Added explicit destructor to clients. (#481 )
Fixed warnings. (#480 )
Added conversion function from mqtt::qos
to suback_return_code
and v5::suback_reason_code
. (#478 )
Added boost::asio::ssl::context getter. Set [[deprecated]]
attribute to wrapped function for boost::asio::ssl::context. They will be removed on verion 8.0.0. (#472 )
mqtt_cpp is now separated from boost::asio::ssl::context detail.
Fixed boost::type_erasure namespace. (#467 )
Refactoring. (#465 )
Improved receive packet processing. (#462 )
Fixed comments. (#454 , #455 )
Added constexpr
. (#451 , #461 )
Use virtual function based polymorphism on endpoint receive packet processing. Existing APIs are preserved as callable_overlay
. (#444 )
Thanks to de-virtualization optimization, it is achieved zero-overhead.
<<<< breaking change >>>> Updated set_accept_handler()
's parameter to shared_ptr of the endpoint. (#443 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Updated start_session()
's parameter to mqtt::any
. It only for life keeping purpose. (#442 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Remove optional from puback, pubrec, pubrel, and pubcomp. (#441 , #470 , #476 , #477 )
Fixed invalid next packet read on disconnect packet process. (#439 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Remove optional from the parameter suback_return_code
(MQTT v3.1.1) of suback handler. (#434 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Replaced MQTT_NO_TLS
and default value is false. Now, all configure macro has positive meaning. (#428 )
Improved build system. (#425 , #459 )
Used old style boost::type_erasure. The new style causes compile error if -pedantic
flag is set. (#423 )
Introduced include dependency checking build option. (#422 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Improved parameters of the publish handler. parsing fixed_header
is no longer required. (#421 )
Replaced boost::asio deprecated API with new ones. (#419 , 466)
Set [[deprecated]]
attribute to derecated variadic parameter version of suback/unsuback family. They will be removed on verion 8.0.0. (#417 )
Fixed BOOST_VERSION comparison typo. (#413 )
Improved travis-ci. (#412 )
Added boost::multi_index debug flag to travis-ci. (#406 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Minimum boost required version is 1.66.0. (#403 )
Fixed lack of next read packet bug. (#402 )
Added missing include. (#398 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Introduced enum class instead of std::uint8_t. (#395 , #397 , #401 , #414 , #415 , #438 )
Removed invalid WebSocket code from the test. (#394 )
<<<< breaking change >>>> Added subscribe_options class. (#387 , #388 , #393 )
subscribe_options can be created from std::uint8_t
so the impact of existing code is limited.
<<<< breaking change >>>> Removed deprecated APIs. (#384 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.