Releases: siyuan-note/siyuan
Releases · siyuan-note/siyuan
Support export and import settings
This version supports exporting and importing settings, and fixes the issue where assets cannot be opened on the iOS.
Below are the detailed changes in this version.
- Support export and import settings
- Improve appearance setting theme name display
- Automatic refresh of document tree information
- Improve middle mouse click when editing database cells
- Dragging the outline no longer causes the doc tree to collapse
- Displays the doc title image, tags and emoji operation buttons on mobile
- Improve editing of paragraph blocks containing inline formulas
- Improve data snapshot list loading
- Improve i18n text
- Moving doc search supports multiple keywords separated by spaces
- Improve inline tag style
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring whether to download assets
- iOS supports jumping to the target app via the target URL scheme
- Improve conversion of list blocks by shortcut keys
- Allow to set the PUID and PGID using docker
- Display tags in search results list
- Mouse hover notebook to display some information
- Improve HTML code block clipping
- iOS cannot open asset
- Some AI custom actions cannot be deleted
- iOS crashes when using some third-party themes
- Add
attribute to the button of the block menu - Ignore assets associated with the
block attribute when cleaning unreferenced assets
- Display tags in search results list
- Improve conversion of list blocks by shortcut keys
- iOS supports jumping to the target app via the target URL scheme
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring whether to download assets
- Improve inline tag style
- Moving doc search supports multiple keywords separated by spaces
- Improve i18n text
- Improve data snapshot list loading
- Improve editing of paragraph blocks containing inline formulas
- Dragging the outline no longer causes the doc tree to collapse
- 编辑数据库单元格时,在编辑框外点击鼠标中键,效果应该与按鼠标左键或右键一样
- Improve appearance setting theme name display
- Support export and import settings
- iOS crashes when using some third-party themes
- Some AI custom actions cannot be deleted
- iOS cannot open asset
- iOS supports jumping to the target app via the target URL scheme
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring whether to download assets
- Improve inline tag style
- Moving doc search supports multiple keywords separated by spaces
- Improve i18n text
- Improve data snapshot list loading
- Improve editing of paragraph blocks containing inline formulas
- Dragging the outline no longer causes the doc tree to collapse
- Improve appearance setting theme name display
- Support export and import settings
- iOS crashes when using some third-party themes
- Some AI custom actions cannot be deleted
- iOS cannot open asset
Persistent document tree expansion state
This version improves many details and enhances performance and stability.
Below are the detailed changes in this version.
- Persistent document tree expansion state
- Improve visual flickering in database drag & drop
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring document tags
- Parsing YAML Front Matter as document custom attributes when importing Markdown files
- Highlight regular expression search results
- Supports disabling Markdown
syntax input - Browser clipping extension supports path selection
- Add a template function
- Improve the interactive effect of dragging blocks
- Improve code block chart paste-rendering
- Improve database date field pasting
- Improve database relation and rollup field exporting
- Automatically refresh the outline after redoing the heading
- Support converting single heading and list into blockquote
- Improve export of heading levels in embedded blocks
- Improve inline element editing
- Support setting height for images
- Refresh result list after find-replace
- After rolling back doc refresh other associated blocks
- After find-replacing block refresh other associated blocks
- Authorization is no longer required when exporting compressed packages in formats such as markdown
- Improve database block/text/asset/template/relation/rollup field sorting
- When rolling back a snapshot, a snapshot is created for the current data by default
- Loading screen popup messages no longer block UI loading
- Automatically refresh reference counts after adding or removing embed blocks
- Improve database url and asset field exporting
- Improve cloud data synchronization stability
- Data snapshot support pagination navigation
- Internationalization supports Italian language
- File history support pagination navigation
- Replace fails when search results contain mixed case in text elements
- Split-screen content blocks are out of sync after focusing
- After the image is set to center, the width cannot be adjusted through the menu
- An exception occurs after changing the text element in the table cell
- Unable to set Flashcard FSRS Weights
- Subdocument path not updated after moving parent document
- Some PDF assets are not content searchable
- Clicking the document tag in the graph reports an error
- Add plugin event
- Add
attribute to the button of the block menu - Improve /menu
- Data snapshots support pagination navigation
- Improve cloud data synchronization stability
- Improve database url and asset field exporting
- Automatically refresh reference counts after adding or removing embed blocks
- Loading screen popup messages no longer block UI loading
- When rolling back a snapshot, a snapshot is created for the current data by default
- Improve database block/text/asset/template/relation/rollup field sorting
- Authorization is no longer required when exporting compressed packages in formats such as markdown
- After find-replacing block refresh other associated blocks
- After rolling back doc refresh other associated blocks
- Refresh result list after find-replace
- Support setting height for images
- Improve inline element editing
- Improve export of heading levels in embedded blocks
- Support converting single heading and list into blockquote
- Automatically refresh the outline after redoing the heading
- Improve database relation and rollup field exporting
- Improve database date field pasting
- Improve code block chart paste-rendering
- Improve the interactive effect of dragging blocks
- Add a template function
- Browser clipping extension supports path selection
- Supports disabling Markdown
syntax input - Highlight regular expression search results
- Parsing YAML Front Matter as document custom attributes when importing Markdown files
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring document tags
- Improve visual flickering in database drag & drop
- Persistent document tree expansion state
- Some PDF assets are not content searchable
- Subdocument path not updated after moving parent document
- Unable to set Flashcard FSRS Weights
- An exception occurs after changing the text element in the table cell
- After the image is set to center, the width cannot be adjusted through the menu
- Split-screen content blocks are out of sync after focusing
- Replace fails when search results contain mixed case in text elements
- Improve cloud data synchronization stability
- Improve database url and asset field exporting
- Automatically refresh reference counts after adding or removing embed blocks
- Loading screen popup messages no longer block UI loading
- When rolling back a snapshot, a snapshot is created for the current data by default
- Improve database block/text/asset/template/relation/rollup field sorting
- Authorization is no longer required when exporting compressed packages in formats such as markdown
- After find-replacing block refresh other associated blocks
- After rolling back doc refresh other associated blocks
- Refresh result list after find-replace
- Support setting height for images
- Improve inline element editing
- Improve export of heading levels in embedded blocks
- Support converting single heading and list into blockquote
- Automatically refresh the outline after redoing the heading
- Improve database relation and rollup field exporting
- Improve database date field pasting
- Improve code block chart paste-rendering
- Improve the interactive effect of dragging blocks
- Add a template function
- Supports disabling Markdown
syntax input - Highlight regular expression search results
- Parsing YAML Front Matter as document custom attributes when importing Markdown files
- Browser clipping extension supports configuring document tags
- Persistent document tree expansion state
- Some PDF assets are not content searchable
- Subdocument path not updated after moving parent document
- Unable to set Flashcard FSRS Weights
- An exception occurs after changing the text element in the table cell
- After the image is set to center, the width cannot be adjusted through the menu
- Split-screen content blocks are out of sync after focusing
- Replace fails when search results contain mixed case in text elements
- Improve database url and asset field exporting
- Automatically refresh reference counts after adding or removing embed blocks
- Loading screen popup messages no longer block UI loading
- When rolling back a snapshot, a snapshot is created for the current data by default
- Improve database block/text/asset/template/relation/rollup field sorting
- Authorization is no longer required when exporting compressed packages in formats such as markdown
- After find-replacing block refresh other associated blocks
- After rolling back doc refresh other associated blocks
- Refresh result list after find-replace
- Support setting height for images
- Improve inline element editing
- Improve export of heading levels in embedded blocks
- Support converting single heading and list into blockquote
- Automatically refresh the outline after redoing the heading
- Improve database relation and rollup field exporting
- Improve database date field pasting
- Improve code block chart paste-rendering
- Improve the interactive effect of dragging blocks
- Add a template function
- Supports disabling Markdown
syntax input - Parsing YAML Front Matter as document custom attributes when importing Markdown files
- Persistent document tree expansion state
- Subdocument path not updated after moving parent document
- Unable to set Flashcard FSRS Weights
- An exception occurs after changing the text element in the table cell
- After the image is set to center, the width cannot be adjusted through the menu
- Split-screen content blocks are out of sync after focusing
- Replace fails when search results contain mixed case in text elements