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robnagler edited this page Jun 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Usage Policies at RadiaSoft

Disk Space

We divide disk space into five usage categories in order of increasing volatility:

  1. /home - RAID, backed up nightly and archived permanently in two vaults
  2. /var/no-archive - RAID, backed up nightly
  3. /var/no-backup - RAID
  4. /var/tmp - can be removed at any time
  5. /tmp - cleared at boot

Our biggest constraint is on archived data. We compress the data, copy it to 2.5" disks, and take them to two separate vaults. As of 6/8/16, we are using 1TB disks, which is sufficient as long as people don't store experimental data in /home.

The general policy should be to run simulations in /var/no-archive.

Our JupyterHub partition is backed up but not archived.


On dev, don't use all the CPU. It's running production services like ownCloud and Sirepo.

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