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GSoD 2022 Contributing Guide

Saranjeet Kaur edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 4 revisions


R is participating in Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2022 and we're working on “Expanding and Reorganizing the R Development Guide"( The existing R Development Guide is here: Repo: Issues: GSoD 2022 has two phases and two project milestones (Phase 1, 40% and Phase 2, 60%) are expected.

Purpose of this guide

The purpose of this guide is to make contribution structured and easy for all participants of the GSoD 2022, and to have a central document that defines how participation can be made more effective. This guide would mostly benefit those who are participating in GSoD for the first time under the R project.


Meetings are regularly between participants to check progress and keep things on track for a successful delivery. Here is a tentative schedule for GsoD 2022:

We usually have two types of meetings:

  • Phase meetings – These are general meetings that bring together, members of the steering-committee, the project manager, and technical writers. The purpose is to discuss progress at the phase-level with a wider participation from more experienced participants, address blockers (if any), and plan for the next phase.

  • Progress sync meetings – These are bi-weekly progress meetings between the project manager and technical writers with a focus to make sure that things are on course and that targets are met. Issues or blockers identified here can be shared with the wider group on the #gsod R-devel slack channel.

Where are meetings held?

Meetings are mostly held on Zoom and @hturner or @nbenn usually provides a link (on slack / email) for the Kick-off, Mid-Phase and Delivery-Phase meetings.

Other communication channels

We also communicate at the #gsod channel of the R-Devel Slack to keep in touch in-between meetings: Participants are welcome to join.

Watch the repo:

Send your GitHub username to @hturner if you are not yet part of the R-Devel organization (

Meeting notes

Kickoff Phase 1 meeting notes:

Roles, expectations and meeting schedule

  1. [Steering Committee] (

The steering committee members comprise the GSoD admins and other volunteers with related experience that help steer the project.

Example expectations:

  • Provide technical knowledge
  • Review technical writers' work-products
  • Copy-editing
  • General guidance and overseeing efforts
  • Help GSoD admins with reports?

Below steering-committee members can add their names and how they want to contribute so that technical writers know what and who to ask for help.

Name How you want to help Preferred communication channel
Ben Ubah General Guidance/overseeing Slack, email
  1. Project Manager: The project manager’s role (TBD)
  2. Technical Writers: Roles and expectations (TBD)
  3. The rest of the R Community: How you can contribute (TBD)

Issues and Metrics

We want to label issues in a way that they reflect GSoD activity and reasonable categorization.

One of our metrics is "At least 75% of the open issues on the R Dev Guide GitHub repository are closed or at least become work-in-progress." So we should tag open issues we plan to work on during GSoD.

In addition to existing issues, we also expect more issues related to GSoD 2022 activity to be raised during the documentation, these should also be labeled - will help with project tracking and reporting.

At least use the gsod2022 label and any other label that you consider a reasonable classification to the issue you are raising or working on.