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Use pytest to run our tests on Browserstack
Configuring and integrating your tests to use pytest and BrowserStack by following the step by step guide and the detailed code samples.
In our framework, we are going to treat each independent piece of information that BrowserStack requires (e.g.: browser, browser version) as pytest fixtures. Fixtures can be created for the parameters that are being used in the test function. These fixtures can be held in the test file or be held in a special conftest.py file separately. The perk of having fixtures in a conftest.py is that it can be used by my multiple tests.
To begin with, create a file called conftest.py and place it in the root directory of your repository or code base. Your root directory is going to be the directory from which you kick off the py.test command.
#Contents of the conftest.py file
def pytest_addoption(parser):
help="Browser. Valid options are firefox, ie and chrome")
def browser():
"pytest fixture for browser"
return pytest.config.getoption("-B") #Note how this ties to the newly added command line parameter
Everytime pytest sees browser as the test function parameter it executes the pytest fixture which looks if any command line parameter has been provided, if no option is given pytest uses the default option that was mentioned when the option was added.
You can modify your tests to work well with BrowserStack and pytest. Let us try running an example test to check the browser title and test the form in Qxf2-selenium-tutorial-page on Browserstack using pytest.
Below snippet is required to get a webdriver and set useful capabilities:
#NOTE: This is highly simplified code to make this post illustrative
#We do not use this code at clients
#We use Driver_Factory to return apporpriate drivers within our framework
def get_webdriver(browser,browser_version,platform,os_version):
"Run the test in browser stack browser stack flag is 'Y'"
USERNAME = usename #We fetch values from a conf file in our framework we use on our clients
PASSWORD = accesskey
if browser.lower() == 'firefox':
desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
if browser.lower() == 'chrome':
desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
desired_capabilities['os'] = platform
desired_capabilities['os_version'] = os_version
desired_capabilities['browser_version'] = browser_version
return webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://%s:%s@hub.browserstack.com:80/wd/hub'%(USERNAME,PASSWORD),
The get_webdriver method gets the browser,browser_version,platform,os_version sets them as the desired capabilities and returns the appropriate webdriver.
The sample tests to checkout the pytest and BrowserStack integration
def test_example_form(base_url,browser,browser_version,os_version,os_name,remote_flag,testrail_flag,test_run_id):
"Run the test"
#Initalize flags for tests summary
expected_pass = 0
actual_pass = -1
#1. Create a test object and fill the example form.
test_obj = PageFactory.get_page_object("Main Page",base_url=base_url)
#2. Setup and register a driver
start_time = int(time.time()) #Set start_time with current time
#3. Setup TestRail reporting
if testrail_flag.lower()=='y':
if test_run_id is None:
test_obj.write('\033[91m'+"\n\nTestRail Integration Exception: It looks like you are trying to use TestRail Integration without providing test run id. \nPlease provide a valid test run id along with test run command using -R flag and try again. for eg: pytest -X Y -R 100\n"+'\033[0m')
testrail_flag = 'N'
if test_run_id is not None:
#4. Get the test details from the conf file
name = conf.name
email = conf.email
phone = conf.phone_no
gender = conf.gender
#5. Set name in form
result_flag = test_obj.set_name(name)
positive="Name was successfully set to: %s\n"%name,
negative="Failed to set name: %s \nOn url: %s\n"%(name,test_obj.get_current_url()))
test_obj.write('Script duration: %d seconds\n'%(int(time.time()-start_time)))
#Update TestRail
case_id = testrail_file.test_example_form_name
#6. Set and submit the form in one go
result_flag = test_obj.submit_form(name,email,phone,gender)
positive="Successfully submitted the form\n",
negative="Failed to submit the form \nOn url: %s"%test_obj.get_current_url())
#Update TestRail
case_id = testrail_file.test_example_form
#7. Check the heading on the redirect page
#Notice you don't need to create a new page object!
if result_flag is True:
result_flag = test_obj.check_heading()
positive="Heading on the redirect page checks out!\n",
negative="Fail: Heading on the redirect page is incorrect!")
test_obj.write('Script duration: %d seconds\n'%(int(time.time()-start_time)))
#8. Print out the results
expected_pass = test_obj.result_counter
actual_pass = test_obj.pass_counter
except Exception,e:
print "Exception when trying to run test:%s"%__file__
print "Python says:%s"%str(e)
assert expected_pass == actual_pass