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Menu Elements

qqtnn edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Menu Elements Module Documentation


Menu Elements are essential for creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces in the game's menu. Each type of menu element has unique functionalities, enhancing the user experience.



  • button:new(id): Creates a new button instance.


Adds an interactive button to the menu interface.


  • render(button_name, tooltip, activation_delay, click_type): Displays the button.
    • button_name: String - The text displayed on the button.
    • tooltip: String - A helpful hint displayed when hovering over the button.
    • activation_delay: Number - Delay before the button becomes active after rendering.
    • click_type: button_click - The type of click interaction (left, right, none).
  • get(): Returns the button's current state (clicked/not clicked).
  • set_id(number): Sets a unique identifier for the button.
    • number: Integer - The unique ID for the button.
  • get_full(): Retrieves detailed information about the button's state and properties.


Buttons are fundamental for triggering actions and navigating menus. The unique ID (id) is crucial for distinguishing different buttons.



  • checkbox:new(default_state, id): Initializes a new checkbox.


Introduces a checkbox element for toggling options on and off.


  • render(label, tooltip): Renders the checkbox.
    • label: String - The text label next to the checkbox.
    • tooltip: String - Additional information displayed on hover.
  • get(): Retrieves the current state (checked/unchecked) of the checkbox.
  • set(value): Sets the checkbox to a specific state.
    • value: Boolean - The desired state of the checkbox (true for checked).


Checkboxes are ideal for enabling or disabling features and settings within the menu.

Combo Box


  • combo_box:new(default_state, id): Establishes a new combo box.


Creates a dropdown menu with multiple selectable options.


  • render(label, items, tooltip): Shows the combo box.
    • label: String - The title of the combo box.
    • items: Table - A list of options available in the dropdown.
    • tooltip: String - A brief description or guide.
  • get(): Returns the index of the currently selected item.
  • set(value): Selects an item based on its index.
    • value: Integer - The index of the item to select.


Ensure each combo box has a unique ID to prevent conflicts with other menu elements.

Input Text


  • input_text:new(id): Generates a new input text field.


Adds a field for entering text.


  • render(label, tooltip, require_button, button_label, button_tooltip): Displays the input text field.
    • label: String - The title of the input field.
    • tooltip: String - Extra information for users.
    • require_button: Boolean - Determines if a button is needed to submit text.
    • button_label: String - Text for the submission button.
    • button_tooltip: String - Tooltip for the submission button.
  • get(): Retrieves the text entered in the field.
  • get_in_vec3(): Converts and returns the input text as a vec3 object, if possible.
  • is_open(): Checks if the input field is currently active.


Input Text fields are versatile for user inputs, from simple text entries to coordinates and numerical values.

Slider (Int and Float)


  • slider_int:new(min_value, max_value, default_value, id): Sets up an integer slider.
  • slider_float:new(min_value, max_value, default_value, id, rounding): Initializes a floating-point slider.


These sliders allow users to select a value within a specified range.


  • render(label, tooltip, rounding): Displays the slider.
    • label: String - The title of the slider.
    • tooltip: String - Additional details about the slider's purpose.
    • rounding: Integer (only for slider_float) - Rounding precision for floating-point values.
  • get(): Returns the current value selected on the slider.


Sliders are useful for settings that require precision, like adjusting volumes or scaling factors.

Tree Node


  • tree_node:new(node_depth): Creates a new section in the menu.


Facilitates the creation of structured, hierarchical menu sections.


  • Main section: local main_section = tree_node:new(0)
  • Sub-section: local sub_section = tree_node:new(1)



  • keybind(int, bool, uint32_t): Establishes a keybind element.


Allows users to set custom keybindings for various actions.


  • render(label, tooltip): Renders the keybind setting.
    • label: String - The description of the keybind.
    • tooltip: String - Guidance on setting the keybind.
  • get_state(): Returns the current state of the keybind (active/inactive).
  • get_key(): Retrieves the key currently bound.
  • set(key, toggle, mode): Configures the keybind.
    • key: Integer - The keycode to bind.
    • toggle: Boolean - If true, the keybind acts as a toggle.
    • mode: Integer - The mode of the keybind.


Keybinds allow for customizable control schemes and shortcuts.

local developer_id = "rename_me"
local feature_keybind= keybind:new(0x01, false, get_hash(developer_id  .. "mode_selector_placeholder_id"));

-- somewhere else
if feature_keybind:get_state() then
    -- Logic for activated feature


Keybinds second parameter boolean is to indicate is_toggle

Color Picker


  • colorpicker:new(id, default_color): Creates a new color picker.
local menu_elements = {
    color_example = colorpicker:new(get_hash("dev_label_" .. "color_example_unique_id"), ImVec4:new(255,255,0,255))

-- to access the color menu element
local color = menu_elements.color_example:get();

-- to render color in menu
menu_elements.color_example:render("Color Picker", "Tooltip");


Provides a tool for selecting and customizing colors.


  • render(label, tooltip, show_on_button_press, button_label, button_tooltip): Displays the color picker.
    • label: String - The title of the color picker.
    • tooltip: String - Extra information about the color picker.
    • show_on_button_press: Boolean - Determines if the picker is shown on button press.
    • button_label: String - The label for the button.
    • button_tooltip: String - Tooltip for the button.
  • get(): Retrieves the currently selected color.
  • set(color): Sets the color picker to a specific color.
    • color: ImColor - The color to set.