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Releases: rwth-iat/rte

OV3 – Project restructuring completed

23 Aug 15:41
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This is a "pro forma" release to notify about the recent changes of the project structure.

New Project Structure of ACPLT/RTE (code name "OV3")

(see also #58)

  • manually created Makefiles and the acplt_makmak tool have been replaced by the CMake build system

  • OV libraries are no longer compiled as individual projects, but must be part of CMake project including the OV core

  • The previously included OV libraries for special purposes ("addonlibs") have been moved to separate Git repositories:
    rte_fblib, rte_field, rte_misc, openAAS RTE project

  • advantages of the new build system:

    • less boilerplate code (esp. considering Makefiles), easier compiling of OV and OV libraries from command line
    • dependencies between OV libraries are automatically considered during compilation, parallel and incremental compilation of all libraries is natively supported
    • simple usage of external C libraries in OV libraries, as in any other CMake-based project
    • native support for compiling with Microsoft Visual C and Microsoft Visual Studio
    • simple and extensible cross-compiling via CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE (see
    • simple static compilation of the ov_runtimeserver with OV libraries via a CMake option (see
    • simple activation of Valgrind integration for debugging via a CMake option (see
  • disadvantages of the new build system:

    • OV and required OV libraries must be included in every OV-based project (e.g. as a Git submodule) or must be compiled locally and made available via CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
    • no integration with Eclipse IDE yet
    • CMakeList files for projects and custom OV libraries must be created manually. OV library dependencies must be manually entered and kept up to date in addition to the inclusion in the OVM file. (see

Further (breaking) changes

  • the ov_runtimeserver's command line option -c is now an alias for --create instead of --config
  • FB objects included in Sequential State Charts (SSCs) are now linked to the SSC's tasklis instead of being triggered magically from custom C code (see #60)
    • This may lead to problems with special SSCs and fixes the timing of some of vdivde3696's function blocks, which may lead to an unexpected behaviour
  • ov_association_link now allows to re-link an existing link and, thus, to reorder existing links of 1:N and N:M associations without deleting the link first (see #61)
    • Thus, the function no longer returns an ALREADY_EXISTS error when encountering an existing link of the same objects

New GitHub branch structure

In this course, we have cleaned up the GitHub branches:

  • obsolete and merged branches have been removed
  • old, unmerged branches that are not based on OV3 have been renamed with the prefix archive/
  • the develop branch has been archived as well; the latest development state will be found on the master branch in the future.
    This is due to the fact, that ACPLT/RTE did not have a structed release management in the past and is not expected to have volatile development in the future. Hence, the distinction between develop and master is not considered to provide an advantage, but it has already led to confusion in the past.
  • the "old" state of the ACPLT/RTE project, including the old Makefile-based project structure is preserved at the ov2 branch

Development kits and releases that were distributed during openAAS workshop

02 Mar 15:39
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These binaries were distributed on USB flash drives during openAAS workshop in Aachen on 2-3.03.16.

first release after move to github

18 Dec 09:37
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This is the first release after moving our code to Github.

Release 2015-03-13

13 Mar 12:35
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Release 2015-03-13 Pre-release

This is a source only release. The kshttp library has a changed API for easier reuse.

Stable release 2015-03-11

11 Mar 10:35
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The version number corresponds to the chair internal SVN server.

initial github release

27 Jun 14:13
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This is the initial release of the rte on github with the corresponding binary files. The version number corresponds to the chair internal SVN server.