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Toolkit Release 0.3

Vivekanandan (Vivek) Balasubramanian edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

Projected release date: 02-31-2014


Performance metrics, tests and scaling-up science use-cases. Paper writing.

General Tasks

Primarily responsible: Ole

Task Assigned Status
Document simple performance testing framework / procedure Ole x
Provide template for EnMD-based command-line tools Ole x



Primarily responsible: Ole

Task Assigned Status
Add test cases for all methods / placeholders, etc. Ole x
Implement performance tests / collect test results Ole x
Write paper section about pattern Ole x


Primarily responsible: Vivek

Task Assigned Status
Add test cases for all methods / placeholders, etc. Vivek x
Implement performance tests / collect test results Vivek x
Write paper section about pattern Vivek x
Write tool to replace extasy cmd-line tool using cmd-line tool framework Vivek x


Primarily responsible: Giannis

Task Assigned Status
Add test cases for all methods / placeholders, etc. Giannis x
Implement performance tests / collect test results Giannis x
Write paper section about pattern Giannis x


Primarily responsible: Antons

Task Assigned Status
Add test cases for all methods / placeholders, etc. Antons x
Implement performance tests / collect test results Antons x
Write paper section about pattern Antons x
Write tools to replace CDI cmd-line tool using cmd-line tool framework Antons x

Application Kernels

Primarily responsible: Ole

Task Assigned Status
Implement tool-level abstraction for AMBER Ole x
Implement tool-level abstraction for GROMACS Ole x
Write paper section about Kernels Ole x


Primarily responsible: Ole

Task Assigned Status

Dissemination / Integration

Primarily responsible: Shantenu

Task Assigned Status
Deliver EnMD Tutorial (scope?) All x