) is generally simpler.

    In the math.factorial(1000000) example, it takes CPython more than 3x longer for str() to convert it to base 10 than for int() to reconstruct the bigint from that string. Not an O() thing (they're both quadratic time in CPython today).

    @ezio-melotti ezio-melotti transferred this issue from another repository Apr 10, 2022
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    Hi, why is this issue closed? What needs to be done to make it through?

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    tim-one commented Sep 5, 2022

    It's closed because nobody appears to be both willing and able to pursue it.

    But it's on the edge regardless. In general, any number of huge-int algorithms could be greatly speeded, but that's a massive undertaking. It's why GMP exists, to push such things as far as possible, regardless of implementation complexity, effort, or bulk. Very capable GMP bindings for Python are already available (gmpy2).

    As the timings here suggest, GMP will generally be faster than anything we may do anyway, because GMP never reaches a point where its authors say "good enough already".

    That said, I expect the single most valuable bigint speedup CPython could implement would be to bigint division, along the lines of gh-47701. That could indirectly give major speed boosts to bigint->str and bigint modular pow() too.

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    bjorn-martinsson commented Sep 6, 2022

    Why do you need fast division? Why not just implement str to int convertion using this

    12345678 = 1234 * 10^4 + 5678 = (12 * 10^2 + 34) * 10^4 + (56 * 10^2 + 78) = ...

    style of d&c?

    This would be simple to implement and would only require multiplication.

    If $M(n)$ is the time it takes to multiply two $n$ bit numbers, then the cost of string to int convertion using this d&q is
    $T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + M(n)$.

    If multiplication is done using Karatsuba ( $M(n) = O(n^{1.58})$ ) then $T(n) = 3 M(n)$.
    If multiplication is done in $M(n) = O(n \log n)$ time, then $T(n) = O(n \log^2 n)$.

    Since Python currently uses Karatsuba for its big ints multiplication, this simple str to int convertion algorithm would run in $O(n^{1.58})$.

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    Yep, even simplest divide and conquer with native multiplication would already provide significant speed-up.

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    Also if you want something slightly smarter, since 10 is $2 * 5$ you can use bitshifts.

    12345678 = 1234 * 10^4 + 5678 = ((1234 * 5^4) << 4) + 5678

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    bjorn-martinsson commented Sep 6, 2022

    I made an implementation of the basic d&q algorithm to test it out

    pow5 = [5]
    while len(pow5) <= 22:
        pow5.append(pow5[-1] * pow5[-1])
    def str_to_int(s):
        def _str_to_int(l, r):
            if r - l <= 3000:
                return int(s[l:r])
            lg_split = (r - l - 1).bit_length() - 1
            split = 1 << lg_split
            return ((_str_to_int(l, r - split) * pow5[lg_split]) << split) + _str_to_int(r - split, r)
        return _str_to_int(0, len(s))

    Running this locally, str_to_int is as fast as int at about 3000 digits.
    For 40000 digits str_to_int takes 0.00722 s and int takes 0.0125 s.
    For 400000 digits str_to_int takes 0.272 s and int takes 1.27 s.
    For 4000000 digits str_to_int takes 10.3 s and int takes 127 s.

    Clearly str_to_int is subquadratic, with same time complexity as Karatsuba. While int is quadratic. Also worth noting is that with a faster big int mult, str_to_int would definitely run a lot faster.

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    I also tried out str_to_int with GMP (gmpy2.mpz) integers instead of Python's big integers to see what faster big int multiplication could lead to.

    For 40000 digits str_to_int with GMP takes 0.000432 s.
    For 400000 digits str_to_int with GMP takes 0.00817 s.
    For 4000000 digits str_to_int with GMP takes 0.132 s.

    So what Python actually needs is faster big int multiplication. With that you'd get a really fast string to int converter for free.

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    tim-one commented Sep 6, 2022

    All the earlier timing examples here were of int->str, not of str->int. For the latter case, which you're looking at, splitting a decimal string by a power of 10 is indeed trivial (conceptually - but by the time you finish coding it all in C, with all the memory-management, refcounting, and error-checking cruft debugged, not so much 😉).

    As already noted, the report's todecstr() does the harder int->str direction without division too, relying instead on faster-than-Karatsuba multiplication, by doing most of the arithmetic in a power-of-10 base to begin with (via the decimal module, which does implement one faster-than-Karatsuba multiplication method). Python's bigints are represented internally in a power-of-2 base, and there is no linear-time way to split one by a power of 10. So todecstr() doesn't even try to; instead it splits by various powers of 2.

    But faster native bigint division could nevertheless buy a major speedup for int->str, as already demonstrated near the start here by showing timings for the numeral() function. Much faster than str(), although still much slower than todecstr().

    And it could also buy major speedups for modular pow(), which is increasingly visible as people playing with crypto schemes move to fatter keys.

    And it would, tautologically, speed bigint division too, which is a bottleneck all on its own in some apps.

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    gpshead commented Sep 6, 2022

    And it would, tautologically, speed bigint division too, which is a bottleneck all on its own in some apps.

    It would be useful to have practical examples of actual Python applications that would benefit from any of:
    a) high performance huge int MUL or DIV
    b) high performance huge int to decimal or other non-binary-power base conversion.
    c) high performance huge int from decimal string conversion.

    Including if they've adopted a third party library for this math and would no longer have any need for that if improved.

    Where "high performance" means more than constant-time faster than what CPython int offers today. I'll leave the definition of "huge" up to you, but if the need is less than 5 of CPython's current implementation detail 30-bit value digits I'm skeptical. :)

    Bigint's really feel like a neat computer science toy most of the time. We've got them, but what actually uses integers larger than 64 or 128 bits?

    Similarly, once numbers get huge, what is the point of converting them to and from decimal? Decimal is for humans and humans don't readily comprehend precise numbers that large let alone type them correctly.

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    tim-one commented Sep 6, 2022

    "Practical applications" isn't really the name of this game 😉.

    Most complaints come from more-or-less newbies, who, e.g., play around in an interactive shell, and are surprised to find that sometimes the shell seems to freeze (but is really just waiting for a quadratic-time, or worse, bigint operation to finish).

    People who know what they're doing find many uses for big bigints, but more of a theoretical, research, educational, or recreational bent. Like, algorithm design, combinatorics, number theory, or contributing to the wonderful On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. They also come as incidental side effects of using power tools, like in a symbolic math package computing symbolic power series or (for related reasons) symbolic high derivatives (integer coefficients and/or denominators often grow at an exponential rate across terms). Or they can be almost the whole banana, such as scaling an ill-conditioned float matrix to use exact bigint arithmetic instead to compute an exact matrix inverse or determinant (where sticking to floats the result could be pure noise due to compounding rounding errors).

    Not all that long ago, a number of people worked on adding "gonzo" optimizations to math.comb(). I played along, but was vocally disinclined to do ever more. Of course GMP still runs circles around CPython for many comb() bigint arguments. Such efforts would, IMO, have been better spent on speeding bigint // (which, as a matter of course, would also give another speed boost to comb() - and to any number of other bigint algorithms in users' own Python code - // is a fundamental building block, not "an application").

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    One good example of using big integers are math people using Python for some quick calculations. When you use functions like factorial, it is easy to get pretty big integers. I also think that math people generally prefer decimal numbers over hex.

    Another example would be working with fractions. Just adding fractional numbers makes their denominators and numerators grow really quickly. I also don't think fractions support hex. Both reading and printing requires decimal as far as I can tell. For example you can do fractions.Fraction('1/2') but not fractions.Fraction('0x1/0x2').

    The examples I've given above is the type of scripts that wont appear in things like Google's codebase, even if they are relatively common use cases.

    Another important thing to note is that programmers trust the built in functions in Python to just work. That is the fundamental reason why int <=> str became an issue in the first place. This is also a great argument for why it is important to fix the time complexity issues with big ints.

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    nascheme commented Sep 8, 2022

    I think Tim's suggestion of switching to a Python implementation of a more efficient algorithm for large inputs would be a good approach. It is reasonable to not want to maintain a complicated high-performance algorithm written in C. This would be an interesting project for a student or someone wanting a challenge. Calling into Python from C is not too hard to do. Use a C-API to import a Python module and call a function inside of it.

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    tim-one commented Oct 2, 2022

    I don't understand why the emphasis here is on using the decimal module

    Because decimal already implements NTT for multiplication of large values, and also division building on that with the same O() behavior. The code for that is already written in C, and is in a mature, widely used, and extensively tested external library (libmpdec) we don't maintain. It's here, right now, and has been for years. A competitive, production-quality SSA for CPython's bigints is still just a wish.

    I won't repeat yet again that ambition has forever been the fatal enemy of making real progress visible to CPython users here.

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    tim-one commented Oct 3, 2022

    @pochmann discovers that int(Decimal) takes about 2.5x longer than int(str(Decimal)) for 1024-bit ints

    Thanks - but sheesh 😉. The original entry in this report noted that int <-> decimal.Decimal conversions are also quadratic time now, but, alas, nothing we've done so far appears to have addressed that (although Neil's PR contains a fast int -> decimal.Decimal function, CPython's decimal implementation doesn't use it).

    Making the change does help a little, but, as you noted, tends to get lost in the noise on "really big" inputs. It cuts some tens of thousands of digits off the smallest value at which the str -> int here ties the one in Neil's PR - but that's still over 3 million digits on my desktop box.

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    tim-one commented Oct 4, 2022

    Notes on SSA and base conversion:

    • Bjorn's SSA code is so lovely it hurts 😄.

    • int->str is naturally done using decimal, with the division-free algorithm already in Neil's PR.

    • str->int is strained in decimal, because it requires division (or, as in dec3() here, a pair of multiplies getting the same effect via reciprocal approximations followed by correction). Using SSA with CPython's bigints should give Neil's PR's division-free str_to_int() better speed (apart from computing powers of 5, half the bigint multiplies as dec3() needs).

    • But SSA appears to be hurting in at least these two respects: (1) as Oscar showed, the precise power-of-2 splitting factor used can have dramatic effects on speed, the hard-coded 256 is rarely "best", and it's unclear how to make a good dynamic choice; and, (2) SSA appears to need to be smarter about when to "turn itself off".

    For an example of the last, I got much better str_to_int-adapted-to-use-SSA behavior after adding this to the start of SSA():

        if x1.bit_length() <= 10000 or x2.bit_length() <= 10000:
            p = x1 * x2
            return shift(p, M, 0) if M is not None else p

    By pursuing small things like that by hand for each different digit-string-length tried, it was easy enough to contrive a str_to_int_using_ssa (Neil's PR's str_to_int() with the two bigint multiplies replaced by SSA() calls) that beats dec3(). However, on digit strings of length one million (the target Stefan initially aimed at), the current str_to_int() is still a little faster. At 2 million digits, SSA beats str_to_int() (while dec3() doesn't win until reaching about 3.4 million digits).


    • SSA is promising, but needs fiddly tuning to be production quality.

    • For str->int the inputs it requires to beat the current PR's approach are so large that it would be astonishing if "DoS vulnerability" types cared one whit.

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    oscarbenjamin commented Oct 4, 2022

    • But SSA appears to be hurting in at least these two respects: (1) as Oscar showed, the precise power-of-2 splitting factor used can have dramatic effects on speed, the hard-coded 256 is rarely "best", and it's unclear how to make a good dynamic choice

    I think this problem can be solved in the same way as for GMP although perhaps done more simply. Just run a bunch of timings and choose thresholds like:

    if N < 500:
        n = 64
    elif N < 1000:
        n =128
    # etc.

    That's how GMP used to work. The way GMP does it now is more complicated but that change in GMP is only credited with a smallish factor improvement. The paper describing that and other improvements is here:

    The appropriate comparison when considering if it is worth using something like the SSA implementation above is not really with GMP but rather with the existing CPython implementation. In other words the bar to meet is that the code should be correct and then its speed should be not worse in any case and should be significantly better in at least some cases (to justify making any change at all).

    • For str->int the inputs it requires to beat the current PR's approach are so large that it would be astonishing if "DoS vulnerability" types cared one whit.

    Fair enough. Well if Neal's PR currently gives the fastest str->int then let's merge it. That would also make it easier to move other operations to pure Python e.g. for SSA etc later.

    nascheme added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 26, 2022
    Add Python implementations of certain longobject.c functions. These use
    asymptotically faster algorithms that can be used for operations on
    integers with many digits. In those cases, the performance overhead of
    the Python implementation is not significant since the asymptotic
    behavior is what dominates runtime. Functions provided by this module
    should be considered private and not part of any public API.
    Co-author: Tim Peters <>
    Co-author: Mark Dickinson <>
    Co-author: Bjorn Martinsson
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    I like Lib/ feature: it was a long awaited feature: cool.

    I'm just curious about _pylong._DEBUG private attribute: is it really useful to ship it in a released Python version? Or is it only useful to people who designed and hacked Lib/ Can it be removed now?

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    Can [the _DEBUG flag] be removed now?

    Yeah, I think it could be removed now since it is not very useful.

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    vstinner commented Nov 3, 2022

    Yeah, I think it could be removed now since it is not very useful.

    Ok, I created PR #99063 to remove _pylong._DEBUG flag.

    vstinner added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 3, 2022
    To debug the _pylong module, it's trivial to add this code again
    locally. There is not need to keep it in Python releases.
    gpshead added a commit to gpshead/cpython that referenced this issue Nov 3, 2022
    * Properly decref on _pylong import error.
    * Improve the error message on _pylong TypeError.
    * Tie the return value comments together.
    These are minor followups to issues not caught among the reviewers on
    gpshead added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 3, 2022
    * Properly decref on _pylong import error.
    * Improve the error message on _pylong TypeError.
    * Fix the assertion error in pydebug builds to be a TypeError.
    * Tie the return value comments together.
    These are minor followups to issues not caught among the reviewers on
    vstinner added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 4, 2022
    Fix validated by:
        $ ./python -m test -R 3:3 test_int
        Tests result: SUCCESS
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    byeongkeunahn commented Aug 29, 2023

    Hello, I have written a fast O(n lg n) integer multiplication code in Rust, using number-theoretic transform (NTT) with 64-bit primes. Code is available here.

    I ran some benchmarks, and surprisingly, it seems to outperform GMP 6.2.1 on my computer (Ryzen 7 2700X). The explanations for implementation detail can be found in the pull request I have opened in the rust-num/num-bigint repository. There I have attached a graph comparing the speed of this new code with GMP.

    Importantly, the code does not use any inline assemblies or architecture-specific intrinsics. Although some integer operations unavailable in portable C have been used, it should be possible to replace them with a few if-else statements at the expense of performance hit at most 2-4x (or much less, depending on the compiler optimization), which is suboptimal but still much better than the current CPython implementation.

    Note that the code correctly handles unbalanced multiplication according to the strategy explained here. Also, the padding is minimized (at most 7%) by using non-power-of-two radices.

    Although CPython currently uses 30-bit digits internally, this can be repacked into 64-bit words, ran through the new code, and transformed back to 30-bit digits. Since this transformation takes O(n) while the multiplication takes O(n lg n), there should be only minimal overhead for repacking.

    There should be no license issue since I took care to use only MIT-licensed codes. I'd like to port the code to C if there is enough interest for adopting my implementation in CPython.

    Please let me know. Thanks.

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    I have written a fast O(n lg n) integer multiplication code in Rust


    I'd like to port the code to C if there is enough interest for adopting my implementation in CPython.
    Although some integer operations unavailable in portable C have been used, it should be possible to replace them with a few if-else statements at the expense of performance hit at most 2-4x

    I am not a CPython core developer myself but I would personally be very interested to see CPython have something like this. As you rightly imply the balance for CPython is best served by having a simple, portable implementation that does not need to have state of the art performance but does have good asymptotic complexity to avoid "surprising slowness" (essentially the root of the security concerns that precipitated this thread).

    I expect that the Python core development team would prefer for this to be something maintained outside of CPython e.g. like a library that CPython could depend on. That would also benefit many other projects as well because I think that there is a wide need for at least reasonable large integer performance that is more portable and has a more liberal license than GMP.

    Would you consider maintaining this as an independent C library?

    I ran some benchmarks, and surprisingly, it seems to outperform GMP 6.2.1 on my computer (Ryzen 7 2700X).
    Importantly, the code does not use any inline assemblies or architecture-specific intrinsics.

    I wonder if this is related to compiling directly for your local CPU rather than making a generic binary that is redistributable. One of the most important features of GMP is that it can bundle many different hand-written assembly versions for different CPU architectures in a "fat" build (--enable-fat) that can select the fastest version at runtime. This makes it possible in the context of Python packaging to have say an x86-64 Windows wheel for a Python package but still use much more selective CPU-specific routines at runtime.

    (Probably this last point about fat builds is not relevant for CPython.)

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    gpshead commented Aug 30, 2023

    This issue is about non-binary base conversions more so that multiplication. Regardless, it is ideal for that kind of thing to be a Rust and/or C library of its own. If we wanted to use it for anything we could depend upon that or vendor our own copy.

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    This issue is about non-binary base conversions more so that multiplication.

    The way that large integer algorithms usually work is that pretty much all operations that are not trivially O(n) (meaning n bits) are reduced to multiplication and then multiplication gets heavily optimised. The benefits of that approach are obviously limited by the quality of the underlying multiplication algorithm though and CPython's multiplication algorithm scales poorly up to very large integers. The suggestion from @byeongkeunahn here is to improve the multiplication algorithm which then improves everything else (division, divmod, base conversion, ...).

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    byeongkeunahn commented Sep 6, 2023

    Yeah, it would be of course fine to wrap the code into an external library.

    I wonder if this is related to compiling directly for your local CPU rather than making a generic binary that is redistributable.

    I have tested the same executable on two more platforms (i5-9400 and Ryzen 5 7500F). The relative speed advantage stayed the same for the multiplication of very large integers, although below a few million bits GMP was 30-40% faster on those platforms. I'm not sure whether gmpy2 used architecture-specific routines; I just copied the Python benchmark code above.

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    byeongkeunahn commented Sep 13, 2023

    It seems the num-bigint crate attaches to Python 3 quite well with PyO3. The following image shows the performance of the new multiplication implementation on Ryzen 7 2700X, averaged over 10 runs. For small numbers, the num-bigint crate uses naive, Karatsuba, and Toom-3 before switching to number-theoretic transform. The cross-over point over the CPython native multiplication (version 3.11.3) is around 3,000 bits.


    The binding I used is very simple. Further optimizations may be possible.

    use pyo3::prelude::*;
    use num_bigint::BigInt;
    fn mul(x: BigInt, y: BigInt) -> BigInt {
        &x * &y
    fn num_bigint_pyo3(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
        m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(mul, m)?)?;
    import num_bigint_pyo3
    a, b = 10**100000, 9**100000
    x = num_bigint_pyo3.mul(a, b)
    assert x == a*b

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    Here are the str -> int conversion timings with the new multiplication routine.

    • 40,000 digits:
    int                           : 0.006869841 ± 0.000509983 sec
    str_to_int_using_decimal      : 0.026808119 ± 0.000423398 sec
    str_to_int                    : 0.003381038 ± 0.000521641 sec
    str_to_int_new_mul            : 0.001501775 ± 0.000504214 sec
    • 400,000 digits:
    int                           : 0.678053117 ± 0.005104713 sec
    str_to_int_using_decimal      : 0.553185940 ± 0.003627799 sec
    str_to_int                    : 0.127861691 ± 0.000618099 sec
    str_to_int_new_mul            : 0.023358464 ± 0.000615376 sec
    • 4,000,000 digits:
    int                           : 68.152991366 ± 0.353029732 sec
    str_to_int_using_decimal      : 9.126699829 ± 0.067300091 sec
    str_to_int                    : 4.851845384 ± 0.030668179 sec
    str_to_int_new_mul            : 0.326830316 ± 0.002546696 sec
    import sys
    import num_bigint_pyo3
    from decimal import *
    from time import time
    from random import choices
    import numpy as np
    setcontext(Context(prec=MAX_PREC, Emax=MAX_EMAX, Emin=MIN_EMIN))
    pow5 = [5]
    while len(pow5) <= 23:
        pow5.append(num_bigint_pyo3.mul(pow5[-1], pow5[-1]))
    def str_to_int_new_mul(s):
        def _str_to_int(l, r):
            if r - l <= 3000:
                return int(s[l:r])
            lg_split = (r - l - 1).bit_length() - 1
            split = 1 << lg_split
            return (num_bigint_pyo3.mul(_str_to_int(l, r - split), pow5[lg_split]) << split) + _str_to_int(r - split, r)
        return _str_to_int(0, len(s))
    def str_to_int(s):
        def _str_to_int(l, r):
            if r - l <= 3000:
                return int(s[l:r])
            lg_split = (r - l - 1).bit_length() - 1
            split = 1 << lg_split
            return ((_str_to_int(l, r - split) * pow5[lg_split]) << split) + _str_to_int(r - split, r)
        return _str_to_int(0, len(s))
    def str_to_int_using_decimal(s, bits=1024):
        d = Decimal(s)
        div = Decimal(2) ** bits
        divs = []
        while div <= d:
            div *= div
        digits = [d]
        for div in reversed(divs):
            digits = [x
                      for digit in digits
                      for x in divmod(digit, div)]
            if not digits[0]:
                del digits[0]
        b = b''.join(int(digit).to_bytes(bits//8, 'big')
                     for digit in digits)
        return int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
    # Benchmark against int() on random 1-million digits string
    funcs = [int, str_to_int_using_decimal, str_to_int, str_to_int_new_mul]
    s = ''.join(choices('123456789', k=1_000_000))
    expect = None
    for f in funcs:
        t_list = []
        for _ in range(10):
            t = time()
            result = f(s)
            t_elapsed = time() - t # f.__name__)
            if expect is None:
                expect = result
            assert result == expect
        mean, std = np.mean(t_list), np.std(t_list)
        print("{0}: {1:.9f} ± {2:.9f} sec".format(f.__name__.ljust(30), mean, std))

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    Here are the str -> int conversion timings with the new multiplication routine.

    It looks very nice to me. The question is what you would propose to do going on from here. If the suggestion is that CPython might depend on this (even in an optional way) then there are many details that would need to be worked out before that could be considered.

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    byeongkeunahn commented Sep 29, 2023

    It looks very nice to me. The question is what you would propose to do going on from here. If the suggestion is that CPython might depend on this (even in an optional way) then there are many details that would need to be worked out before that could be considered.

    Yes, I'd love to see CPython's multiplication improved asymptotically. It would also be great to improve other arithmetic operations too, but as a first step, I think it would be appropriate to limit the scope to multiplication.

    Currently the binding through PyO3 receives the raw bits of the integer through _PyLong_ToByteArray and sends it back to Python via _PyLong_FromByteArray. I think that mechanism can still work in the C code, which might help lessen the maintenance burden since the existing APIs don't need to be modified substantially.

    On the other hand, more deliberation is needed to port the primitive operations from Rust to C. Rust provides portable primitives such as add-with-carry and 128bit integer. Although it is possible to access the higher 64bit of a 64 x 64 multiplication in most C compilers, this would not be portable. Switching to plain portable C (without compiler intrinsics) is possible but it comes with performance degradations.

    For memory allocation, one call of malloc (and a corresponding call of free) would suffice. The temporary buffer has a size linear in the input integer and doesn't need to be a PyObject instance.

    Please let me know of other details that need to be worked out. Thanks!

    @erlend-aasland erlend-aasland added 3.13 bugs and security fixes and removed 3.12 bugs and security fixes labels Jan 5, 2024
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    Is there anything left to do in this issue or it can be closed?

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    Member Author

    tim-one commented Jul 16, 2024

    It's hard to tell because of the length and complexity of the discussion, but decimal.Decimal <-> int conversions remain quadratic-time. It's only str <-> int conversions that were effectively addressed.

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