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Carlos Castillo edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 4 revisions

Essential API

The following are the essential elements of the API.



Method CrisisResource.addCrisis()


Method CrisisResource.editCrisis()



Method MiscResource.getTrainingDataByCrisisAndAttribute() - get the training data for a classifier


Method MiscResource.downloadHumanLabeledDocumentsByCrisisIDUserName() - download HumanLabeled Documents By CrisisID UserName

Additional API

The following are additional elements of the API and/or obsolete documentation prior to 2015-04-28. These should be integrated into the documentation above or moved to the Javadoc-based documentation.

Base URI: http://localhost:port/aidr-tagger-api/rest/

Check crisis exists or not by CrisisCode

GET /crisis/code/{code}

Example: /crisis/code/sandy2012



Get all running collections by UserID (from aidr-collector)

GET /collection/{userID}

Get all crisis types

GET /crisisType/all

Check if user exists by username

GET /user/{userName}

Add a new user

POST /user


   "name": "Jhon13","role": "normal",

Create a new crisis

POST `/crisis

Example: { "code": "Test2", "name": "Syria Civil War", "crisisType": { "crisisTypeID": "2" }, "users": { "userID": "1" } }

Get crises, attributes, and labels by UserID

GET crisis?userID={id}

Example: crisis?userID=1

Get all the models for a given crisisID

GET model/crisis/{crisisID}

Get all attributes

GET attribute/all

Note: Standard attributes always come under SYSTEM user. So in the resultset look for userID=1 for standard attributes. Custom attributes are user-defined attribute so they appear with userID other than 1.

Get attributes and labels by attributeID

GET attribute/{attributeID}

Get all attributes except the attributes of the given Crisis

GET attribute/crisis/all?exceptCrisis={crisisID}

Example: attribute/crisis/all?exceptCrisis=23

Add an attribute to a crisis

POST /modelfamily

Body: { "crisis":{ "crisisID": "1" }, "nominalAttribute":{ "nominalAttributeID":"23" }, "isActive":"false" }

Delete an attribute/classifier from a crisis

DELETE /modelfamily/{id}

id: represents the id of an attribute/classifier

Get all labels given a modelID

GET modelNominalLabel/{modelID}

Get training data by crisis and attributeID

GET base_uri/misc/getTrainingData?crisisID=14&attributeID=15&fromRecord=0&limit=50

Is attribute exists

GET base_uri/attribute/code/{code}

Returns attributeID > 0 if attribute exists, otherwise attributeID = 0

Manage crisis types (resource path: /crisisType)

Add a new crisis type

POST: / Example:

  "name": "Earthquake"

Response example:


Retrieve crisis type by crisisID

GET: /{id}

id: represents the crisisID.

Example call: .../crisisType/2

Update crisis type

PUT: /

Example body:

 "crisisTypeID": "213",
 "name": "Earthquake Crisis",

Delete crisis type

DELETE: /{id}

id: represents the crisisId. Example call: .../crisisType/5

Manage Attributes (resource path: /attribute)

Add Attribute(s)



"code": "Casualties",
"name": "People Killed",
"description" :"Represents people killed",
           "userID": "1"

Retrieve an attribute

GET: /{id}

ID represents attributeID.

Update an attribute



"nominalAttributeID" : "1",
"code": "Casualties",
"name": "People Killed",
"description" :"Represents people killed",
           "userID": "1"

Delete an attribute

DELETE: /{id}

ID represents attributeID.

Example call: .../attribute/5

Manage Labels (resource path: /label)

Add label(s)



"nominalLabelCode": "test123", 
"description": "testsd", 
"name": "test", 

Retrieve a label

GET: /{id}

ID represents labelID.

Update a label



 "description": "This is description",
 "name": "test",
 "nominalLabelCode": "test123",
 "nominalLabelID": "93",
 "nominalAttributeID": "1"

Delete a Label

DELETE: /{id}

ID represents labelID.

Example call: .../label/5

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