Create your resume in a few minutes with this totally responsive starter using React. Show off your skills, work experiences and activities in github.
Create a Gatsby site.
Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the default starter.
# create a new Gatsby site using the default starter npx gatsby new my-default-starter
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my-default-starter/ npm run develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!_Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial._Open the
directory in your code editor of choice and editsrc/pages/index.js
. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time! -
Generate production build
That command will generate a production build on public folder
npm run build
Update the configuration file with your data. The configuration file is in data/siteConfig.js
Skills is a set of your personal skills and their respective levels ranging from > 0 to 100. jobs is a set of your work experiences
module.exports = {
siteTitle: 'Ingénieur Développement Fullstack',
siteDescription: `Voici mon CV basé sur un starter Gatsby`,
keyWords: ['gatsbyjs', 'react', 'curriculum'],
authorName: 'Cédric COULIOU',
twitterUsername: 'sinsedrix',
githubUsername: 'sinsedrix',
authorAvatar: '/images/avatar.webp',
authorDescription: `Développeur, touche à tout. <br />
J'aimerais travailler sur des technologies d'actualité telles que <strong>Javascript, NodeJS et React.</strong>`,
skills: [
name: 'C#',
level: 80
name: 'ASP.Net',
level: 80
name: 'C/C++',
level: 60
name: 'Java',
level: 70
name: 'HTML',
level: 80
name: 'CSS',
level: 80
name: 'Javascript',
level: 90
name: 'NodeJs',
level: 25
name: 'React',
level: 50
name: 'Git',
level: 50
jobs: [
company: "VERLINGUE",
begin: {
month: 'fev',
year: '2012'
duration: null,
occupation: "Ingénieur étude & développement",
description: "J'y' développe et maintiens les intranets, extranets, services métier et technique."
}, {
company: "AUSY pour le CIMUT",
begin: {
month: 'sept',
year: '2010'
duration: '2 ans et 6 mois',
occupation: "Ingénieur développement",
description: "Développement, maintenance et refonte graphique de l'appli Starweb."
}, {
company: "ALTECA pour le CIMUT",
begin: {
month: 'avr',
year: '2010'
duration: '6 mois',
occupation: "Ingénieur développement",
description: "Développement, maintenance et génération de code sur l'appli Starweb"
}, {
company: "Synergie pour Ozalit",
begin: {
month: 'fev',
year: '2010'
duration: '3 mois',
occupation: "Ingénieur développement web",
description: "Conception et développement de sites corporatifs, e-boutiques et catalogues interactifs."
/* ... */
studies: [
degree:"Master Informatique du Logiciel",
location:"UBO de Brest"
degree:"Maîtrise d''informatique",
location:"UBO de Brest"
social: {
twitter: "",
linkedin: "",
viadeo: "",
stackOverflow: '',
//stackExchange: '',
github: "",
email: "",
siteUrl: '',
pathPrefix: '/gatsby-starter-cv', // Note: it must *not* have a trailing slash.
siteCover: '/images/cover.jpeg',
googleAnalyticsId: 'UA-000000000-1',
background_color: '#eeffff',
theme_color: '#25303B',
display: 'minimal-ui',
icon: 'src/assets/gatsby-icon.png',
headerLinks: [
label: 'Cédric COULIOU',
url: '/',