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Andrew Koryavchenko edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 17 revisions


CodeJam library



Namespace Description

The CodeJam namespace contains classes that contains commonly-used functionality.

Classes also provide some useful algorithms, common assertion methods, helpers for IDisposable, useful Func(TResult) instances.

CodeJam.Arithmetic The CodeJam.Arithmetic namespace contains classes that allow to use arithmetic operations with generic arguments.
CodeJam.Collections The CodeJam.Collections namespace contains IEnumerable(T), array, or other collections related functionality.
CodeJam.Dates The CodeJam.Dates namespace contains types for DateTime, DateTimeOffset and TimeSpan related functionality.
CodeJam.Expressions The CodeJam.Expressions namespace contains Expression related functionality.
CodeJam.IO The CodeJam.IO namespace contains I/O related functionality.
CodeJam.Mapping The CodeJam.Mapping namespace contains classes and interfaces to suuport metadata reader.
CodeJam.Metadata The CodeJam.Metadata namespace contains type converters and object mappers.
CodeJam.Ranges The CodeJam.Ranges namespace contains types for operations over ranges of values.
CodeJam.Reflection The CodeJam.Reflection namespace contains types that helps working with System.Reflection functionality.
CodeJam.Services The CodeJam.Services namespace contains helper methods to work with IServiceProvider. Namespace also provide some service locator and IoC patterns related functionality.
CodeJam.Strings The CodeJam.Strings namespace contains types for Char and String manipulation.
CodeJam.TableData The CodeJam.TableData namespace contains types for working with CSV and fixed with text data formats.
CodeJam.Threading The CodeJam.Threading namespace contains classes related to multithreaded code.
CodeJam.Xml The CodeJam.Xml namespace provides helpers for processing XML.
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