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Erinome edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

This is an attempt to create a description for REST API used in Valetudo RE.

Note that it MAY and probably WILL change over time WITHOUT further notice.

Currently this list matches RE release 0.10.8.

Route Method Parameters Description
/api/map/latest GET   Gets latest unmodified map data in binary format as it comes from the device firmware
/api/miio/map_slot_slotID GET   Gets the unmodified map data from slot number slotID in binary format as it comes from the device firmware
/api/simple_map GET
  • slot (int)
  • scale (int)
  • drawPath (bool)
  • useGradient (bool)
Draws a map from latest available map data or from specified slot. You may also optinally choose to scale the image, disable drawPath or 'useGradient' to make it a bit quicker, since such renders take quiet a lot of time here
/api/get_mapdata GET
  • slot (int)
  • pixels (bool)
Return parsed map data. If slot is specified, it will return map data from that exact slot, otherwise it will use the latest available map data. If pixels are set to any true value, map data will contain all pixel data in image section, otherwise it will respond with all basic data not including distinct pixels.
/api/poll_map GET   This just tries to request a new map data if you somehow feel the current one is outdated
/api/current_status GET   The number one debug tool, it returns the results of get_status miio command in json format
/api/device_features GET   Returns detected features of the device, required for Web UI to decide which functionality to show
/api/consumable_status GET   Returns status of consumable timers, which expire over time spent in cleaning states
/api/reset_consumable PUT
  • consumable (string)
Resets the specified consumable timer, which could be one of main_brush_work_time, side_brush_work_time, filter_work_time or sensor_dirty_time
/api/interface_config GET   Returns webInterface section of valetudo configuration
  • localization (string)
  • style (string)
  • zonedImmediate (bool)
  • gotoImmediate (bool)
  • showMultimap (bool)
  • hideMapStatus (bool)
  • staticMapButtons (bool)
  • hideSegmentMarkers (bool)
  • hideControlMap (bool)
Sets webInterface section of valetudo configuration, where localization is 2-char code from supported languages, style one of dark, system or unset aka default, and other options are more or less self-explanatory booleans
/api/telegram_config GET   Returns telegramBot section of valetudo configuration
  • enabled (bool)
  • token (string)
  • password, host, proxy (strings)
  • clients (array of objects)
  • sendConsumables (bool)
  • sendConsumablesEvery (int)
  • notifyStatusTypes (0, 1 or 2)
Sets telegramBot section of valetudo configuration
/api/telegram_status GET   Returns {running: status} of telegram bot, where status equal to 1 is disconnected, 2 is error and botname is currently online bot name
/api/telegram_client/clientID DELETE   Deletes the authorized client with the specified clientID
/api/mqtt_config GET   Returns mqtt section of valetudo configuration
  • enabled (bool)
  • broker_url (string)
  • caPath, identifier (string or empty)
  • topicPrefix, autoconfPrefix (string)
  • qos (int)
  • provideMapData (bool)
Sets mqtt section of valetudo configuration
/api/token GET   Returns current device token
/api/get_fw_version GET   Returns firmware version information in json, i.e. {"version":"miio-client 3.3.9", "build":"002020", "nodejs":"v12.18.2", "valetudo":"v0.10.0"}
/api/get_app_locale GET   Returns quiet useless firmware app_locale information
/api/wifi_status GET   Returns firmware wifi information in json, i.e. {"connected":true, "connection_info":{"bssid":"00:00:00:00:00:00", "ssid":"Wifi Spot", "freq":"2412", "signal":"-69 dBm", "tx_bitrate":"72.2 MBit/s"}}
/api/valetudo_log GET   Returns last 50 lines from /var/log/upstart/valetudo.log file
/api/timers GET   Returns current configuration of cleaning timers in firmware
  • id (string)
  • cron (crontab-like string)
  • coordinates (array of array of ints)
  • fanpower (int)
  • edit (string)
Adds a zoned cleaning timer. If edit parameter is specified, it will try to overwrite a timer with the specified name or add a new one if no matches would be found
/api/ztimers/timerID PUT
  • enabled (bool)
Toggles on/off the zoned cleaning timer with the specified timerID
DELETE   Deletes the zoned cleaning timer with the specified timerID
/api/timers GET   Returns current configuration of valetudo zoned cleaning timers
  • id (string)
  • cron (crontab-like string)
  • segments (comma-separated string)
  • fanpower (int)
  • iterations (int)
  • edit (string)
Adds a cleaning timer. If edit parameter is specified, it will try to overwrite a timer with the specified name or add a new one if no matches would be found. Segments should be specified with their respective digital codes and are supported only on gen2 fw 2008+, segments should be an empty string for gen1 devices or when you want to schedule the full cleaning.
/api/timers/timerID PUT
  • enabled (bool)
Toggles on/off the cleaning timer with the specified timerID
DELETE   Deletes the cleaning timer with the specified timerID
/api/dnd GET   Returns current settings of Do-Not-Disturb timer (if set)
  • start_hour (int)
  • start_minute (int)
  • end_hour (int)
  • end_minute (int)
Adds or edits Do-Not-Disturb timer
DELETE   Removes Do-Not-Disturb timer
/api/timezone_list GET   Returns the list of available timezones on the device that can be used in timezone settings
/api/timezone GET   Returns currently set timezone from firmware
  • new_zone (string)
Sets specified timezone in firmware, new_zone must exist in device timezone list
/api/clean_summary GET   Returns overall counter of cleaning time and an array of IDs of latest 20 cleanings
/api/clean_record PUT
  • recordId (int)
Returns all available information of the cleaning with recordId ID
/api/clean_record_map PUT
  • recordId (int)
Returns a map slot containing the map of the cleaning with recordId ID (or "retry" when it's not ready)
/api/start_cleaning PUT   Starts a full cleaning or resumes a paused cleaning of any type
/api/start_cleaning_only PUT   Starts or resumes a full cleaning
/api/pause_cleaning PUT   Pauses cleaning or moving-to-dock phase, also cancels moving-to-point or spot cleaning
/api/stop_cleaning PUT   Stops cleaning and some other phases. Depending on firmware version, may require to use pause before
/api/set_lab_status PUT
  • lab_status (bool)
Toggles map saving functionality, in some newer Gen3 devices this can't be turned off
/api/reset_map PUT   Resets current map with corresponding forbidden zones and cleaning timers (though configured zoned cleaning timers will survive)
/api/store_map PUT
  • name (string)
Saves current map with corresponding zones and timers as name in valetudo local map archive
/api/load_map PUT
  • name (string)
Loads map name with corresponding zones and timers from valetudo local map archive
/api/remove_map PUT
  • name (string)
Removes map name with corresponding zones and timers from valetudo local map archive
/api/list_maps GET   List names of the maps stored in valetudo local map archive
/api/go_to PUT
  • x (int)
  • y (int)
Make device move to a point with coordinates (x,y)
/api/start_cleaning_zone PUT
  • array of arrays of ints
Starts zoned cleaning specified with [zone1,zone2,...] where each zone is [x1,y1,x2,y2,iterations]
/api/start_cleaning_zone_by_name PUT
  • array of strings
Starts zoned cleaning with specified pre-saved zone names list
/api/zones GET   Returns pre-saved zoned list
  • name (string)
  • coordinates (array of arrays of ints)
  • edit (string)
Saves a zone with specified name and a set of coordinates like [zone1,zone2,...] where each zone is [x1,y1,x2,y2,iterations]. If edit is set, it designates the name of the zone to overwrite with the new data.
/api/zones/zoneID DELETE   Removes the zone with the name zoneID
/api/spots GET   Returns pre-saved spots list
  • name (string)
  • coordinates (array of ints)
  • edit (string)
Saves a spot with specified name and a set of coordinates like [x,y]. If edit is set, it designates the name of the spot to overwrite with the new data.
/api/spot/spotID DELETE   Removes the spot with the name spotID
/api/start_cleaning_segment PUT complex array of ints Starts rooms cleaning, where array is [[id1, id2, ...], iterations, clean_order_mode] and id is a digital id code of a room, iterations defined the number of repeats, clean_order_mode equal to 1 means to follow specified rooms order
/api/segment_names GET   Returns the correlation between digital id codes of rooms with their user-defined text names
PUT array of arrays Sets the correlation between digital id codes of rooms with their respective names, where array is [[id1,'name 1'], [id2,'name 2'], ...] and idN is room id code and name N is a textual name for that room. Names should be no more than 23 latin characters each (regional symbols may take more than one char)
/api/merge_segment PUT
  • array of ints
Merges two rooms, digital ids of which is specified in array. Merging not adjacent rooms is possible but not recommended
/api/split_segment PUT
  • array of ints
Splits a room, using [id,], where id is room id code and (x1,y1) defined the beginning of a fictious line, splitting the room, and (x2,y2) the end of it. Those points should be within pixels of the room to be split
/api/autosplit_segments PUT   Tried to automatically split a map into rooms by some random algorithm only manufacturer knows about. Doesn't work when there are already rooms created.
/api/http_auth_config GET   Returns httpAuth section of valetudo configuration
  • enabled (bool)
  • username (string)
  • password (string)
Sets basic http authentication parameters used for accessing Web UI if enabled
/api/forbidden_markers GET   Returns forbidden zones and virtual walls previously saved into valetudo configuration
  • virtual_walls (array of array of ints)
  • forbidden_zones (array of array of ints)
  • forbidden_mop_zones (array of array of ints)
Saves specified forbidden zones and virtual walls into valetudo configuration for backup purposes. Each virtual wall has two (x,y) points defining respectively start and end of the wall. Each zone has four (x,y) points, defining each its corner.
/api/persistent_data PUT
  • virtual_walls (array of array of ints)
  • forbidden_zones (array of array of ints)
  • forbidden_mop_zones (array of array of ints)
Saves specified forbidden zones and virtual walls into firmware to be actually used in device navigation. No-Mop-Zones are supported only on selected Gen3 devices.
/api/reboot_device PUT   Asks the device to reboot itself
/api/fanspeed PUT speed (int) Sets fan speed of the device. Can be any number from 0 to 100 (like percents) on older firmware or numbers from 101 to 105 (distinct values) for newer firmware, having 105 as a special case for mop mode
/api/sound_volume GET   Returns current sound volume set
PUT volume (int) Sets sound volume from 0 to 100
/api/test_sound_volume PUT   Allows to check current sound volume of the device
/api/ssh_keys GET   Returns ssh keys authorized for logging into the device
PUT keys (string) Sets specified string as authorized keys for logging into the device
/api/ssh_keys_permanently_disable PUT confirmation (string) Should this route get a request with confirmation equal to confirm, the ability to rewrite the authorized keys will be disabled
/api/wifi_configuration PUT
  • ssid (string)
  • password (string)
Sets new Wi-Fi settings for the device
/api/find_robot PUT   Makes the device loudly cry "I'm here!" to be easily located (like you don't have the map, pff...)
/api/drive_home PUT   Sends the device back to charging dock
/api/spot_clean PUT   Makes the device to clean around its current location at high power
/api/start_manual_control PUT   Starts manual control mode
/api/stop_manual_control PUT   Stops manual control mode
/api/set_manual_control PUT
  • angle (float)
  • velocity (float)
  • duration (int)
  • sequenceId (int)
Controls the device manually while in the corresponding mode.
/api/auto_manual_control PUT
  • angle (float)
  • velocity (float)
  • duration (int)
Controls the device manually, but this will automagically call start and end RC mode and autogenerate sequence ids. This can be called multiple times in a row to have a chain of RC commands to be run.
/api/carpet_mode GET   Returns current carpet_mode parameters
  • enable (bool)
  • current_integral (int)
  • current_low (int)
  • current_high (int)
  • stall_time (int)
Sets current carpet_mode parameters
/api/install_voice_pack POST
  • file (file)
Tries to install a new voice pack
/api/install_voice_pack_status GET   Returns current status of voice pack installation
/api/send_update_request PUT
  • url (string)
  • md5 (string)
Makes device to attempt firmware update installation from the specified remote url and having a md5 hash. Later valetudo versions can read md5 from a remote file too
/api/get_ota_state GET   Returns results of miIO.get_ota_state miio command
/api/system_config GET   Returns system section of valetudo configuration
  • afterCleanDest (int or array of ints)
  • autoDockReturn (int)
  • autoMapRestore (string)
  • mapRestoreType (int)
Sets system section of valetudo configuration.
/api/override_queue PUT
  • gotoSpot (any value or undefined)
  • postCleaning (0, 1 or {x,y})
Specifies what the device should do either after performing a goto or cleaning. If gotoSpot is set, the spot cleaning will be run upon arriving to target point. If postCleaning is set to 0 - device will stop after cleaning, if set to 1 - return to the base, {x,y} - go to the location at (x,y).
/api/get_config GET   Returns complete valetudo configuration