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Sein Coray edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 1 revision

To export information about executed tasks on a hashlist, you can use the report creation feature (introduced in 0.9.0). It allows you to create a PDF which contains the information you need. This feature requires you to have LaTeX installed and pdflatex being in the path, so Hashtopolis can call it.

Hashtopolis only provides some simple examples showing how you can use the templates for creating reports. All templates for reports are placed in src/templates/reports. The first part of the name specifies the type of the report, the second part is the name of the template.

To process the data and create the latex code, some commands can be used:

  • FOR

These allow to iterate over data sets (e.g. tasks) and create the required structure.

When a template is used, the data is loaded from the database and takes the current state of all this entries, applies it to the template and afterwards renders the generated LaTeX code into a PDF to download. Please note that the PDF is generated every time when you create a report, so changes are taken into the PDF immediately without any delay after occurring.