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Releases: robotology/robotology-superbuild-dependencies-vcpkg


25 Jan 17:19
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.6.0:

  • Also set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH to ensure that vcpkg libraries installed in lib/manual-link are correctly found even without CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE (#40).


22 Jan 08:33
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.5.0:

  • Bump vcpkg version to the commit 45fc55825db2a5bcaffccff1e6afadc519d164ea. This vcpkg version solves the problem described in microsoft/vcpkg#14209 .
  • Remove automatically the .pdb files from the archive, to reduce their size (#35).
  • Install ignition libraries that are dependencies of Gazebo 11 with vcpkg instead of via colcon (#39).
  • Install irrlicht in archive (#39).
  • Install cppad in archive (#37).
  • Add package containing only YARP dependencies (#28).


For instructions on how to use the archive, please check the repo's README

Detailed info

vcpkg version: microsoft/vcpkg@45fc558
robotology-vcpkg-ports version:

Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports in the archive.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.12#1         The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
brotli:x64-windows                                 1.0.9            a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm...
bzip2:x64-windows                                  1.0.8#1          bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q...
double-conversion:x64-windows                      3.1.5            Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conv...
egl-registry:x64-windows                           2020-02-20       the EGL API and Extension Registry
eigen3:x64-windows                                 3.3.9            C++ template library for linear algebra: matrice...
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.2.1-4          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freetype:x64-windows                               2.10.4           A library to render fonts.
freetype[brotli]:x64-windows                                        Support decompression of WOFF2 streams
freetype[bzip2]:x64-windows                                         Support bzip2 compressed fonts.
freetype[png]:x64-windows                                           Support PNG compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps.
freetype[zlib]:x64-windows                                          Use zlib instead of internal library for DEFLATE
gsl:x64-windows                                    2.6              The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
harfbuzz:x64-windows                               2.7.2#1          HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
icu:x64-windows                                    67.1#7           Mature and widely used Unicode and localization ...
jasper:x64-windows                                 2.0.20           Open source implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part...
libjpeg-turbo:x64-windows                          2.0.5#4          libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
liblzma:x64-windows                                5.2.5#2          Compression library with an API similar to that ...
libpng:x64-windows                                 1.6.37#14        libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
libpq:x64-windows                                  12.2#10          The official database access API of postgresql
libpq[openssl]:x64-windows                                          support for encrypted client connections and ran...
libpq[zlib]:x64-windows                                             Use zlib (else --without-zlib)
libwebp:x64-windows                                1.1.0#1          WebP codec: library to encode and decode images ...
libwebp[nearlossless]:x64-windows                                   Enable near-lossless encoding
libwebp[simd]:x64-windows                                           Enable any SIMD optimization.
libwebp[unicode]:x64-windows                                        Build Unicode executables. (Adds definition UNIC...
opencv4:x64-windows                                4.3.0#5          computer vision library
opencv4[dnn]:x64-windows                                            Enable dnn module
opencv4[jpeg]:x64-windows                                           JPEG support for opencv
opencv4[png]:x64-windows                                            PNG support for opencv
opencv4[tiff]:x64-windows                                           TIFF support for opencv
opencv4[webp]:x64-windows                                           WebP support for opencv
opencv:x64-windows                                 4.3.0#1          Computer vision library
opencv[dnn]:x64-windows                                             Enable dnn module
opencv[jpeg]:x64-windows                                            JPEG support for opencv
opencv[png]:x64-windows                                             PNG support for opencv
opencv[tiff]:x64-windows                                            TIFF support for opencv
opencv[webp]:x64-windows                                            WebP support for opencv
opengl:x64-windows                                 0.0#8            Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cro...
openssl:x64-windows                                1.1.1i           OpenSSL is an open source project that provides ...
pcre2:x64-windows                                  10.35#2          PCRE2 is a re-working of the original Perl Compa...
portaudio:x64-windows                              2020-02-02#2     PortAudio Portable Cross-platform Audio I/O API ...
protobuf:x64-windows                               3.14.0#1         Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
qt5-base:x64-windows                               5.15.1#4         Qt5 Application Framework Base Module. Includes ...
qt5-base[latest]:x64-windows                                        Build latest qt version (5.15.1) instead of LTS ...
qt5-declarative:x64-windows                        5.15.1           Qt5 Declarative (Quick 2) Module. Includes QtQui...
qt5-graphicaleffects:x64-windows                   5.15.1           Qt5 GraphicalEffects Module.
qt5-imageformats:x64-windows                       5.15.1#1         Qt5 Image Formats Module - Plugins for additiona...
qt5-multimedia:x64-windows                         5.15.1           Qt5 Multimedia Module - Classes and widgets for ...
qt5-quickcontrols2:x64-windows                     5.15.1           Qt5 QuickControls2 Module.
qt5-quickcontrols:x64-windows                      5.15.1           Qt5 QuickControls Module.
qt5-svg:x64-windows                                5.15.1           Qt5 SVG Module - provides classes for displaying...
ragel:x64-windows                                  6.10-3           Ragel State Machine Compiler
sdl1:x64-windows                                   1.2.15#13        Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform dev...
sdl2:x64-windows                                   2.0.14           Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform dev...
sqlite3:x64-windows                                3.33.0           SQLite is a software library that implements a s...
sqlite3[tool]:x64-windows                                           sqlite3 executable
tiff:x64-windows                                   4.1.0            A library that supports the manipulation of TIFF...
tinyxml:x64-windows                                2.6.2-7          A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that ca...
zlib:x64-windows                                   1.2.11#9         A compression library
zstd:x64-windows                                   1.4.5#1          Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports in the archive.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.12#1         The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
asio:x64-windows                                   1.18.0           Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network...
boost-algorithm:x64-windows                        1.75.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-align:x64-windows                            1.75.0           Boost align module
boost-array:x64-windows                            1.75.0           Boost array module
boost-asio:x64-windows                             1.75.0#1         Boost asio module
boost-assert:x64-windows                           1.75.0           Boost assert module
boost-atomic:x64-windows                           1.75.0           Boost atomic module
boost-bind:x64-windows                             1.75.0           Boost bind module
boost-build:x64-windows                            1.75.0.beta1#1   Boost.Build
boost-chrono:x64-windows                           1.75.0           Boost chrono module
boost-compatibility:x64-windows                    1.75.0           Boost compatibility module
boost-concept-check:x64-windows                    1.75.0           Boost concept_check module
boost-config:x64-windows                           1.75.0           Boost config module
boost-container-hash:x64-windows                   1.75.0           Boost container_hash module
Read more


16 Oct 22:45
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.4.0:

  • Bump vcpkg version to the commit 70f192e073dd9e5ed503fc1e86d8a54e2fbaceb4. This vcpkg version solves the problem described in microsoft/vcpkg#10119, removing the need to specify the overlay-ports directory for each new port that is installed or removed. It also means that several ports have been updated as well.
  • Add glew, glfw3, boost-bind, libjpeg-turbo and portaudio vcpkg dependencies to the archive.
  • Add gts port to the archive.
  • Switch to use released version of Gazebo and its dependencies, see the gazebo-repos.yaml for the specific versions used in this release.


For instructions on how to use the archive, please check the repo's README

Detailed info

vcpkg version: microsoft/vcpkg@70f192e
robotology-vcpkg-ports version:

Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports in the archive.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.11           The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
asio:x64-windows                                   1.12.2-2         Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network...
boost-algorithm:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-array:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost array module
boost-asio:x64-windows                             1.73.0#1         Boost asio module
boost-assert:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost assert module
boost-atomic:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost atomic module
boost-bind:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost bind module
boost-build:x64-windows                            1.73.0#4         Boost.Build
boost-chrono:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost chrono module
boost-compatibility:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost compatibility module
boost-concept-check:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost concept_check module
boost-config:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost config module
boost-container-hash:x64-windows                   1.73.0           Boost container_hash module
boost-container:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost container module
boost-context:x64-windows                          1.73.0#2         Boost context module
boost-conversion:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost conversion module
boost-core:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost core module
boost-coroutine:x64-windows                        1.73.0#1         Boost coroutine module
boost-date-time:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost date_time module
boost-detail:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost detail module
boost-dll:x64-windows                              1.73.0           Boost dll module
boost-endian:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost endian module
boost-exception:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost exception module
boost-filesystem:x64-windows                       1.73.0#1         Boost filesystem module
boost-foreach:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost foreach module
boost-function-types:x64-windows                   1.73.0           Boost function_types module
boost-function:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost function module
boost-functional:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost functional module
boost-fusion:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost fusion module
boost-integer:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost integer module
boost-intrusive:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost intrusive module
boost-io:x64-windows                               1.73.0           Boost io module
boost-iostreams:x64-windows                        1.73.0#1         Boost iostreams module
boost-iterator:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost iterator module
boost-lambda:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost lambda module
boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows                     1.73.0           Boost lexical_cast module
boost-locale:x64-windows                           1.73.0#1         Boost locale module
boost-math:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost math module
boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows             1.73.0#6         
boost-move:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost move module
boost-mp11:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost mp11 module
boost-mpl:x64-windows                              1.73.0           Boost mpl module
boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows               1.73.0           Boost numeric_conversion module
boost-optional:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost optional module
boost-phoenix:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost phoenix module
boost-pool:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost pool module
boost-predef:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost predef module
boost-preprocessor:x64-windows                     1.73.0           Boost preprocessor module
boost-process:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost process module
boost-proto:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost proto module
boost-range:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost range module
boost-ratio:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost ratio module
boost-rational:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost rational module
boost-regex:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost regex module
boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost smart_ptr module
boost-spirit:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost spirit module
boost-static-assert:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost static_assert module
boost-system:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost system module
boost-thread:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost thread module
boost-throw-exception:x64-windows                  1.73.0           Boost throw_exception module
boost-tokenizer:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost tokenizer module
boost-tuple:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost tuple module
boost-type-index:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost type_index module
boost-type-traits:x64-windows                      1.73.0           Boost type_traits module
boost-typeof:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost typeof module
boost-uninstall:x64-windows                        1.73.0           boost uninstall port
boost-unordered:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost unordered module
boost-utility:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost utility module
boost-variant:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost variant module
boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows                    7#1              a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari...
boost-winapi:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost winapi module
brotli:x64-windows                                 1.0.9            a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm...
bzip2:x64-windows                                  1.0.8#1          bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q...
double-conversion:x64-windows                      3.1.5            Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conv...
egl-registry:x64-windows                           2020-02-20       the EGL API and Extension Registry
eigen3:x64-windows                                 3.3.7#7          C++ template library for linear algebra: matrice...
esdcan-binary:x64-windows                          6.3.0            Software Development Kit (SDK) for esd NTCAN-API.
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.2.1-4          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freetype:x64-windows                               2.10.2#4         A library to render fonts.
freetype[bzip2]:x64-windows                                         Support bzip2 compressed fonts.
freetype[png]:x64-windows                                           Support PNG compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps.
glew:x64-windows                                   2.1.0#9          The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is ...
glfw3:x64-windows                                  3.3.2            GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform libr...
gsl:x64-windows                                    2.6              The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
harfbuzz:x64-windows                               2.7.2            HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
hdf5:x64-windows                                   1.12.0           HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format f...
hdf5[szip]:x64-windows                                              Build with szip
hdf5[zlib]:x64-windows                                              Build with zlib
Read more


14 Jul 14:22
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.3.0:


For instructions on how to use the archive, please check the repo's README

Detailed info

vcpkg version:
robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports version:

Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports in the archive.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.6            The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
asio:x64-windows                                   1.12.2-2         Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network...
boost-algorithm:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-array:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost array module
boost-asio:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost asio module
boost-assert:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost assert module
boost-atomic:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost atomic module
boost-bind:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost bind module
boost-build:x64-windows                            1.73.0-1         Boost.Build
boost-chrono:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost chrono module
boost-compatibility:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost compatibility module
boost-concept-check:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost concept_check module
boost-config:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost config module
boost-container-hash:x64-windows                   1.73.0           Boost container_hash module
boost-container:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost container module
boost-context:x64-windows                          1.73.0-1         Boost context module
boost-conversion:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost conversion module
boost-core:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost core module
boost-coroutine:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost coroutine module
boost-date-time:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost date_time module
boost-detail:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost detail module
boost-dll:x64-windows                              1.73.0           Boost dll module
boost-endian:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost endian module
boost-exception:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost exception module
boost-filesystem:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost filesystem module
boost-foreach:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost foreach module
boost-function-types:x64-windows                   1.73.0           Boost function_types module
boost-function:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost function module
boost-functional:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost functional module
boost-fusion:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost fusion module
boost-integer:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost integer module
boost-intrusive:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost intrusive module
boost-io:x64-windows                               1.73.0           Boost io module
boost-iostreams:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost iostreams module
boost-iterator:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost iterator module
boost-lambda:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost lambda module
boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows                     1.73.0           Boost lexical_cast module
boost-locale:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost locale module
boost-math:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost math module
boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows             1.73.0-1
boost-move:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost move module
boost-mp11:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost mp11 module
boost-mpl:x64-windows                              1.73.0           Boost mpl module
boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows               1.73.0           Boost numeric_conversion module
boost-optional:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost optional module
boost-phoenix:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost phoenix module
boost-pool:x64-windows                             1.73.0           Boost pool module
boost-predef:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost predef module
boost-preprocessor:x64-windows                     1.73.0           Boost preprocessor module
boost-process:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost process module
boost-proto:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost proto module
boost-range:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost range module
boost-ratio:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost ratio module
boost-rational:x64-windows                         1.73.0           Boost rational module
boost-regex:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost regex module
boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost smart_ptr module
boost-spirit:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost spirit module
boost-static-assert:x64-windows                    1.73.0           Boost static_assert module
boost-system:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost system module
boost-thread:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost thread module
boost-throw-exception:x64-windows                  1.73.0           Boost throw_exception module
boost-tokenizer:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost tokenizer module
boost-tuple:x64-windows                            1.73.0           Boost tuple module
boost-type-index:x64-windows                       1.73.0           Boost type_index module
boost-type-traits:x64-windows                      1.73.0           Boost type_traits module
boost-typeof:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost typeof module
boost-unordered:x64-windows                        1.73.0           Boost unordered module
boost-utility:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost utility module
boost-variant:x64-windows                          1.73.0           Boost variant module
boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows                    7                a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari...
boost-winapi:x64-windows                           1.73.0           Boost winapi module
bzip2:x64-windows                                  1.0.6-5          High-quality data compressor.
double-conversion:x64-windows                      3.1.5            Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conv...
egl-registry:x64-windows                           2020-02-20       the EGL API and Extension Registry
eigen3:x64-windows                                 3.3.7-5          C++ template library for linear algebra: matrice...
esdcan-binary:x64-windows                          6.3.0            Software Development Kit (SDK) for esd NTCAN-API.
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.2.1-1          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freetype:x64-windows                               2.10.1-6         A library to render fonts.
freetype[bzip2]:x64-windows                                         Support bzip2 compressed fonts.
freetype[png]:x64-windows                                           Support PNG compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps.
gsl:x64-windows                                    2.6              The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
harfbuzz:x64-windows                               2.6.6            HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
hdf5:x64-windows                                   1.10.5-12        HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format f...
hdf5[szip]:x64-windows                                              Build with szip
hdf5[zlib]:x64-windows                                              Build with zlib
icu:x64-windows                                    67.1             Mature and widely used Unicode and localization ...
ipopt-binary:x64-windows                           3.12.7-1         Interior point optimizer
jasper:x64-windows                                 2.0.16-3         Open source implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part...
libiconv:x64-windows                               1.16-3           GNU Unicode text conversion
libjpeg-turbo:x64-windows                          2.0.4            libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
liblzma:x64-windows                                5.2.4-5          Compression library with an API similar to that ...
libpng:x64-windows                                 1.6.37-9         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
libpq:x64-windows                                  12.2-2           The official database access API of postgresql
libpq[openssl]:x64-windows                                          support for encrypted client connections and ran...
libpq[zlib]:x64-windows                                             Use zlib (else --without-zlib)
libwebp:x64-windows             ...
Read more


07 May 07:44
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.2.0:

  • Add an experimental variant of the archive that contains Gazebo simulator binaries (#17).


For instructions on how to use the archive, please check the repo's README

Detailed info

vcpkg version: microsoft/vcpkg@5852144
robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports version:

Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports in the archive.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.6            The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
asio:x64-windows                                   1.12.2-2         Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network...
boost-algorithm:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-array:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost array module
boost-asio:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost asio module
boost-assert:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost assert module
boost-atomic:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost atomic module
boost-bind:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost bind module
boost-build:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost.Build
boost-chrono:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost chrono module
boost-compatibility:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost compatibility module
boost-concept-check:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost concept_check module
boost-config:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost config module
boost-container-hash:x64-windows                   1.72.0           Boost container_hash module
boost-container:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost container module
boost-context:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost context module
boost-conversion:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost conversion module
boost-core:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost core module
boost-coroutine:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost coroutine module
boost-date-time:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost date_time module
boost-detail:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost detail module
boost-dll:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost dll module
boost-endian:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost endian module
boost-exception:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost exception module
boost-filesystem:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost filesystem module
boost-foreach:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost foreach module
boost-function-types:x64-windows                   1.72.0           Boost function_types module
boost-function:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost function module
boost-functional:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost functional module
boost-fusion:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost fusion module
boost-integer:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost integer module
boost-intrusive:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost intrusive module
boost-io:x64-windows                               1.72.0           Boost io module
boost-iostreams:x64-windows                        1.72.0-1         Boost iostreams module
boost-iterator:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost iterator module
boost-lambda:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost lambda module
boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows                     1.72.0           Boost lexical_cast module
boost-locale:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost locale module
boost-math:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost math module
boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows             1.72.0-2         
boost-move:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost move module
boost-mp11:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost mp11 module
boost-mpl:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost mpl module
boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows               1.72.0           Boost numeric_conversion module
boost-optional:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost optional module
boost-phoenix:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost phoenix module
boost-pool:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost pool module
boost-predef:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost predef module
boost-preprocessor:x64-windows                     1.72.0           Boost preprocessor module
boost-process:x64-windows                          1.72.0-1         Boost process module
boost-proto:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost proto module
boost-range:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost range module
boost-ratio:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost ratio module
boost-rational:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost rational module
boost-regex:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost regex module
boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost smart_ptr module
boost-spirit:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost spirit module
boost-static-assert:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost static_assert module
boost-system:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost system module
boost-thread:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost thread module
boost-throw-exception:x64-windows                  1.72.0           Boost throw_exception module
boost-tokenizer:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost tokenizer module
boost-tti:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost tti module
boost-tuple:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost tuple module
boost-type-index:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost type_index module
boost-type-traits:x64-windows                      1.72.0           Boost type_traits module
boost-typeof:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost typeof module
boost-unordered:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost unordered module
boost-utility:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost utility module
boost-variant:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost variant module
boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows                    7                a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari...
boost-winapi:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost winapi module
bzip2:x64-windows                                  1.0.6-5          High-quality data compressor.
double-conversion:x64-windows                      3.1.5            Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conv...
egl-registry:x64-windows                           2020-02-03       the EGL API and Extension Registry
eigen3:x64-windows                                 3.3.7-4          C++ template library for linear algebra: matrice...
esdcan-binary:x64-windows                          6.3.0            Software Development Kit (SDK) for esd NTCAN-API.
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.0.0-9          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freetype:x64-windows                               2.10.1-6         A library to render fonts.
freetype[bzip2]:x64-windows                                         Support bzip2 compressed fonts.
freetype[png]:x64-windows                                           Support PNG compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps.
gsl:x64-windows                                    2.6              The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
harfbuzz:x64-windows                               2.5.3            HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
harfbuzz[ucdn]:x64-windows                                          Builtin (UCDN) Unicode callbacks support
hdf5:x64-windows                                   1.10.5-12        HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format f...
hdf5[szip]:x64-windows                                              Build with szip
hdf5[zlib]:x64-windows                                              Build with zlib
icu:x64-windows                                    65.1-3           Mature and widely used Unicode and localization ...
ipopt-binary:x64-windows                           3.12.7           Interior point optimizer
jasper:x64-windows                                 2.0.16-3         Open source implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part...
libiconv:x64-windows                               1.16-1           GNU Unicode text conversion
libjpeg-turbo:x64-windows                          2.0.4            libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
liblzma:x64-windows                                5.2.4-4          Compression library with an API similar to that ...
libpng:x64-windows                                 1.6.37-7         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
libpq:x64-windows                                  12.0-1           The official database access API of postgresql
libpq[openssl]:x64-windows                                      ...
Read more


29 Apr 10:10
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Important changes

The main changes from version v0.1.0:

  • Use a recent commit of vcpkg from April 2020, microsoft/vcpkg@5852144 that contains microsoft/vcpkg#10644 and microsoft/vcpkg#11029
  • Update qt5 to build with the latest feature, that install qt 5.14 that should be the first version of qt completely relocatable ( )
  • Substitute opencv3 with opencv, that installs opencv4
  • Install also asio, boost-asio, boost-process, boost-dll, boost-filesystem and boost-system, to fix #7
  • As the newer version of vcpkg are affected by the bug microsoft/vcpkg#10119, clone the robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports repo in C:/robotology, so that it will be contained in the same archive used to distribute the vcpkg dependencies . The documentation has been updated to cover this.
  • Install also qt5-quickcontrols to fix robotology/robotology-superbuild#354


For instructions on how to use the archive, please check the repo's README

Detailed info

vcpkg version: microsoft/vcpkg@5852144
robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports version:

Click to expand and see the full list and details of installed vcpkg ports.
ace:x64-windows                                    6.5.6            The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
asio:x64-windows                                   1.12.2-2         Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network...
boost-algorithm:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-array:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost array module
boost-asio:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost asio module
boost-assert:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost assert module
boost-atomic:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost atomic module
boost-bind:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost bind module
boost-build:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost.Build
boost-chrono:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost chrono module
boost-compatibility:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost compatibility module
boost-concept-check:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost concept_check module
boost-config:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost config module
boost-container-hash:x64-windows                   1.72.0           Boost container_hash module
boost-container:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost container module
boost-context:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost context module
boost-conversion:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost conversion module
boost-core:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost core module
boost-coroutine:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost coroutine module
boost-date-time:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost date_time module
boost-detail:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost detail module
boost-dll:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost dll module
boost-endian:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost endian module
boost-exception:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost exception module
boost-filesystem:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost filesystem module
boost-foreach:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost foreach module
boost-function-types:x64-windows                   1.72.0           Boost function_types module
boost-function:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost function module
boost-functional:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost functional module
boost-fusion:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost fusion module
boost-integer:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost integer module
boost-intrusive:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost intrusive module
boost-io:x64-windows                               1.72.0           Boost io module
boost-iostreams:x64-windows                        1.72.0-1         Boost iostreams module
boost-iterator:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost iterator module
boost-lambda:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost lambda module
boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows                     1.72.0           Boost lexical_cast module
boost-locale:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost locale module
boost-math:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost math module
boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows             1.72.0-2         
boost-move:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost move module
boost-mp11:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost mp11 module
boost-mpl:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost mpl module
boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows               1.72.0           Boost numeric_conversion module
boost-optional:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost optional module
boost-phoenix:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost phoenix module
boost-pool:x64-windows                             1.72.0           Boost pool module
boost-predef:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost predef module
boost-preprocessor:x64-windows                     1.72.0           Boost preprocessor module
boost-process:x64-windows                          1.72.0-1         Boost process module
boost-proto:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost proto module
boost-range:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost range module
boost-ratio:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost ratio module
boost-rational:x64-windows                         1.72.0           Boost rational module
boost-regex:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost regex module
boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost smart_ptr module
boost-spirit:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost spirit module
boost-static-assert:x64-windows                    1.72.0           Boost static_assert module
boost-system:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost system module
boost-thread:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost thread module
boost-throw-exception:x64-windows                  1.72.0           Boost throw_exception module
boost-tokenizer:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost tokenizer module
boost-tti:x64-windows                              1.72.0           Boost tti module
boost-tuple:x64-windows                            1.72.0           Boost tuple module
boost-type-index:x64-windows                       1.72.0           Boost type_index module
boost-type-traits:x64-windows                      1.72.0           Boost type_traits module
boost-typeof:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost typeof module
boost-unordered:x64-windows                        1.72.0           Boost unordered module
boost-utility:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost utility module
boost-variant:x64-windows                          1.72.0           Boost variant module
boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows                    7                a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari...
boost-winapi:x64-windows                           1.72.0           Boost winapi module
bzip2:x64-windows                                  1.0.6-5          High-quality data compressor.
double-conversion:x64-windows                      3.1.5            Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conv...
egl-registry:x64-windows                           2020-02-03       the EGL API and Extension Registry
eigen3:x64-windows                                 3.3.7-4          C++ template library for linear algebra: matrice...
esdcan-binary:x64-windows                          6.3.0            Software Development Kit (SDK) for esd NTCAN-API.
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.0.0-9          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freetype:x64-windows                               2.10.1-6         A library to render fonts.
freetype[bzip2]:x64-windows                                         Support bzip2 compressed fonts.
freetype[png]:x64-windows                                           Support PNG compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps.
gsl:x64-windows                                    2.6              The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
harfbuzz:x64-windows                               2.5.3            HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
harfbuzz[ucdn]:x64-windows                                          Builtin (UCDN) Unicode callbacks support
hdf5:x64-windows                                   1.10.5-12        HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format f...
hdf5[szip]:x64-windows                                              Build with szip
hdf5[zlib]:x64-windows                                              Build with zlib
icu:x64-windows                                    65.1-3           Mature and widely used Unic...
Read more


25 Mar 15:24
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Important changes

This release is the first one that is automatically uploaded by GitHub Action to the release page. For this reason, the structure of the archive changed: it is not anymore an archive that contains the content of the C:\robotology\vcpkg, but rather an archive that contains the robotology directory, and that can be extracted directly in C: .

For this reason the archive can now used in GitHub Actions with this snippet:

    - name: Dependencies [Windows]
      if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
      run: |
        # To avoid spending a huge time compiling vcpkg dependencies, we download an archive  that comes precompiled with all the ports that we need 
        choco install -y wget unzip
        # To avoid problems with non-relocatable packages, we unzip the archive exactly in the same directory
        # that has been used to create the pre-compiled archive
        cd C:/
        unzip -d C:/

Furthermore the release is the first one to include the ensenso-binary port and the sqlite3[core,tools] port.

Detailed info

  • vcpkg version: 2019.10
  • robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports version: v0.1.0

The following libraries (and their dependencies) are built using vcpkg:

  • ace
  • freeglut
  • gsl
  • eigen3
  • ode
  • libxml2
  • eigen3
  • opencv3
  • matio
  • sdl1
  • sdl2
  • qt5-base
  • qt5-declarative
  • qt5-multimedia
  • qt5-quickcontrols2
  • sqlite3[core,tool]

furthermore, the ipopt-binary and the esdcan-binary from robotology-vcpkg-binary-ports are also installed.


30 Jan 23:19
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With this change, the archive will be created in C:/robotology/vcpkg instead of C:/vcpkg-robotology to be compatible with a forthcoming installer that will install multiple artifacts under C:/robotology (the installer scripts are available in robotology/robotology-superbuild#334).
This change will mean that the GitHub Action code to use the archive will change from:

    - name: Dependencies [Windows]
      if: matrix.os == 'windows-2019'
      run: |
        # To avoid spending a huge time compiling vcpkg dependencies, we download a root that comes precompiled with all the ports that we need 
        choco install -y wget unzip
        # To avoid problems with non-relocatable packages, we unzip the archive exactly in the same C:/vcpkg-robotology 
        # that has been used to create the pre-compiled archive
        cd C:/


    - name: Dependencies [Windows]
      if: matrix.os == 'windows-2019'
      run: |
        # To avoid spending a huge time compiling vcpkg dependencies, we download a root that comes precompiled with all the ports that we need 
        choco install -y wget unzip
        # To avoid problems with non-relocatable packages, we unzip the archive exactly in the same C:/vcpkg-robotology 
        # that has been used to create the pre-compiled archive
        cd C:/
        md C:/robotology
        md C:/robotology/vcpkg
        unzip -d C:/robotology/vcpkg

See #5 .

0.0.2 : Alpha Release

16 Nov 14:38
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0.0.2 : Alpha Release Pre-release

Alpha release for testing, not ready for production use.

With respect to 0.0.1, the qt5-declarative, qt5-multimedia and qt5-quickcontrols2 ports were added to support all the GUI of YARP.

0.0.1 : Alpha Release

14 Nov 15:09
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0.0.1 : Alpha Release Pre-release

Alpha release for testing, not ready for production use.