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@brandur brandur released this 19 Jul 15:04
· 112 commits to master since this release

⚠️ Version 0.10.0 contains a new database migration, version 5. See documentation on running River migrations. If migrating with the CLI, make sure to update it to its latest version:

go install
river migrate-up --database-url "$DATABASE_URL"

The migration includes a new index. Users with a very large job table may want to consider raising the index separately using CONCURRENTLY (which must be run outside of a transaction), then run river migrate-up to finalize the process (it will tolerate an index that already exists):

ALTER TABLE river_job
    ADD COLUMN unique_key bytea;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY river_job_kind_unique_key_idx ON river_job (kind, unique_key) WHERE unique_key IS NOT NULL;
go install
river migrate-up --database-url "$DATABASE_URL"


  • Fully functional driver for database/sql for use with packages like Bun and GORM. PR #351.
  • Queues can be added after a client is initialized using client.Queues().Add(queueName string, queueConfig QueueConfig). PR #410.
  • Migration that adds a line column to the river_migration table so that it can support multiple migration lines. PR #435.
  • --line flag added to the River CLI. PR #454.


  • Tags are now limited to 255 characters in length, and should match the regex \A[\w][\w\-]+[\w]\z (importantly, they can't contain commas). PR #351.
  • Many info logging statements have been demoted to debug level. PR #452.
  • pending is now part of the default set of unique job states. PR #461.