Packages to fetch metadata related to the makam music recordings and works from MusicBrainz
If you are using makammusicbrainz in your work, please cite the PhD dissertation:
Şentürk, S. (2016). Computational Analysis of Audio Recordings and Music Scores for the Description and Discovery of Ottoman-Turkish Makam Music. PhD thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
# audio metadata
from makammusicbrainz.audiometadata import AudioMetadata
audioMetadata = AudioMetadata(get_work_attributes=True, print_warnings=True)
audio_meta = audioMetadata.from_musicbrainz(rec_input)
You can either supply recording MBID or recording filepath as the rec_input
# work metadata
from makammusicbrainz.workmetadata import WorkMetadata
workMetadata = WorkMetadata(print_warnings=True)
work_meta = workMetadata.from_musicbrainz(mbid)
Please refer to demo.ipynb for an interactive demo.
If you want to install makammusicbrainz, it is recommended to install the package and its dependencies into a virtualenv. In the terminal, do the following:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python install
If you want to be able to edit files and have the changes be reflected, then
install compmusic like this instead
pip install -e .
Now you can install the rest of the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements
- Made the eyeD3 requirement clear
Sertan Senturk
We would like to thank Dr. Robert Grafias for allowing us to use his makam music collection in our research (in this repository the recording with MBID: 635530df-8e13-4587-a94d-32f3c1643ca6).