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ROP analysis of multiple samples

Serghei Mangul edited this page Jun 19, 2016 · 11 revisions

More details will be added ...

Here we explain how to compare the immune and microbiome profiles across multiple sample corresponding to different phenotypes or disease groups.

while read line ; do echo "python ~/collab/code/rop/ $PWD/unmaaped/${line}.fastq $PWD//rop/${line} --qsubArray">run_${line}.sh;done<sample.txt

The proposed command will create individual .sh file for each sample. To run all .sh via qsub, use the following commands

ls run*sh | awk '{i+=1;print "qsub -cwd -V -N ropBrain"i" -l h_data=16G,time=10:00:00 "$1}' >
chmod 755
nohup ./ &

In case you have filtered fasta files (after step 1-2 of ROP) and you are planning to do microbiome profiling only, use this command:

while read line ; do python ~/collab/code/rop/ --skipPreliminary --microbiome  --qsub $PWD/afterQC/${line}.fasta $PWD//rop2/${line};done<samples.txt

If the number of samples is larger then the number of jobs allowed on the cluster use --qsubArray.

while read line ; do python /u/home/s/serghei//collab/code/rop/ --skipPreliminary --microbiome  --qsubArray $PWD/data/${line}.fasta $PWD//rop/${line};done<sample.txt

This command should finish fast. Next you need to generate

ls */microbiomeProfile/*/run* | awk '{i+=1;print "if [ $1 == "i" ];then ./"$1" ;fi"}' >
chmod 755 */microbiomeProfile/*/run*

Next count how many jobs you have:

wc -l

Copy the from ROP directory

cp <dir>/rop/source/ ./

Now you are ready to submit job array:

qsub -cwd -V -N rop -l h_data=16G,express,time=24:00:00 -t 1-1573:1

This is the message you expect see

Your job-array 30090.1-1573:1 ("rop") has been submitted

Congratulations!!! Now you are running 1573 jobs!!!

After you prepared the filtered fasta file (after step1-2) you can run a targeted analysis to profile B cell and T cell receptors as follows:

ls */antibodyProfile/*/*/run* | awk '{i+=1;print "if [ $1 == "i" ];then ./"$1" ;fi"}' >
chmod 755 */antibodyProfile/*/*/run*
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