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Carlos Castillo edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

Essential API

The following are the essential elements of the API.

(To be done)

Additional API

The following are additional elements of the API and/or obsolete documentation prior to 2015-04-28. These should be integrated into the documentation above or moved to the Javadoc-based documentation.

Base URI: http://localhost:port/AIDRTrainerAPI/rest

For a given crisisID, retrieve all nominal attributes and their labels

GET .../rest/crisis/id/{crisisID}

Response Example:

{ "crisisID": 117, "name": "Malaysia Airlines flight #MH370", "code": "2014-03-mh370", "nominalAttributeJsonModelSet": [ { "nominalLabelJsonModelSet": [ { "norminalLabelCode": "null", "name": "N/A: does not apply, or cannot judge", "norminalLabelID": 320, "description": "If these categories do not apply to this message, or you cannot be sure about which is the correct category" }, { "norminalLabelCode": "praying", "name": "Praying", "norminalLabelID": 319, "description": "If author of the tweet prays for flight MH370 passengers." } ], "description": "This classifier classifies tweets into informative, praying, and personal categories.", "nominalAttributeID": 533, "name": "Message type", "code": "informative_pray_personal" }, { "nominalLabelJsonModelSet": [ { "norminalLabelCode": "yes", "name": "Yes", "norminalLabelID": 321, "description": "If the tweet reports possible terrorism act involved." }, { "norminalLabelCode": "null", "name": "N/A: does not apply, or cannot judge", "norminalLabelID": 322, "description": "If these categories do not apply to this message, or you cannot be sure about which is the correct category" }, { "norminalLabelCode": "no", "name": "No", "norminalLabelID": 323, "description": "If the tweet is not about terrorism related to the flight MH370" } ], "description": "Indicates if the tweet reports information about possible hijacking of the flight MH370", "nominalAttributeID": 534, "name": "Terrorism", "code": "terrorism" } ] }

Important parameter details

  • nominalAttributeID: unique ID of a nominal attribute

  • norminalLabelID: unique ID of a label associated with a particular nominal attribute

  • code: code associated with a nominal attribute

  • norminalLabelCode: code of a label associated with a particular nominal attribute

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