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2D Heatmap

ray38 edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

As one can see from above, 2D Heatmaps consist three parts: the main plot, option box on the top-left corner, and color legend.

You can select specific point or points on the heatmap to highlight the corresponding region of the systems in 3D views

Main View

You could zoom, rotate and pan the view as much as you like to get the best view.

There is also tooltip showing the detailed information about a specific point when hover over it.

Option Box

Change the settings of the Heatmap

Plot Setting

  • X: property on the x axis
  • Y: property on the y axis
  • X scale: transformation of x
  • Y scale: transformation of y
  • points: basically the resolution of the heatmap. The more points there is, the better the resolution.

there are currently 3 possible transformations:

  1. linear: no transformation
  2. log10: log 10 of the data
  3. log10(-1*): basically log10(-1*x), comes handy when viewing energy density

Note that if you change anything in "plot setting", it won't take effect immediately.

You will need to clickthe "replotHeatmap" botton for the changes to take place

View Selection

  • Color Scheme: Color scheme of the color code. There are currently 4 choices: rainbow, cooltowarm, blackbody and grayscale, with rainbow being the default.
  • Opacity: transparency of the points
  • Size: size of the points

Detailed Control

  • Control the setup, position of the legend
  • change the background color


To select specific data points on the heatmap to highlight the corresponding regions on the 3D view, simply press "1" on your keyboard and drag a selection box on the 2D heatmap.

  • press "1" on keyboard for brush selection
  • press "2" for individual selection


to reset and de-select everything, simply double-click your mouse