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543 lines (377 loc) · 26.3 KB

File metadata and controls

543 lines (377 loc) · 26.3 KB



Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Faster server export removal for routes when unstable_dev is enabled. (#6455)

    Also, only render modulepreloads on SSR. Do not render modulepreloads when hydrated.

  • Force Typescript to simplify type produced by Serialize. (#6449)

    As a result, the following types and functions have simplified return types:

    • SerializeFrom
    • useLoaderData
    • useActionData
    • useFetcher
    type Data = { hello: string; when: Date };
    // BEFORE
    type Unsimplified = SerializeFrom<Data>;
    //   ^? SerializeObject<UndefinedToOptional<{ hello: string; when: Date }>>
    // AFTER
    type Simplified = SerializeFrom<Data>;
    //   ^? { hello: string; when: string }
  • Reuse dev server port for WebSocket (Live Reload,HMR,HDR) (#6476)

    As a result the webSocketPort/--websocket-port option has been obsoleted. Additionally, scheme/host/port options for the dev server have been renamed.

    Available options are:

    Option flag config default
    Command -c / --command command remix-serve <server build path>
    Scheme --scheme scheme http
    Host --host host localhost
    Port --port port Dynamically chosen open port
    No restart --no-restart restart: false restart: true

    Note that scheme/host/port options are for the dev server, not your app server. You probably don't need to use scheme/host/port option if you aren't configuring networking (e.g. for Docker or SSL).

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Cross-module loader change detection for HDR (#6299)
  • Better opt-out of loader revalidation on UI only changes (#6278)
  • Add useMatch re-export from react-router-dom (#5257)
  • Fix data parameter typing on V2_MetaFunction to include undefined for scenarios in which the loader threw to it's own boundary. (#6231)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Enable support for CSS Modules, Vanilla Extract and CSS side-effect imports (#6046)

    These CSS bundling features were previously only available via future.unstable_cssModules, future.unstable_vanillaExtract and future.unstable_cssSideEffectImports options in remix.config.js, but they have now been stabilized.

    In order to use these features, check out our guide to CSS bundling in your project.

  • Stabilize built-in PostCSS support via the new postcss option in remix.config.js. As a result, the future.unstable_postcss option has also been deprecated. (#5960)

    The postcss option is false by default, but when set to true will enable processing of all CSS files using PostCSS if postcss.config.js is present.

    If you followed the original PostCSS setup guide for Remix, you may have a folder structure that looks like this, separating your source files from its processed output:

    ├── app
    │   └── styles (processed files)
    │       ├── app.css
    │       └── routes
    │           └── index.css
    └── styles (source files)
        ├── app.css
        └── routes
            └── index.css

    After you've enabled the new postcss option, you can delete the processed files from app/styles folder and move your source files from styles to app/styles:

    ├── app
    │   └── styles (source files)
    │       ├── app.css
    │       └── routes
    │           └── index.css

    You should then remove app/styles from your .gitignore file since it now contains source files rather than processed output.

    You can then update your package.json scripts to remove any usage of postcss since Remix handles this automatically. For example, if you had followed the original setup guide:

      "scripts": {
    -    "dev:css": "postcss styles --base styles --dir app/styles -w",
    -    "build:css": "postcss styles --base styles --dir app/styles --env production",
    -    "dev": "concurrently \"npm run dev:css\" \"remix dev\""
    +    "dev": "remix dev"
  • Stabilize built-in Tailwind support via the new tailwind option in remix.config.js. As a result, the future.unstable_tailwind option has also been deprecated. (#5960)

    The tailwind option is false by default, but when set to true will enable built-in support for Tailwind functions and directives in your CSS files if tailwindcss is installed.

    If you followed the original Tailwind setup guide for Remix and want to make use of this feature, you should first delete the generated app/tailwind.css.

    Then, if you have a styles/tailwind.css file, you should move it to app/tailwind.css.

    rm app/tailwind.css
    mv styles/tailwind.css app/tailwind.css

    Otherwise, if you don't already have an app/tailwind.css file, you should create one with the following contents:

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

    You should then remove /app/tailwind.css from your .gitignore file since it now contains source code rather than processed output.

    You can then update your package.json scripts to remove any usage of tailwindcss since Remix handles this automatically. For example, if you had followed the original setup guide:

      // ...
      "scripts": {
    -    "build": "run-s \"build:*\"",
    +    "build": "remix build",
    -    "build:css": "npm run generate:css -- --minify",
    -    "build:remix": "remix build",
    -    "dev": "run-p \"dev:*\"",
    +    "dev": "remix dev",
    -    "dev:css": "npm run generate:css -- --watch",
    -    "dev:remix": "remix dev",
    -    "generate:css": "npx tailwindcss -o ./app/tailwind.css",
        "start": "remix-serve build"
      // ...

Patch Changes

  • fix(react,dev): dev chunking and refresh race condition (#6201)
  • Revalidate loaders only when a change to one is detected. (#6135)
  • short circuit links and meta for routes that are not rendered due to errors (#6107)
  • don't warn about runtime deprecation warnings in production (#4421)
  • Update Remix for React Router no longer relying on useSyncExternalStore (#6121)
  • Fix false-positive resource route identification if a route only exports a boundary (#6125)
  • better type discrimination when unwrapping loader return types (#5516)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Deprecated fetcher.type and fetcher.submission for Remix v2 (#5691)

  • We have made a few changes to the API for route module meta functions when using the future.v2_meta flag. These changes are only breaking for users who have opted in. (#5746)

    • V2_HtmlMetaDescriptor has been renamed to V2_MetaDescriptor
    • The meta function's arguments have been simplified
      • parentsData has been removed, as each route's loader data is available on the data property of its respective match object
        // before
        export function meta({ parentsData }) {
          return [{ title: parentsData["routes/some-route"].title }];
        // after
        export function meta({ matches }) {
          return [
              title: matches.find((match) => === "routes/some-route")
      • The route property on route matches has been removed, as relevant match data is attached directly to the match object
        // before
        export function meta({ matches }) {
          const rootModule = matches.find((match) => === "root");
        // after
        export function meta({ matches }) {
          const rootModule = matches.find((match) => === "root");
    • Added support for generating <script type='application/ld+json' /> and meta-related <link /> tags to document head via the route meta function when using the v2_meta future flag
  • Added deprecation warning for v2_normalizeFormMethod (#5863)

  • Added a new future.v2_normalizeFormMethod flag to normalize the exposed useNavigation().formMethod as an uppercase HTTP method to align with the previous useTransition behavior as well as the fetch() behavior of normalizing to uppercase HTTP methods. (#5815)

    • When future.v2_normalizeFormMethod === false,
      • useNavigation().formMethod is lowercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase
    • When future.v2_normalizeFormMethod === true:
      • useNavigation().formMethod is uppercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase
  • Added deprecation warning for normalizing imagesizes & imagesrcset properties returned from the route links function. Both properties should be in camelCase (imageSizes/ imageSrcSet) to align with their respective JavaScript properties. (#5706)

  • Added deprecation warning for CatchBoundary in favor of future.v2_errorBoundary (#5718)

  • Added experimental support for Vanilla Extract caching, which can be enabled by setting future.unstable_vanillaExtract: { cache: true } in remix.config. This is considered experimental due to the use of a brand new Vanilla Extract compiler under the hood. In order to use this feature, you must be using at least v1.10.0 of @vanilla-extract/css. (#5735)

Patch Changes


No significant changes to this package were made in this release. See the releases page on GitHub for an overview of all changes in v1.14.3.


No significant changes to this package were made in this release. See the releases page on GitHub for an overview of all changes in v1.14.2.


Patch Changes

  • Deprecate useTransition in favor of useNavigation (#5687)
  • Memoize return value of useMatches (#5603)


Minor Changes

  • Hot Module Replacement and Hot Data Revalidation (#5259)
    • Requires unstable_dev future flag to be enabled
    • HMR provided through React Refresh
    • Features:
      • HMR for component and style changes
      • HDR when loaders for current route change
    • Known limitations for MVP:
      • Only implemented for React via React Refresh
      • No API exposed yet
      • Revalidates all loaders on route when loader changes are detected
      • Loader changes do not account for imported dependencies changing

Patch Changes

  • Remove duplicate manifest imports (#5534)
  • Ensure types for fetchers always include form* submission fields (#5476)
  • Sync FutureConfig interface between packages (#5398)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.3.3
    • react-router-dom@8.6.2


Minor Changes

  • Add built-in support for PostCSS via the future.unstable_postcss feature flag (#5229)
  • Add built-in support for Tailwind via the future.unstable_tailwind feature flag (#5229)

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added a new development server available in the Remix config under the unstable_dev flag. See the release notes for a full description. (#5133)
  • You can now configure the client-side socket timeout via the new timeoutMs prop on <LiveReload /> (#4036)

Patch Changes

  • <Link to> can now accept absolute URLs. When the to value is an absolute URL, the underlying anchor element will behave as normal, and its URL will not be prefetched. (#5092)
  • Bump React Router dependencies to the latest version. See the release notes for more details. (#5242)
  • Added support for unstable_useBlocker and unstable_usePrompt from React Router (#5151)


No significant changes to this package were made in this release. See the releases page on GitHub for an overview of all changes in v1.11.1.


Minor Changes

  • Added support for Vanilla Extract via the unstable_vanillaExtract future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#5040)
  • Add support for CSS side-effect imports via the unstable_cssSideEffectImports future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#4919)
  • Add support for CSS Modules via the unstable_cssModules future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#4852)

Patch Changes

  • Fix v2 meta to ensure meta is rendered from the next route in the tree if no meta export is included in a leaf route (#5041)

  • Ensure useFetcher is stable across re-renders in backwards-compatibility layer (#5118)

  • Added the v2_errorBoundary future flag to opt into the next version of Remix's ErrorBoundary behavior. This removes the separate CatchBoundary and ErrorBoundary and consolidates them into a single ErrorBoundary, following the logic used by errorElement in React Router. You can then use isRouteErrorResponse to differentiate between thrown Response/Error instances. (#4918)

    // Current (Remix v1 default)
    import { useCatch } from "@remix-run/react";
    export function CatchBoundary() {
      const caught = useCatch();
      return (
          {caught.status} {}
    export function ErrorBoundary({ error }) {
      return <p>{error.message}</p>;
    // Using future.v2_errorBoundary
    import { isRouteErrorResponse, useRouteError } from "@remix-run/react";
    export function ErrorBoundary() {
      const error = useRouteError();
      return isRouteErrorResponse(error) ? (
          {error.status} {}
      ) : (
  • Introduces the defer() API from @remix-run/router with support for server-rendering and HTTP streaming. This utility allows you to defer values returned from loader functions by returning promises instead of resolved values. This has been refered to as "sending a promise over the wire". (#4920)

    Informational Resources:

    Documentation Resources (better docs specific to Remix are in the works):


Patch Changes

  • Fetchers should persist data through reload/resubmit (#5065)
  • Update babel config to transpile down to node 14 (#5047)


Minor Changes


Patch Changes

  • Update @remix-run/react to use Router from react-router-dom@6.5.0 (#4731)
  • Allow pass-through props to be passed to the script rendered by ScrollRestoration (#2879)
  • Fixed a problem with <LiveReload> and Firefox infinitely reloading the page. (#4725)


No significant changes to this package were made in this release. See the releases page on GitHub for an overview of all changes in v1.8.2.


No significant changes to this package were made in this release. See the releases page on GitHub for an overview of all changes in v1.8.1.


Minor Changes

  • Importing functions and types from the remix package is deprecated, and all (#3284) exported modules will be removed in the next major release. For more details, see the release notes for 1.4.0 where these changes were first announced.
  • Added support for a new route meta API to handle arrays of tags instead of an object. For details, check out the RFC. (#4610)

Patch Changes

  • Ensure route modules are loaded even in failure cases. This addresses a long standing issue where you would end up in your root catch boundary if a form transition to another route threw. This no longer occurs, and you end up in the contextual boundary you'd expect. (#4611)


Patch Changes

  • Fixed a regression in the browser build for browsers that don't support the nullish coalescing operator (#4561)


Patch Changes

  • Make sure namespaced Open Graph and fb:app_id meta data renders the correct attributes on <meta> tags (#4445)


Patch Changes

  • Ignore pathless layout routes in action matches (#4376)
  • You can now infer the type of the .data property of useFetcher from the return type of your loader and action functions (#4392)
  • Fixed a bug in <Form> that prevented the correct method from being called with non-POST submissions (b52507861)


Patch Changes

  • Ensure that <Form /> respects the formMethod attribute set on the submitter element (#4053)


Patch Changes

  • Remove unused type-fest dependency (#4246)
  • Preserve ?index for fetcher get submissions to index routes (#4238)


Patch Changes

  • Properly locked the dependency on react-router-dom to version 6.3.0 (#4203)
  • Fixed a bug with GET form submissions to ensure they replace the current search params, which tracks with the browser's behavior (#4046)


Minor Changes

  • We've added a new type: SerializeFrom. This is used to infer the (#4013) JSON-serialized return type of loaders and actions.

Patch Changes

  • Unblock hydration via async module scripts. (#3918)


Patch Changes

  • Previously, if an action was omitted from <Form> or useFormAction, the action value would default to ".". This is incorrect, as "." should resolve based on the current path, but an empty action resolves relative to the current URL (including the search and hash values). We've fixed this to differentiate between the two, meaning that the resolved action will preserve the full URL. (#3697)
  • Enhanced some types to work more seamlessly with React 18 (#3917)
  • Added a subscribe method to the transition manager, which allows subscribing and unsubscribing for React 18 strict mode compliance (#3964)


Patch Changes

  • Fix inferred types for useLoaderData and useActionData to preserve null value types (#3879)


Patch Changes

  • Allow the ReadonlyArray type in SerializeType for action and loader data (#3774)
  • Support undefined unions as optional keys in types returned from useLoaderData and useActionData (#3766)


Patch Changes

  • We enhanced the type signatures of loader/action and useLoaderData/useActionData to make it possible to infer the data type from return type of its related server function.

    To enable this feature, you will need to use the LoaderArgs type from your Remix runtime package instead of typing the function directly:

    - import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/[runtime]";
    + import type { LoaderArgs } from "@remix-run/[runtime]";
    - export const loader: LoaderFunction = async (args) => {
    -   return json<LoaderData>(data);
    - }
    + export async function loader(args: LoaderArgs) {
    +   return json(data);
    + }

    Then you can infer the loader data by using typeof loader as the type variable in useLoaderData:

    - let data = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
    + let data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

    The API above is exactly the same for your route action and useActionData via the ActionArgs type.

    With this change you no longer need to manually define a LoaderData type (huge time and typo saver!), and we serialize all values so that useLoaderData can't return types that are impossible over the network, such as Date objects or functions.

    See the discussions in #1254 and #3276 for more context.

  • Add WebSocket reconnect to LiveReload