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Target Selector

qqtnn edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Target Selector Documentation


The Target Selector module offers a variety of functions for selecting targets based on specific criteria, enabling more strategic gameplay decision making.

Data Types


  • Constructor: area_result()
  • Contains:
    • .main_target: Reference to a gameobject
    • .victim_list: Table of gameobjects
    • .n_hits: Number of hits (int)
    • .score: Scoring value of the target area (float)


  • Constructor: area_result_light()
  • Contains:
    • .main_target: Reference to a gameobject
    • .n_hits: Number of hits (int)
    • .score: Scoring value of the target area (float)


Is Valid Enemy



Determines if the provided game object is a valid enemy target.

  • Returns: bool

Get PvP Target

target_selector.get_pvp_target(source, dist)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for the target.


Retrieves the most suitable target for PvP within the specified distance from the source.

Get Closest Target

target_selector.get_target_closer(source, dist)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for the target.


Finds the nearest target within the given distance from the source.

Get Least HP Target

target_selector.get_target_low_hp(source, dist)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for the target.


Selects the target within range that has the lowest health.

Get Most HP Target

target_selector.get_target_most_hp(source, dist)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for the target.


Chooses the target within range that has the highest health.

Get Target in Circular Area

target_selector.get_target_area_circle(source, dist, radius, min_hits)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • radius: Radius in units of the circular area.
  • min_hits: Minimum number of targets required in the area (int).


Identifies the optimal target within a specified circular area, based on the minimum hits criteria.

  • Returns: area_result object

Get Most Hits in Rectangle - Light

target_selector.get_most_hits_target_rectangle_area_light(source, rect_length, rect_width, prio_champion)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • rect_length: Length in units of the rectangular area.
  • rect_width: Width in units of the rectangular area.
  • prio_champion: Boolean indicating whether to prioritize champions.


Finds the target in a rectangular area that maximizes the hit count, with an option to prioritize champions.

  • Returns: area_result_light object

Get Most Hits in Circle - Light

target_selector.get_most_hits_target_circular_area_light(source, dist, radius, prio_champions)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for targets.
  • radius: Radius in units of the circular area.
  • prio_champions: Boolean indicating whether to prioritize champions.


Selects the target in a circular area that maximizes hit count, with an option to prioritize champions.

  • Returns: area_result_light object

Get Most Hits in Rectangle - Heavy

target_selector.get_most_hits_target_rectangle_area_heavy(source, rect_length, rect_width)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • rect_length: Length in units of the rectangular area.
  • rect_width: Width in units of the rectangular area.


Identifies the best target in a rectangular area based on the maximum number of hits possible.

  • Returns: area_result object

Get Most Hits in Circle - Heavy

target_selector.get_most_hits_target_circular_area_heavy(source, dist, radius)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • dist: Distance in units to search for targets.
  • radius: Radius in units of the circular area.


Determines the optimal target in a circular area based on the maximum number of hits possible.

  • Returns: area_result object
local function generate_points_around_target(target_position, radius, num_points)
    local points = {};
    for i = 1, num_points do
        local angle = (i - 1) * (2 * math.pi / num_points);
        local x = target_position:x() + radius * math.cos(angle);
        local y = target_position:y() + radius * math.sin(angle);
        table.insert(points,, y, target_position:z()));
    return points;

local function get_best_point(target_position, width, current_hits)
    local radius = width * 0.5;
    local points = generate_points_around_target(target_position, radius * 0.75, 8); -- Generate 8 points around target
    local hit_table = {};

    for _, point in ipairs(points) do
        local hits = utility.get_amount_of_units_inside_circle(point, radius);
        table.insert(hit_table, {point = point, hits = hits});
        graphics.circle_3d(point, radius, color_red(100))

    -- sort by the number of hits
    table.sort(hit_table, function(a, b) return a.hits > b.hits end);

    if hit_table[1].hits > current_hits then
        return hit_table[1].point; -- returning the point with the most hits
    return target_position;

-- register on_update callback to call the code each frame

    -- filter the code to work only with orbwalker runing some mode
    if orbwalker.get_orb_mode() == orb_mode.none then
    local circle_width = 7.5;
    local circle_radius = circle_width * 0.5;
    local player_position = get_player_position();
    local area_data = target_selector.get_most_hits_target_circular_area_heavy(player_position, 10.0, circle_radius)
    local best_target = area_data.main_target;
    if not best_target then

    local current_hits = area_data.n_hits;
    local best_target_position = best_target:get_position();
    local best_cast_position = get_best_point(best_target_position, circle_width, current_hits);

    local spell_id = 915150;
    if cast_spell.position(spell_id, best_cast_position) then
        console.print("Casted Circle Are Spell Successfully"); -- in the best position where hits most units

Green circle represents the position where it would cast to hit most of the units

Get Nearby Target List

target_selector.get_near_target_list(source, max_range)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • max_range: Maximum range in units to include targets.


Retrieves a list of all potential targets within the specified range from the source.

Find Quick Champion

target_selector.get_quick_champion(source, max_range)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for targeting.
  • max_range: Maximum range in units to search for the champion.


Locates the nearest enemy champion within the given range from the source.

Is Wall Collision

target_selector.is_wall_collision(source, target, width)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for the check.
  • target: gameobject - The target object.
  • width: Width in units of the path to check for collision.


Determines if there is a wall collision between the source position and the target along a specified path width.

  • Returns: bool

Is Unit Collision

target_selector.is_unit_collision(source, target, width)

  • source: vec3 - The source position for the check.
  • target: gameobject - The target object.
  • width: Width in units of the path to check for collision.


Determines if there is any unit collision between the source position and the target along a specified path width.

  • Returns: bool