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Release Notes 4.2.1

Simon Braconnier edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

Change Log

4.2.1 (2018-11-02)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Stop using deprecated command lines options using LibreOffice #106
  • Redirect office output to jodconverter logs. #105
  • Add support for auto detecting OpenOffice4 path for linux DEB-based Installation #101
  • Add property for setting ProcessManager explicitly #100
  • Use LibreOffice libraries instead of Apache Open-Office ones by default #99
  • Add a property to trust all certificate in jodconverter-online module #98
  • Add properties to the spring-boot-starter allowing document formats customization. #94
  • Add templateProfileDirOrDefault option to the LocalOfficeManager builder. #81
  • gradlew is not executable #74
  • Check workingDir for writing #67
  • No way to specify filter parameters with CLI version #63
  • No-args constructor for DocumentFormat does not exist #59
  • Added bean and property for ProcessManager for custom implementation. #104 (alexey-atiskov)
  • Add Server / Client hint for better understanding #90 (EugenMayer)
  • Add BMP support #86 (ggsurrel)
  • Supporting more platforms #85 (damienvdb06)
  • Make gradlew executable (refs #74) #78 (michelole)
  • remove sourcefile extension check #65 (aruis)
  • Update,fix Mac OS find Officehome #64 (aruis)
  • Added JPG, TIFF, and GIF support #60 (recurve)

Fixed bugs:

  • Incorrect usage of Validate.notNull method #97
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