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Vector 2

qqtnn edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Vector2 Class Documentation


The vector2 (vec2) class is a fundamental component for representing and manipulating 2D coordinates. It's extensively used for various calculations and graphical representations in the game.

Vec2 Constructors

Create New Vector2 Object

vec2(x, y)

  • x: Number - The x-coordinate of the vector.
  • y: Number - The y-coordinate of the vector.


Initializes a new vec2 object with the specified x and y coordinates, essential for 2D spatial operations.

Vec2 Methods

X & Y Coordinates

  • .x: Returns the x-coordinate (Number).
  • .y: Returns the y-coordinate (Number).

Check for Zero Vector

is_zero() -> Boolean

Determines if the vector represents a zero vector (both x and y are zero).

Project to 3D

project_3d() -> vec3

Projects the 2D vector into a 3D space, creating a vec3 object.

Calculate Distance

distance(other) -> Number

  • other: vec2 - Another vector to measure distance to.

Calculates the Euclidean distance to another vec2.

Calculate Squared Distance

distance_squared(other) -> Number

  • other: vec2 - The other vector.

Returns the squared distance to another vec2, useful for performance-sensitive calculations.

Check for Intersection

intersects() -> Boolean

Evaluates if this vector intersects with another object or vector.

Vector Length

length() -> Number

Computes the length (magnitude) of the vector.

Dot Product

dot_product(other) -> Number

  • other: vec2 - The vector to dot with.

Calculates the dot product with another vec2.

Get Unit Vector

get_unit_vector() -> vec2

Returns the normalized unit vector of this vector.

Calculate Angle

get_angle(point, origin) -> Number

  • point: vec2 - The point vector.
  • origin: vec2 - The origin vector.

Determines the angle to a point from an origin.

Extend Towards Target

get_extended(target, dist) -> vec2

  • target: vec2 - The target vector.
  • dist: Number - Distance to extend.

Extends the vector towards a target by the specified distance.

Screen to Game Coordinates

screen_to_coordinate() -> vec2

Converts screen coordinates to corresponding game coordinates.

Game to Screen Coordinates

coordinate_to_screen() -> vec2

Translates game coordinates to screen coordinates.

Rotate Around Origin

rotate_around(origin, degree) -> vec2

  • origin: vec2 - The pivot point for rotation.
  • degree: Number - The angle in degrees for rotation.

Rotates this vector around a specified origin by a given degree.

Check Equality

equals(other) -> Boolean

  • other: vec2 - The vector to compare with.

Evaluates if this vector is equal to another vec2.