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Vector 3

qqtnn edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 2 revisions

Vector3 Class Documentation


The vector3 (vec3) class is essential for representing and manipulating 3D coordinates, widely used in spatial calculations and graphical positioning.

Vec3 Constructors

Create New Vector3 Object

vec3(x, y, z)

  • x: Number - The x-coordinate of the vector.
  • y: Number - The y-coordinate of the vector.
  • z: Number - The z-coordinate of the vector.

Copy Vector3 Object


  • other: vec3 - Another vec3 object to copy.


These constructors allow for the creation of vec3 objects either from specific coordinates or as a copy of another vec3, facilitating 3D operations.

Vec3 Methods

Get Rotation

get_rotation() -> vec3

Calculates and returns the rotation vector corresponding to the direction this vec3 is pointing.

Normalize Rotation

normalize_rotation() -> vec3

Normalizes the rotation component of this vec3, useful in rotational calculations.

Normalize Vector

normalize() -> vec3

Normalizes this vec3, scaling it to a unit vector while maintaining direction.

X, Y, Z Coordinates

  • x(): Returns the x-coordinate (Float).
  • y(): Returns the y-coordinate (Float).
  • z(): Returns the z-coordinate (Float).

Equals Ignore Z

equals_ignore_z(other) -> Boolean

  • other: vec3 - The vector to compare with, ignoring Z coordinates.

Checks if this vec3 is equal to another vec3, disregarding the Z coordinate.

Equals Ignore Z with Threshold

equals_ignore_z_threshold(other, threshold) -> Boolean

  • other: vec3 - The vector to compare with.
  • threshold: Number - The maximum allowed difference.

Evaluates if this vec3 is approximately equal to another vec3 within a specified threshold, ignoring Z coordinates.


intersects(segment_end, point, margin, radius, denominator) -> Boolean

  • segment_end: vec3 - The end point of the line segment.
  • point: vec3 - The point to check for intersection.
  • margin, radius, denominator: Numbers - Parameters for intersection calculation.

Determines if a line segment from this vec3 to segment_end intersects a point within given margins.

Is Facing

is_facing(other) -> Boolean

  • other: vec3 - The vector to check orientation against.

Returns true if this vec3 is oriented towards the specified vector.

To String

to_string() -> String

Converts this vec3 to a string representation, displaying its coordinates.

Randomize XZ


  • margin: Number - The range for randomization.

Randomizes the X and Z coordinates within the specified margin, altering the vector's position.

Length (2D and 3D)

  • length_2d(): Calculates the 2D length (ignoring Z coordinate).
  • length_3d(): Computes the full 3D length of the vector.
  • length_3d_ignore_z(): Determines the 3D length, excluding Z coordinate.
  • length_3d_squared(): Calculates the squared 3D length for performance efficiency.

Distance Calculations

  • dist_to(other): Measures the distance to another vec3.
  • dist_to_ignore_z(other): Measures distance, ignoring Z coordinates.
  • squared_dist_to(other): Calculates the squared distance for efficiency.
  • squared_dist_to_ignore_z(other): Squared distance calculation, excluding Z.


These distance methods are useful for determining proximity between points in both 2D and 3D contexts, with options to consider or ignore the Z-axis.

Rotate Around

rotate_around(origin, degree) -> vec3

  • origin: vec3 - The pivot point for rotation.
  • degree: Number - The angle in degrees for rotation.

Rotates this vec3 around a specified origin point by a given degree, altering its orientation.

Project to 2D

project_2d() -> vec2

Projects the vec3 onto a 2D plane, typically by ignoring the Y coordinate, and returns a vec2.

Cross Product

cross(other) -> vec3

  • other: vec3 - The vector to cross with.

Calculates the cross product with another vec3, yielding a vector perpendicular to both.

Other Methods

  • get_unit_vector(): Returns the normalized unit vector.
  • get_extended(target, units): Extends towards the target by a specified distance.
  • get_perp_left(origin, factor): Calculates the left perpendicular vector.
  • get_perp_right(origin, factor): Calculates the right perpendicular vector.
  • lerp(target, coefficient): Linear interpolation towards another vec3.
  • get_relative_angle(other): Angle relative to another vector.
  • is_nan(): Checks for NaN values.
  • is_zero(): Determines if the vector represents zero.
  • get_angle(target, origin): Angle to a target from an origin.
  • get_angle_side(target, origin): Angle including the side (left/right) relative to an origin.


The vec3 class offers a comprehensive set of methods for 3D vector manipulation, pivotal for spatial calculations, movement, and graphical positioning in the Diablo Lua API.


Use get_player_position() to get local player vec3 position from global_functions

Use actors_manager.get_enemy_npcs() to get a list of enemies game_object from Actors Manager

Use vec3:squared_dist_to_ignore_z(vec3) for performance

-- Example: Using vec3 in enemy proximity checks
local player_position = get_player_position();
local enemies = actors_manager.get_enemy_npcs();

for _, obj in ipairs(enemies) do
    local enemy_position = obj:get_position();
    -- note squared_dist_to_ignore_z for performance
    local distance_sqr = enemy_position:squared_dist_to_ignore_z(player_position);
    if distance_sqr > (2.0 * 2.0) then
        -- Skip if the enemy is not in melee range
        goto continue;

    -- Logic for close-range enemy interaction
