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Releases: rubenlagus/Tsupport


21 Mar 20:37
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  1. New official templates fetched from server.
  2. Custom templates can be added like before.
  3. Search Users by name, username or tq tag.
  4. Set support language in setting to allow official templates of that language to be fetched.
  5. All new features of official app (Version 2.6.0)
  6. Clear caché will remove completely the database and reboot the application

Available at

Material design

21 Nov 03:45
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  1. Material Design (Thanks for your great work Nick).
  2. Trello link working for all devices (at least all I've tried).
  3. Trello issues noted/solved working only for current completely translated languages (English, Italian, Dutch and Spanish). All the other languages will send English version.
  4. Messages Search: Instead of display messages, conversations that contains a message with the query are displayed, including number of unread messages in that conversation.
  5. On slide menu, option to search users by name (in users already in cache) or by username (as usual).
  6. Even you see broadcast option, they are disabled. I will build it so you can notify all user with a hashtag at the same time (hope in a couple of weeks... but don't promise anything).
  7. Self-username read-only
  8. Privacy-setting: please don't touch without permission.
  9. New dark icon (We wanted it pink, but I still have burns after the Holy fire from Markus :P). THANKS @Ecron

Trello Integration, avoid download user photos

30 Oct 00:56
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  1. Messages as read fix and trello bug
  2. Updated Italian and Spanish templates
  3. Clear caché in settings (no more automatic)
  4. Option to avoid download of user profiles photos
  5. Bug fixed with templates and blocked users
  6. Merge with last version of Telegram Cliente.
  7. Trello integration (after granting access to it from settings):
    • In a chat, tap on attach button and choose Open issues, it will show a list from trello. Tap on one of them and the message informing the user that the bug was noted will be sent automatic.
    • In a chat, tap on attach button and choose Closed issues, it will show a list from trello. Tap on one of them and the message informing the user that the bug was solved will be sent automatic.
  8. Issue noted and Issue solved messages will only works in the languages that has already been translated in Transifex.

Improve Owned Feature, Search, Password lock, etc

18 Sep 03:20
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  1. Unassign conversation: Clicking on the closing symbol of assign message (#8)
  2. Reassign conversation: Clicking on the reload symbol of unassign message or already assign message (#8)
  3. All TSF group in same server (#5)
  4. Improve security (#6)
  5. Updated Spanish and German templates (#7)
  6. Fix mark as read problem
  7. Fix visual problem (#11)
  8. Bug drawing media dialogs fixed (#14)
  9. Password lock added. Will prompt for code (if set in settings) if the app is closed for 30 sec. (#13)
  10. Search function now allow toggling between search messages and search users. (#12)
  11. Search allow scrolling to get more result (#12)
  12. Templates auto-completion while writing them. (#16)
  13. Recode load templates from file (#17)
  14. New icon (thanks Riccardo)
  15. Bug assigning conversations
  16. Send a message like those writing just #issue:xpdMFJhw or #solved:xpdMFJhw:
    Your issue #issue_xpdMFJhw has been recorded and we get back to you as soon as it's fixed.
    Hello there!

    Just a quick info that we were able to fix your issue #issue_xpdMFJhw.

    Sorry for the delay. Please update Telegram as soon as possible to get our latest version and let us know if you have any further questions."

Second release

27 Aug 01:15
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  • Bugs fixed
  • Search function
  • Click on a message, choose hashtags and search with a hashtag from the message.
  • Templates font bigger.
  • Templates files format now is the same as desktop format.
  • Templates can be writen using Templates keyboard or typing the key within the 100 first characters of the messages as key( or ..key...
  • Load templates from a file in file system.
  • Remove stored templates when changing language.
  • Default templates files included for English, Spanish, Italian and German. More languages will be welcome :)
  • Own conversation feature (only for sdk>11), when opening a conversation it is register for the person for 20 minutes (other users of Android client will receive a warning when opening an "owned" conversation.
  • Contacts templates as "contact:+34123456789 Ruben Bermudez tsupport" (One word for name and no limit for number of surnames, finishing with a new line character). If more text added in next line of the contact template, it will be send first and the context next.
  • Remove possibility of edition of Tsupport user name and avatar.
  • New file Spanish tamplates.
  • Added more TSF Teams
  • Update template_en.txt and added template_nl.txt (from here)

First Release

27 Aug 01:00
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  1. Fix problems when marking chats answered by other members of Tsupport team as read.
  2. Ignoring secret chats from users
  3. Rename package to org.tsupport.messenger
  4. Added templates: English, Spanish, Italian and German. Delete them when changing languaje
  5. Allow only Tsupport numbers
  6. Remove SMS, location, wallpaper functionality and related permission.
  7. Added "Template keyboard".
  8. Split database in 2 part: One of them is deleted when app close.
  9. Fix problems adding templates.